Reuters Discusses How To Invest In the Trump Victory Portfolio

An interesting article:

The U.S. presidential race is tight after the first debate between the two candidates and only six weeks until the election. That means it’s time to start thinking about a stock portfolio in the event Republican nominee Donald Trump defeats his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

The Breaking views “Trump Victory Portfolio” mimics a long-short equity hedge fund to position investors for such an event. The New York real-estate mogul’s positions have been hard to pin down and he has proven to be fickle on a variety of issues. As credit-rating agency Moody’s put it in June: “Quantifying Mr. Trump’s economic policies is complicated by their lack of specificity.”

That Reuters even posted this shows they see which way the wind is blowing.

Pretty much anything which has thrived under Obama is probably not a good bet under Donald. Green technologies, companies requiring government handouts and State Department approvals, Mexican flag makers, as well as political consultant companies are probably all bad bets going forward. Coal, Oil, US flag manufacture, and antidepressant companies (for the liberals who will die without their anti-depressants), are all probably good bets, as would be anything involved in Making America Great.

Guns are a tough call. There won’t be as much panicked buying as there was under Obama, and yet the Apocalypse is probably only going to be slightly delayed under Donald, so I am not sure guns could ever go out of style.

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7 years ago

[…] Reuters Discusses How To Invest In the Trump Victory Portfolio […]

7 years ago

Trump is a builder, so maybe construction companies might do well. I dunno, I’m not really an investor.

If they build the wall there might be a renaissance in mexican tunnel digging. I was jokingly thinking that investment in a mexican excavating company might pay off well. Or at least investment in a mexican shovel store. XD

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

If he limits Asian countries importing then supply chains would be a massive boom. Stuff like machine tools, plastics, steel, cement, engineering firms, insurance firms and banks not exposed to global sales(tough to call), equipment to turn raw materials into products could shoot through the roof.

7 years ago

IT could take off again if he can A) prevent H1-B visa abuse B) prevent off-shore tax evasions (fuck you, Google and Apple).