News Briefs – 03/24/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

This tweet references a march in Britain that is trying to revote on Brexit, hoping they can win the second vote and end the move to leave the EU. They claimed 1 million marchers, but most assume that is a bold lie, with the real numbers much smaller.


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

French Muslim convert is arrested while trying to pick up his submachine gun from the mail.

Another French Muslim attacks Police while yelling Jihad. They say they cannot follow everyone because they do not have enough manpower.

Guatemalan with no legs caught sneaking across Rio Grande.

Barbra Streisand says Michael Jackson’s sexuality was what it was, and those little boys he molested were thrilled they got to hang out with him, so it wasn’t that bad. Reminds me of this meme I saw, just the other day, encapsulating how the left feels as they promote degeneracy in America:

The Federal Budget posted a record monthly deficit. The bottom line is, Cabal is surely trying to crash everything right now, and if they succeed, a military coup might be the only way to rescue the country. This spending is likely a vital part of staving that off. But it is worth noting Cabal has bled a lot of money from the system, so even though Trump’s economic acumen is second to none in history, keep assuming that it will come down, probably after his tenure, and keep preparing just to be safe. Along those lines, there are those on the Chans positing cultural/political accelerationism as a means to bring about a K-shift. They say, support the ultra-left now to really bring about a rebellion. Although a False Flag, the New Zealand shooter espoused this when he claimed he wanted gun control, to accelerate the time to civil war. That is stupid, given the motive forces behind everything are r/K, and resource availability. A far smarter path than cultural/political accelerationism would be budgetary accelerationism. Spend to the extreme, and trigger the economic collapse, ala the Soviet Union in the late 80’s. Note how we actually have an example of budgetary accelerationism crushing a world superpower. You can’t say that for cultural/political accelerationism.

Cultural/political accelerationism just disarms the populace and demoralizes the right, putting all of the power in the hands of the wealthy (due to the corruption) leftists and the state when the civil war happens. Budgetary accelerationism can keep the right armed and perhaps in an even heightened state of readiness due to the wealth it spreads out. That also allows the right to continue to control the government and defund the left as Trump has been doing. Then when the collapse happens, it suddenly disarms and defunds a bloated, oversized government which suddenly can’t project power, in the face of a populace that, due to the debt spending enriching it, can be quite well provisioned, well armed, and well prepared. If I had been in Trump’s shoes, fighting Cabal by myself without Military Intel and the Q-team behind me, and managed to get elected, I would have spent mightily on all sorts of external defense and the economy. We would have been well armed and stocked, with a border wall, when the government collapsed as soon as possible, and did so without any economic ability to fund forces to resist us or oppress us. Indeed, it is possible the worst thing that could have happened would have been to rebalance the country’s books just well enough to keep this ship afloat like this another 40 years, as our populace continued to go r and further embrace degeneracy and treason. Resource availability is the key. You see why my life mission is to bring r/K to the debate and have it inform the decisions of patriots all over the world. You may also be looking at why you have never seen it before this site, despite it being so glaringly obvious to anyone in the biological sciences. I think numerous people saw all of this long before me. Some may even have tried to bring it to the masses, and Cabal shut them down. For that matter, I am not entirely sure that in a hundred years, if I am dead, anyone will even know about this beyond a select few who have access to the deepest recesses of the Vatican Library.

Bonds show a potential recession. And, Stocks begin to swing. If I told you Cabal was going to be struck a death blow in April, what do you think the economic news stories would have been in late March?

UK’s National Debt Passed £2 Trillion and No One Noticed

South Korea is now investigating and exposing a NXIVM-like scandal where government officials and stars were drugging and trafficking various girls, including famous entertainers, and as with Cabal in the US all were beyond any investigation or law enforcement until the Storm began to sweep the globe.

The end of the Flu season has not been this bad in two decades. If I were in charge of Cabal’s bioweapons program, I would have doctors or techs in all hospitals and morgues, who could grab samples from the most aggressive deaths due to flus and diseases. Then again, if I was Cabal, I am not sure I would use that until all was lost, as it would very quickly depopulate the left and the cities.

Philly Inquirer is pushing the idea of UFOs and aliens visiting earth.

From 2015, British Politician took little boys out on his yacht, but not all of them may have made it back, and Police were told not to investigate. The Secret Society controlled the levers of power.

Mammoth has snowfalls so large residents have to tunnel out and dig out second-floor windows to get light in their houses. When the last Ice Age hit, the hallmark was a glacier (snowcover/ice that did not melt fully in the summer) which descended into northern Texas.

The Week asks why 2020 Democrats are so weird. The answer is both amygdala-deterioration in a few prone to the r-strategy for whatever reason, and the fact there is enough K that the majority of the population has not similarly deteriorated. It is the amygdala that both constrains to the boundaries in the individual, and which collectively establishes the boundaries in the group. Leftists are a small cohort of rabbits going even more rabbbity, in an environment where the rest of the population can smell the scent of K-selection wafting in the wind.

Ilhan Omar met with Turkey’s President back when she was an unknown state representative. Things did not work like that random, meritocratic representative Republic you were taught about. Powerful hidden forces were moving all of those things, and determining the outcomes by means all of us non-Secret Society members were totally blind to.

A Cabalite’s disbelief at the realization his side has lost : Chris Matthews is freaked out that the Mueller Report exonerates Trump:

His shock is not political shock at the defeat of leftism. It is shock at the fact an entity which he pledged fealty to, which had seemed all powerful, which he thought would protect him forever, and which is the only source of his success, failed utterly to even lay a glove on Trump. And now it is Trump’s turn to take shots, and Matthew’s entire fate is tied to the outcome of that battle. This guy knows the only reason it is him in that chair and not Stephen Molyneux or Vox Day is because he was owned by Cabal. Without that edge, everything goes away.

Hickenlooper is giving a detailed, cringe-inducing history of his sexual conquests. Either he is a test of the concept that you can over-expose and desensitize a population to things, and create that Mike Tyson effect where a person becomes bulletproof to scandal by virtue of their history making everything seem like old news, or Hickenlooper has some homosexual history – or worse – which they are trying to inoculate him against. Given he was CIA’s point man in breaking down the Colorado population with pot and gun bans, a preference for pre-op trannies or late night bathroom encounters would not be surprising.

Temple University has a growing Mumps outbreak.

Jeff Bezos’ Amazon is selling child sex dolls. I wouldn’t be surprised it is Cabal offering it to gather intel on who buys it.

WaPo says 8Chan looks like a terrorist recruitment site. So government should shut it down, for the children.

FBI texts indicate FISA overseer had concerns about the warrant for Carter Page.

Tens of thousands of Germans head out to protest the new copyright law which is designed to make memes illegal and more easily banned, and let free speech be limited more easily and arbitrarily.

Bernie hiring non-American Campaign advisors may violate election law.

As the economy takes off, one sector is suffering – Cabal media has lost 2300 jobs so far this year.

SPLC leader steps down after the firing of the SPLC’s founder. You can never know the details in this age. But here is a thought. If I were running the Q-team, I would not have sought the destruction of the SPLC. I would have identified it among sources of Cabal funding a decade ago, and begun trying to slowly infiltrate my people, not into leadership positions, but into positions where if the leaders fell, my people would be in a position to take over. Then one day, when the time was right, I would have either identified how to make those leaders fall and pulled the trigger, or I would have taken them out some other way. No idea if that is what we are looking at, but with the timing and the way it went down, it could be. And now Q-team would have acquired an established narrative-creating infrastructure, and have a half-billion dollar operational budget at their disposal. Walking away with a half billion dollars and an established machine for a small infiltration expenditure is much better than having spent a ton of cash on full out war, merely to stand over the wreckage of a machine that would be of no use going forward. That is how intelligence operations think.

At least 11 Cabinet Ministers will confront May, and ask her to step down.

Yellow Vest protests continue into 19th week with clashes continuing.

Brazilian President Bolsonaro’s son Eduardo, himself a Brazilian Congressman, is talking about Brazil using force in Venezuela. We are definitely seeing a new guard taking out the old guard.

Trump supporters rally en masse in front of Trump Tower in New York to show support in light of the Mueller vindication. They call it a Happy No Collusion Day Party.

Comey crafts a tweet indicative of an amygdala desperate to focus on something that both distracts the amygdala, and minimizes the amygdala-relevance-weighting of whatever is going on in his life right now:

Oddly enough, Trump didn’t tweet, which might indicate he is busy with something.

Spread r/K Theory, because without a blockade, you are free to attack.

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5 years ago

SPLC firings. Agree with A/C that a coup is happening but I see it from a different view. Slowly but surely the JINO’s (Jews In Name Only) are being forced out of the Demon-crap Party and its peripheral organizations. Still need their money and raped ape howls but really do not want them. Just know that like all socialist/commies Jinos only operate in groups and never stand alone so if one goes likley they all go but SPLC will keep the sheeple drones and diversity displays for the time being.

After the re-enslavement by LBJ in the late 60’s the slaves may be getting restive. The big question is who is the agitator. While I would like it to be Q I do not think so. If you refer to Stefan Molyneux’s video “The Truth about Slavery Past, Present and Future” You will find the Arab/Moslem’s are the real slavers. While Africans gathered many slaves with their continous tribal wars the Moslems made it profitable. For the most part Whites did not enslave but purchased already enslaved. So the slaves that landed here were not winners of tribal wars but the losers. Think about that and address the mentality that goes with that history.

Now ask the question, who is establishing enclaves in the US. Moslems thats who; as the border crossers are basically welfare slaves only brown not black. With the financial backing of the oil countries Moslems have taken over sections of the US. While their eventual goal is to wipe Christians out (Jews are a mere speed bump on the way) it is easier to start with the African identifiers. So IMHO it is the Moslems and sympathizers who will shortly grab the reins of the SPLC.

As for the exorcised Jinos, soon out in the cold with no one offering to bring them back in. Wow, does history put a modern twist on the past again as it has for the last 5,000 years. Israel really only wants their money and with the coming DNA tests for bloodlines to be accepted no return either. Maybe the Kazars will be allowed but then again maybe not. Remember in 2016 the ultra religous in the pit of demons (aka NYC) went 80% for Potus DJT so for some there is some hope.


Reply to  Goose
5 years ago

Regarding the subject of slavery, Jews, like Muslims, have a very deep historic connection to it (and not only in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade), and that is a verifiable fact.
Some reading material about that issue: – “The Jews and slavery” – “Jews and “White slavery””

I also recommend you listen to Dr Tony Martin, a Black Professor who denounced Jewish subversion in the 90’s, and gathered undeniable publicly available information that proves that Jews were the ones who started and dominated the slave trade to the Americas at its start, including the US (other demographic groups started to use slaves too after the Jews brought them in because they wanted to be able to compete with the free labor slave owners benefited from):

Also note that Blacks blame Whites for slavery because Jews used their MSM and Hollywood domination to scapegoat Whites for their slave trading affairs that they were at the origin off.

And also worthy of note regarding this subject of slavery is that according to some Jews themselves, Orthodox Judaism never abolished slavery:

That seems to be a true phenomena given the infamous words of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef:

““Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel”

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat”

“With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew”

You can verify that he really did say that here:

And given that so many Jews when faced with that fact have reflexively told me that “Nobody ever listens to the Rabbis, they are just old men.”, I will preemptively provide you with this article, about Rabbi Ovadia Yosef being “buried in largest funeral in Israeli history 800,000 attend last procession for revered leader of Sephardi Jewry; 300 require medical treatment — but no serious injuries… and one birth; worried police chief had feared disaster as crowds swelled; public figures send condolences, recall a giant of Jewish thought”:

Its obvious that he was a very influential person and that yes, a LOT of people listened to him.

I made an anti-Israel meme about it given that so many US Military personnel have sacrificed life and limb in wars that are purely for the benefit of Israel:

Regarding the issue of Muslim non-integration and establishment of enclaves, that is a true phenomena, and that is one of the reasons why Islam has no place in the West, but you seem to forget that Jews, thru-out their history and including to this day and age, have acted in a similar way: – On the endemic ethic double standard in traditional Jewish teachings – How Jews have disregarded their host nation’s laws because they considered them man made and only followed their own Jewish laws (which basically tell them that non-Jews can be killed and stolen from, etc with no problem) because those are considered of divine origin – The issue of Moser and Mesirah, which is basically Jewish own Jew version of Sharia Law, which prohibits Jews from delivering a fellow Jew to the host nation’s authorities under the threat of being killed – A case where Ultra-Orthodox Jews have shun some of their community members for having reported a case of child sexual abuse, which violated the Moser and Mesirah laws – “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”

In case YouTube takes down the link above, you can find an archive of the video here:

Also regarding the issues of non-integration:

An interesting account of Jewish history regarding the Pogrom of Alexandria and the events that came before it, as described by Jewish historian Flavius Josephus:

What I found interesting on that account is that it seems that even when Jews were given equal rights and were protected from “pollution” from the gentiles, proximity with the Jews always ended up in conflict. Although many Jews like to explain that with empty accusations of “anti-Semitism”, I think the issue of Judaism teachings inciting Jews to treat Jews one way and non-Jews another way is a big part of why that phenomena of anti-Jew hostility has been a staple of Jewish history thru-out the ages (after all, Jews have been expelled from over 100 countries and counting, and even more smaller locations, the last one such event that I know off being this one in a village of Guatemala where the locals forced the Jews to leave due to Jews trying to impose their religion and customs: ).

I think its important to take into account the words of the Jewish Sociologist W. D. Rubinstein regarding the anti-Jew sentiment of the Nationalist movements in Europe starting in the 19th century, after all, its not like people wake up some random morning hating Jews for no reason:

Regarding the expulsion of Jews from places, here are two lists (non-exhaustive as far as I can tell), the first being a list of Countries, another a list of smaller locations and regions: ;

And still on the issue of non-integration, its curious that religious Jews and Muslims both force genital mutilation on their children (Muslims on the females and Jews on the males), and that the burka (aka: Muslim woman-in-a-trashbag fashion) had its origin on a Jewish sect, its not an original Muslim invention:

Also interesting on how both Halal and Kosher meat involve a rather gruesome process of slaughtering the animal, although Halal and Kosher dietary laws have differences.

I feel its relevant to this subject to make mention of this event of Jewish history, in which Jews have allied with Muslims in order to facilitate the Islamification of the West (to the point of fighting along them against the Christians), in this specific case in Spain:

I have talked about on how it is an undeniable and verifiable fact that Jewish collective power is one of the main forces behind the Islamification of the West in this day and age, and I have created a pastebin file with some (there are many many more available, but I think those are enough to drive the point home) of the proofs of this fact here:

Another aspect of the issue of Jewish non-integration in the West that has nothing to do with religion (which I think I have covered in an extend big enough to make a solid case that Judaism is as incompatible with the West as Islam, although I could go deeper on why that is the case), is the undeniable phenomena of Jewish nepotism in the West, which is a phenomena that has its origin on Jewish ethno-centrism (aka: ID politics). Given that Jews are a race, as you can read about here: ; ; , and actually, they are a group of races, as you can see here: , its important to breach this subject, because Jews have been playing id politics for their benefit in the West for a really long time all the while using their Jewish owned and staffed MSM and Jewish dominated Hollywood to push an anti-id politics message to Whites, while using groups like ADL and SPLC to incite other minorities to play the id politics game.

This is what I mean by Jewish nepotism, and I think that anyone that looks at this and reads it will understand why this is a problem, and a big one with the potential to cause extreme levels of hostility towards the Jews for righteous reasons:

And before someone tries to make the sohpistic argument that “Its not nepotism its just that Jews are just smarter”, I will preemptively write here now that that is bullshit because even if you use the IQ measure of Jews being on average 115 IQ (which a lot of people say its not the case), there would exist more high-IQ level people that are White and Asian than Jewish in the US, so its possible to demolish that sophistic “argument” mathematically without even looking into any other factor (which also support the case that it IS indeed a case of Jewish nepotism that is at the origin of that over-representation).

The author of Culture of Critique, Kevin MacDonald has written a pretty extensive reply to Jordan Peterson regarding JP’s claims that Jews were over-represented in positions of power and influence in American society not because of nepotism and ethno-centric in-grouping behavior, but because they are just smarter here:

I also found it an interesting phenomena that some religious Jews claim to be Atheists, but still attend the Synagogue, which I found about here: – “Judaism without God? Yes, say American atheists”

I just remembered another thing about Jewish non-integration in the West, and it has to do with the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting

First of all, the Chief Rabbi in Israel does not even considers the Pittsburgh shooting location a Synagogue because it is not a Orthodox Synagogue, as you can see here: – “Israel’s Chief Rabbi Refuses to Call Pittsburgh Massacre Site a Synagogue Because It’s non-Orthodox”

I find this interesting because it connects to the whole question of who are the real Jews after all, which Jews themselves seem to not agree at all with (and an interesting article on that can be found here: – “Who/What is a Jew” ).

But getting back to the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting, according to E. Michael Jones, a very impressive Irish Catholic writer that makes lots of criticisms on the Church and Jewish collective power, part of what motivated the shooter was that the Pittsburgh Synagogue had gone on record to claim that they were willing to break the law in order to enact infinite uncontrolled migration into the USA, and that they considered it tikam holam (see here: ), a concept of Judaism where Jews tell themselves its okay to break the law of their host Countries in order to “heal the world” or “reform the world/society”.

Obviously, this concenpt of tikam holam is extremely incompatible with the West, and Jews that want to live in the West would do well to reject it, or they will be stoking the timeless fires of inter-racial/cultural/religious tension between Jews and non-Jews.

You can listen to E. Michael Jones talking about it here:

As a matter of curiosity Goose, I wonder how do you define what is a real Jew? Since you used the JINO term, you’re claiming that those are fake Jews, so I wonder how do you define a real Jew.

You also made reference to the DNA tests, but those are already in place in Israel for a while for people coming from certain places:

I would really like you to give me an answer on that, because I talk with a lot of people who claim to be Jews online, and the reflexive response from 99% of them when faced with a discussion with any type of depth regarding Jewish history/culture/identity is to deflect the “bad” stuff with the claim that “Those are not real Jews.”, which I find funny, because if every type of Jew that says that was to be proven right, then Jews would not even exist because all Jews would be fake, there would not be any real Jews left if every accusation that “Those are not real Jews” was to be taken into account.

Thanks in advance, I would really like to understand where you are coming from regarding that.

Have a great day mate.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Is there a book about Jews and slavery?

Reply to  Jubilee
5 years ago

Dr. Tony Martin has published some, which were recently banned from Amazon.
It’s a series called “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews”.
Some people try to dissuade people from looking into them because they were published by Nation of Islam, but the truth of the matter is that the people who push that never address the contents of the book, and the fact that Dr. Martin went with them as a publisher because basically ALL other publishers in the US rejected his work, obviously because they feared the backlash from saying anything critical about the chosen people with the little hats.

You have another one by Dr. Martin that has NOT been banned from Amazon (at least yet), which is called “The Jewish Onslaught: Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront”.

Some graphs and memes about this issue: – Blacks against Jewish supremacism – History of Curação, connects Jews to slavery – Passage from the book “Slavery in History” where the author mentions the Jews
NOTE: you can find this book and read it for free here: – he talks about Jewish role in slavery and their role as slaves of others – Jews and Slavery, passage from the book “When Victims Rule” – you can read the book for free in the links shown on the picture – The Jewish family Monsanto history of slave trading business

And a reminder that although the US dual-citizenship Israeli politicians and judiciary wax lyrical about racism and equality all day, Israel is a very racist (as in, they commit awful crimes and against non-Jews and treat them like shit in their media) Country: – Black Lives Don’t Matter in Israel – More on Israel giving Ethiopians contraceptives without their knowledge – Rabbi uses Black children to practice his circumcision skills – Black Jews swarmed by mob of Jews for being Black while holding a Torah – The “dumb blonde” stereotype was created by Jews – The Jewish word shiksa that they use to describe non-Jewish women is based on a Hebrew word that means abomination or something unclean – Jewish media openly uses word shiksa when talking about Ivanka Trump – More on that – And some more on that

I hope this helps.


English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Jubilee
5 years ago


Re: a book about,jews and slavery

Check out: the secret history between blacks and jews by the Nation of Islam.


Great work brother.

Vox Day has demolished the idea that jews are inherently more intelligent than others, and jew IQ is nowhere near 115 as average.

Reply to  English Tom
5 years ago

Thanks mate!

Vox Day is great, but have not read and watched as much of his content as I would like (I am really glad he put out those videos on Jordan Peterson, those were really helpful in articulating why Juden Peterstein is very bad news for Patriots).
I really like his conversations with Owen Benjamin, which is now my favorite living comedian (I think he is on the level of Patrick O’Neal, the GOAT).


Reply to  English Tom
5 years ago

I meant Patrice O’Neal, not Patrick.

5 years ago

Second Parkland Shooting Survivor Apparently Dies By Suicide

Flashback: Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Who Questioned Gun Control Agenda ‘Dies Unexpectedly’

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago
5 years ago

”Barbra Streisand says Michael Jackson’s sexuality was what it was, and those little boys he molested were thrilled they got to hang out with him, so it wasn’t that bad. ”

This is reprehensible indeed. But I think Michael Jackson is innocent. Here’s why:

Comparison of Leaving Neverland “victims” and actual victims:

Reply to  info
5 years ago

Considering Michael Jackson’s innocence. We will have to assume that its a distraction through making a scapegoat of him.

This is also why false accusations of a crime meets the same punishment as for the crime itself.

So for example a false accusation of murder will merit the death penalty same as doing the murder.

Deuteronomy 19:16-21

”16If a false witness testifies against someone, accusing him of a crime, 17both parties to the dispute must stand in the presence of the LORD, before the priests and judges who are in office at that time. 18The judges shall investigate thoroughly, and if the witness is proven to be a liar who has falsely accused his brother, 19you must do to him as he intended to do to his brother.

You must purge the evil from among you. 20Then the rest of the people will hear and be afraid, and they will never again do anything so evil among you. 21You must show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, and foot for foot.”

Unseen Presence
Unseen Presence
5 years ago

“Thrilled” they got to hang out with him? Well played, Babs….time for the Streisand Effect to hit Bette Midler and it better be set to show tunes.