News Briefs – 05/21/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Trump Tweets a demand DOJ look into the infiltration of his campaign. And Q is now officially established as a source with juice. It is happening.

Russian defector gave Germany a sample of Novichok.

Scientist given fractured pieces of Hitler’s teeth – declares no doubt Hitler died in Germany, and never fled to South America. Narrative – don’t believe the truth if it comes out. I suspect a lot will come out post-storm – including Hitler living out his days in South America happily. Cabal does seem to treat some of its agents well.

Weiner gave all his electronics to a private intelligence firm. Possibly did it to break the chain of custody so he could claim anything on it wasn’t his. Of course, once he did that, the files were completely safe, because no private intelligence firm will ever employ any private intelligence agent who infiltrated the company for a third party who wanted their intelligence, or would ever trade your valuable intel to a more powerful player for assistance elsewhere. It is just as safe as giving your sensitive data to a data destruction company, your computer to the Geek Squad at Best Buy, or inviting a service person into your house and leaving them unattended to repair whatever all by themselves. Weiner was not ready for prime time. It is so funny that this tool would set in motion events that would save the United States of America from a global conspiracy that may have been been humming along perfectly for centuries.

Swedish Populists tied for first ahead of elections. Almost feels like things are going too well.

Farm Bill fails as Freedom Caucus pushes for adding in border security and wall funding.

Government School Child Abuse Scandal is 100 times as large as the Catholic Church Child Abuse scandal. Not a peep from the media about their precious public schools.

Poland blasts EU over gay flag flown outside of European Parliament. As K rises, LGBT tolerance will diminish, and many gays may actually turn heterosexual.

Semi-satirical article headline – “Democrat Abdul al-Sayed, Michigan’s first-ever Muslim candidate for governor, may face an uphill struggle in in this year’s election. Political analysts suspect that his campaign slogan: “You may not hate Muslims, but Muslims definitely hate you!” may be too negative to win a majority of votes.” The quote is real, the political analysis is the humor. A good slogan for the anti-Muslim opposition to use to destroy any political future he may have.

China is wooed by Trump into agreeing to increase purchases from the US to close the trade gap. Persuasion has many uses.

Judge rules Florida ballots were illegally destroyed in Wasserman-Schultz case. Notice how these things used to be done, and nothing ever came of them being done. No prison time, no punishment, nothing. That changing will be a sign the Storm actually cleansed our republic.

Ebola deaths rise to 26.

Congo Ebola is ready to break out on the superhighway of Africa, which could spread it in ways the Congo has never seen before. Cabal backup plan? It wouldn’t have been hard to get a sample.

Texas School Shooter will not be eligible for death penalty, must be eligible for parole in 40 years.

Mayor of Greek City hospitalized after nationalists mass and attack. ITZ Happening! Beating traitors is fun, and they have now tasted it. They will do it again. And so will others. The only downside is Turkey and Greece are probably going to come to blows at some point, and that might be a Cabal plan.

Iran is an economic mess, with the Third highest Misery Index, and a population beginning to rebel. And Trump’s sanctions are about to kick in.

Louisiana to legalize switchblades. I am not a fan, due to the weakness of the blade-handle linkages, but K will produce a comfort with all sorts of weapons. NFA-repeal, here we come.

Google removes “Don’t be Evil” from its code of conduct. Strange they did that even though be honest is not in there.

AfD will sue Merkel over open borders.

Flashback – Clapper says FBI never had court-authorized wiretaps on Trump Campaign. Back when everything was controlled you lied however you wanted, and the machine made it real in the eyes of the people.

Today – Clapper says it was a “Good Thing” if Trump was spied on by the FBI. Things are changing, and the Cabal operators are clearly panicked and making it up as they go along.

Pope tells gay man God made him like this and loves him like this.

Muslim Gangster in Britain was using Tinder to arrange gay hookups to brutally rape other men.

Two thirds give Trump credit for the Economy. Hard core leftists are down to 33%.

John Kerry is now in Abu Dhabi

Spread r/K Theory, because the News is fun to read now

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5 years ago

“Google removes “Don’t be Evil” from its code of conduct. ”

Evil does have to reveal itself at some point.

Duke Norfolk
5 years ago

“As K rises, LGBT tolerance will diminish, and many gays may actually turn heterosexual.”

God I hope you’re right. I would rejoice to see my teen niece (wife’s side) return to normalcy. She had done the trans thing for a bit, insisting on being called by a boy’s name. But within the last year she reverted to being just a lesbian. I’m not sure what her whole psychology is about (we’re not close), and I have been hoping it isn’t due to sexual molestation (especially from family). She’s also got those horrid giant holes in her ear lobes, pierced nose, etc. I pray she comes out of this and finds her way back to the real world.

5 years ago

Teachers will have to be replaced with MOOCs and robots, for child safety.