Brazilian LGBTQ Deaths At Record High

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Violent deaths of LGBT people in Brazil have hit an all-time high following a sudden spike last year, new research reveals.

At least 445 LGBT Brazilians died as victims of homophobia in 2017 – a 30% increase from 2016, according to LGBT watchdog group Grupo Gay de Bahia.

The victims – 387 murders and 58 suicides – include Dandara dos Santos, a transexual woman who was beaten to death in the north-eastern Brazil city Fortaleza in March. A video of her being beaten and kicked circulated on social media with her torturers calling her homophobic slurs.

The onset of real K will begin with violence, but that violence will not be homogenously spread throughout the population. Resources will initially tend to be more copious at the top of the food chain, leaving those who are better off more r, their communities better able to purchase security, and those communities less afflicted with violence.

There will also be a divergence in violence based on appearance and competence in that environment. If you appear “hardened” or otherwise risky to engage with violence, spur of the moment attackers will pass you buy looking for weaker, more vulnerable victims. And if you maintain your residence as a hardened compound, and practice aggressive security procedures when out and about to prevent attackers form gathering the intelligence for carefully planned attacks, more carefully planning attackers will also eschew taking you on.

When the violence comes, it will begin with the poorer, more desperate individuals, looking for the most weak, vulnerable, pathetic looking humans.

But there will also be an element of amygdala. Under conditions of starvation, violence, threat, and the discomforts and stresses of shortage, amygdalae will be hyper-irritable. Present an irritating stimulus, like a disgust stimulus triggered by sexual aberrance, and the amygdala and brain will respond to it as they will with any amygdala-stimulus – they will seek to remove it from their purview, often by violence.

I think this is why gays traditionally stayed “in the closet.” It seems strange today, to think of a gay hiding their homosexuality, and being terrified at the thought of it being exposed. But when amygdalae are amped up, the humans around us will be different people, and different behaviors will be required to survive.

I am beginning to wonder if the majority of K-ifying effects of an Apocalypse are not even genetic, or epigenetic, or even structurally adaptational. It is possible the reason societies in times of harshness go so far K is because a small subset of highly amygdala’d individuals make public expressions of r-selected psychologies completely impossible from a security perspective, and thus all rabbits reflexively go into hiding.

Times of K might be just like now, only heightened amygdala in rabbits, combined with a heightened threat keeps them afraid to espouse their ideology.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because making rabbits hide should be high on our list of priorities

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Decline, Disgust, Homosexuality, ITZ, K-stimuli, Morals, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

>and practice aggressive security procedures when out and about to prevent attackers form gathering the intelligence for carefully planned attacks, more carefully planning attackers will also eschew taking you on.

Could you expand on this subject please? Examples and stuff. Thanks in advance!

6 years ago

>Times of K might be just like now, only heightened amygdala in rabbits, combined with a heightened threat keeps them afraid to espouse their ideology.

Kinda like hypergamy in whaamen is always there lurking in the recesses of their unconscious ready to be acted upon as soon as the environment permits. Makes sense. It’s just adaptation after all, the genetics don’t care about morality or anything for that matter, they just respond to the environment. I think.
I personally enjoy slutery on whaamen a lot, although I know it is a symptom of civilizational decay and can’t wait for the coming restitution of the cultural norms that will keep the female sexuality in check so we can have a more civilized, peaceful and prosperous society, so it’s kinda like the opposite effect for me, because sluts can sense if you judge them and won’t act r-selectively with you if you judge them, the K instincts have to be kept in the closet so they don’t feel judged about acting like sluts with me. Funny how that works.

6 years ago

> Present an irritating stimulus […] and brain will respond to it as they will with any amygdala-stimulus – they will seek to remove it from their purview, often by violence.

You’re gonna love this K nugget.

“I’ve been teaching philosophy at the university and college level for a decade. I was trained in the ‘analytic’ school, the tradition of Frege and Russell, which prizes logical clarity, precision in argument, and respect of science. My survey courses are biased toward that tradition, but any history of philosophy course has to cover Marx, existentialism, post-modernism and feminist philosophy.

This has never been a problem. The students are interested and engaged, critical but incisive. They don’t dismiss ideas they don’t like, but grapple with the underlying problems. My short section on, say, Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex elicited roughly the same kind of discussion that Hume on causation would.

But in the past few months internet outrage merchants have made my job much harder. The very idea that someone could even propose the idea that there is a conceptual difference between sex and gender leads to angry denunciations entirely based on the irresponsible misrepresentations of these online anger-mongers. Some students in their exams write that these ideas are “entitled liberal bullshit,” actual quote, rather than simply describe an idea they disagree with in neutral terms. And it’s not like I’m out there defending every dumb thing ever posted on Tumblr! It’s Simone de fucking Beauvoir!

It’s not the disagreement. That I’m used to dealing with; it’s the bread and butter of philosophy. No, it’s the anger, hostility and complete fabrications.”

Either these students have internalized the fact that calm and logical debate does not work against “liberal bullshit” … or they find it so disgusting they are no longer capable of making the effort of having a civil discussion.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Is it me?

The comments in that link appear to be solely from people unaware of what’s happening out in the real world.

Too many appear to be fans of Post Modernism..

I hope they aren’t ALL working for the State!

Reply to  Bob
6 years ago

The joke’s on the students because they’re the ones paying $40,000 a year to argue with this professor.

Would be nice if you could get the equivalent of a four-year engineering degree in three years by cutting out all the fluff classes.

Joe Katzman
Reply to  Bob
6 years ago

I loved that one from the college prof. Sharing!

6 years ago

Plus you have people who never used to give gays a second thought now bombarded by gay rights over-reaches ruining peoples lives and businesses. Not too long ago, a gay guy on a forum talked about getting a guy fired at Burger King because he was heard making a gay joke to his friends. The guy wasn’t even directing it at the snitch, yet he made a point of going to the higher ups and getting him fired. This is the power of amygdala atrophy, that you can’t let a casual joke slide. Anyway, the employee actually tracked the guy down and confronted him. Nothing happened, but in times of resource shortages, people who lose their jobs or businesses might be out for blood.