Using The Tools of The r-strategist Against Them

The LGBTs want to take our rights:

The Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBTQ rights organization in the country, on Friday announced it is officially supporting stricter gun laws in the wake of the mass shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub last weekend.

The HRC’s Board of Directors made the decision Thursday evening during a special meeting, and agreed to support limiting access to assault weapons, expanding background checks, and limiting the ability of those on terror watch lists or with a history of domestic violence to obtain guns.

Rabbits don’t want conflict, and the powers that be don’t want a shit storm. Gun owners may, as a result of this type of action, genuinely create both – and they don’t even have to violate any laws to do so.

Most estimates are that there are around 8 million gays in the United States, though many question if that may just be an exaggeration designed to create an impression conducive to their goals. Personally I suspect it is closer to 3 million. Nevertheless, if these gays want to try and attack the rights of gun owners, all gun owners need to point out is that if they begin to feel hostile to gays, and begin to see gays as too emotional and illogical, they might begin to not believe the testimony of gays in trials.

If that happened, it would in effect jury-nullify all hate crimes laws, and possibly affect any trial involving a crime committed against a gay. Personally now, I am quite confident that nothing a gay says could be believed, if they cannot come to terms with the fact that Islamic fundamentalism, and not a gun, was the cause of the Orlando shooting. I can’t help but realize how that realization of their illogicality would contaminate any testimony from any gay in a trial setting. I would even question whether any physical evidence was manufactured by an overly emotional gay, unable to deal with simple reality as it exists.

To us, such an image of the future would be meaningless. But to an individual with an amygdala unable to confront even the slightest hardship, and terrified of the slightest threat, this realization would be horrifying.

There are about 102 million gun owners out there (32% of all Americans), and all a defense attorney would need to do is find one to put on the jury of a man who beat a gay guy, stabbed a transgender, or murdered a transvestite. Did a transgender man use the girls locker room when a pee wee swim team was changing, and get beaten to a pulp? Don’t think the beater is going to get convicted on the word of the gay. If gays think guns should be banned, then the gay’s testimony is meaningless, and I would assume any evidence had been fabricated in an overemotional meltdown.

I have to confront the fact that if gays are this unable to perceive simple reality, I could probably never vote to convict in any such case. I suspect if I had been on the trial of the Orlando shooter tomorrow, I am not sure I would have been able to vote guilty, given the stories of a second shooter, the gay holding the door shut, and the fact that the shooter himself appears to have been gay. It would all have been too convoluted, I suspect. I would probably have let him walk out the door of the courtroom a free man, and I would have felt it was the only moral outcome, given my convictions regarding the gay’s inability to perceive simple realties such as Islamic radicalism, and the fact guns reduce crime when the law abiding have them.

The potential consequences against gays would admittedly be dangerous. Millions of people who want to commit crime might begin targeting gays specifically, knowing that they would be unlikely to be convicted, given how all it would take is one of the 102 million gun owners to land on their jury – and the lawyers of the perpetrator would undoubtedly be looking for gun owners to put on the jury. Gang members, who need to kill somebody as an initiation might seek out gays as victims, thinking they would be a free kill, and sadly there would be nothing I could do about that. Those prone to engage in violence against gays specifically because of homophobia might be emboldened, and gay attacks could increase precipitously, and obviously all of those gay attackers going free without any consequence would be unfortunate.

However gays do not seem to consider our safety when contemplating their actions. They are all too happy to try and make us and our families less safe by preventing us from getting the guns we want to protect them. So the idea that gays would be less safe due to our realization that gays are too emotional and cannot be trusted, would not be of concern to me. I would have to vote my conscience – every time – and I suspect most other gun owners would as well. One thing we do well is vote.

If this idea were to spread widely, this development would have two effects. One, gays will be presented with an idea that advocating for gun control will bring real consequences they cannot control – something they are not designed to cope with. This is an open conflict stimulus which they are not designed to function in the presence of.

Two, the powers that be will realize they are bringing about a situation where the integrity of government will begin to be degraded. Once a group is, from a practical perspective, unable to appeal to the justice system for justice, it will not be long before the entire system’s foundation is in question. I suspect most politicians, rather than see this come to pass, would rather let everything cool off.

Perhaps this is the only path forward for the nation however – one step closer to Apocalypse.

If you as a gun owner feel this piece represents how you feel about this issue, please feel free to cut and paste this to your fellow gun owners, and publish it wherever you like – attributed or not, I couldn’t care less.

This entry was posted in Amygdala Hijack, Guns, Homosexuality, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] The HRC’s Board of Directors made the decision continue […]

Jeff Pope
Jeff Pope
7 years ago

I don’t think this argument works. First, it relies on observation to collect a fact. Radical Islam is the problem, not guns. That fact has been proven to me. Secondly, it is more than just the gay community that is immune to logic, reason, and observation – it’s the entire r-selected domain that we live in. (Check Molyneux’s “What Pisses Me Off About ‘See Something, Say Something’ ” posted today

I don’t think that I could find a “jury of my peers.” Our culture has turned so topsy-turvy that I can never count on a fair trial in my lifetime. Reason and evidence are dead, and people’s basic observational skills have atrophied.

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
7 years ago

Until leftoids, feminists, and queers say that Muslims are a bigger threat than White Christians, I’m going to sit back and enjoy the show.

Shit happens. They brought it on themselves.

It’s all good. Events are playing right into our hands.

More, please.

7 years ago

[…] Anonymous Conservative on the LGBT push for gun control. […]

7 years ago

Very interesting analysis. All kinds of things have emerged the past year that add both heat and light to our current assessment of society.

Our country is slowly losing its mind; what else to conclude when a fistful of Muslims help send off another Muslim to make pledges of fealty to ISIS only to have the left rationalize a way to pin it on guns and white homophobes.

The left has not gone after gun owners on a wide scale. What are they waiting for? Maybe they sense how powerless they’d seem if they went for it, and instances of law enforcement ignoring the order would put everything they value at risk.

John Morris
7 years ago

Why stop at just gays? Progs seem to like crime and criminals. Why vote to convict when the victim is a prog? They wanted it, they got it. Doubly so when it is Die-versity at work. Let them die and reduce the surplus population of rabbits.

7 years ago

The tide may be turning for some gay people. The Pink Pistols, an LGBT group that advocates gay gun ownership, reported a surge of its members from 1500 to 3500. Activists have posted “Shoot Back” signs in gay neighborhoods. (The reaction to this from gay community officials has been pure amygdala avoidance:)

Note how the female police captain of the region wrung her hands and said basically “It’s our job to keep you safe–by taking away your guns and taking violent means of self-defense off of the table…for YOU.”

7 years ago

[…] Using The Tools of The r-strategist Against Them […]

7 years ago

Most estimates are that there are around 8 million gays in the United States, though many question if that may just be an exaggeration designed to create an impression conducive to their goals. Personally I suspect it is closer to 3 million. Nevertheless, if these gays want to try and attack the rights of gun owners…

…then history will probably assign some middle value, say… 6 million sound about right?

John OBrien
John OBrien
7 years ago

This is the rantings of a lunatic.

7 years ago

You do realize that most straight Americans support gun control too, right? Are you going to try to deny them legal justice too? If not, why not?