Why Rabbits are Losers

When enemies are advancing, rabbits help them.

Saudi Arabia, which doesn’t permit the construction of churches but finances a mosque construction spree in the land of the infidel, will not be taking in Syrian refugees. Even though they are fellow Muslims. It will however offer to build 200 mosques in Germany for their use…

Saudi mosques have played a key role in the rise of Islamic terrorism in the West. Just think of the explosive wonders that something short of a million migrants and all the mosques they can Allah Akbar in will accomplish in Germany.

Nothing would make good sense like oil-rich billionaires in the Middle East taking in Muslim refugees and putting their wealth to good use. Yet rabbits insist the west welcome these foreign invading hordes who are clearly nation-shopping for the best welfare benefits.

One bright spot is that the refugees are so maladjusted they have begun fighting with each other already:

At least five arrests were made in Frankfurt on Thursday night after a march by supporters of Turkish nationalism descended into bloody violence when they clashed with rival Kurd separatists…

The fracas involved a group of around 380 participant and started at the city’s main railway station at 18.30.

Soon after the Turkish supporters set off there were attacks by immigrant Kurd counter-demonstrators who used sticks, bottles and stones to attack marchers. One taxi driver reportedly had his car damaged in the brawl.

Such aggressive displays are K-stimuli. They invite pause, reflection, and planning on how to survive should the violence one day be unavoidable. Desires for guns, protectiveness toward loved ones, and women seeking marriage above all else are all outgrowths you can expect to see. As we speak, I suspect some partial European rabbits are beginning to feel wolf urges rise up.

K-selection doesn’t hit everywhere at once. As the resource availability declines, the first places to see it are areas which were at the brink to begin with. What we are seeing with this migration is what the book described clearly in plain language. High long form DRD4 carriers, or rabbits, will flee their sparsely provisioned homelands as resources grow short and conflict rises. They will seek out areas of free resource availability. They will be a bit like a virus. High sex drive, reduced morals and rule adherence, diminished need to rear offspring, and increased aggression where they think they can get away from it (a rabbit exposed to resource restriction and violence may be more aggressive than many wolves exposed to free resources – if they think they can get away with it). They will run rampant in the new land, infecting the local gene pool, sometimes through rape, but they will mostly savage the grassroots rabbits themselves, as inherent to their nature is cowardice and opportunism. It is why they fled.

What we are waiting on is the next stage, which is resource restriction spreading to where they moved to. If, at that point, there is a place of higher resources available, they will move there, but if there isn’t they will wage war, but not selfless, courageous war for principle. It will be opportunistic war, wherever they think they can bully a weakling into submission. The thing is, these are not K’s. They are not the men who win wars – that is why they are fleeing.

What I predict is this. This immigrant wave will preferentially target the European leftists in ways indigenous Europeans could not and would not do. They will savage the European rabbit class, from rape, to robbery, to murder, with the tacit approval of grassroots European K-strategists, who will not intervene if they are smart and want their nations back on a more permanent basis. In return, European rabbits may push for universal vulnerability, through total universal disarmament and punishments for self defense, but I would expect that to not fly by that time.

To be clear there will be collateral damage along the way to good K’s but lets face it. We will deserve a lot worse for allowing this to happen. If I ended up burning in along the way, I think I’d have to acknowledge I had it coming. The vast majority of us will escape the punishments we deserve, while I suspect the rabbits will not.

Once European rabbits are sufficiently removed from the equation by the invaders (either fled, humbled, or dead), the invaders may try to attack K-strategists out of necessity. Then you will gradually see a movement to eject the invaders by force, and they will flee that “persecution” back to their homelands. My guess is humans will hear endless whining about the “Crusaders” for the next 400 years, and as the rabbit population rebuilds they will bemoan the cruelty and lack of consideration inherent to ejecting the invaders.

We may not see the whole thing in our lifetimes, but I expect to live long enough to hear rabbit wails of anguish and horror, and laugh my ass off at them. For now, we are just waiting on the collapse.

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

Unrelated to this post, I just now realized that I won’t get notifications from posts that I previously commented on. Is there a way to find these replies? Or is there a way I could collate all of my own previous posts in one place?

Sorry to be the low-tech dummy here.

8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

The closest Historical rhyme to the refugees comes from the Peloponnesian wars, the siege of Troy. The Israelis, Swiss and Saudis are not accepting the Trojan Horse. They know the successful parasite will always kill the host, always.

8 years ago

I’ve been thinking about the Iran deal and maybe the powers that be are thinking about a realignment. The Iran deal is so awful that maybe there’s lots more too it than we see. In pure power politics terms allying with Iran and dumping Israel and Saudi Arabia would be a great win for the US. Make me king for a day and I would prop up Assad and give him the North of Iraq with guarantees for the Kurds.

Of course this is only because the M.E. has been so screwed by the Gulf Wars in the first place. Someone will eventually take power. The Israeli’s believed when they thought up this grand scheme that they could keep the M.E. torn into small parts but eventually a winner will coalesce. This will of course make things worse for them than what they had but they are always doing stuff like this.

8 years ago

“What we are seeing with this migration is what the book described clearly in plain language. High long form DRD4 carriers, or rabbits, will flee their sparsely provisioned homelands as resources grow short and conflict rises. They will seek out areas of free resource availability.”

As things get more difficult in Europe and the US, I expect that many r-selected liberals from those areas will come to comparatively safe, stable and liberal countries like New Zealand and Australia, who are sheltered from the worst of mass-immigration. Ineveitably though, they will bring their mindset with them. And eventually there will be nowhere to go.

If Europe and North America can be expected to take a rightward shift in the coming years, my own country New Zealand will surely harbour rabbit “refugees” who can claim to be emigrating from their home countries due to the rise of the far right and racism. How long can we remain sheltered though?