Weight Scales Removed From College Gym Because They Trigger Fatties

The rabbits continue to rabbitize their environments:

First year student Samar El Faki provided some insight. She told The Charlatan, the university newspaper, that removing the scales was a good idea because it would accommodate students with eating disorders.

“Scales are very triggering,” she said. “I think people are being insensitive because they simply don’t understand. They think eating disorders are a choice when they are actually a serious illness.”

There is a simple path this is on, the only question is will technology catch on to exploit it in time. Sooner or later Virtual Reality will begin to be widely used, probably to telecommute to work initially. Once in the matrix, a user will be able to choose their avatar, and you know all the fatties and uggos are going to pick avatars that look like Angelina Jolie and Rob Lowe.

Initially they will simply use the VR to interact at work. Then as they are given the choice between living in the real world, or living virtually, they will choose to live in the virtual world full time. As they acclimate to that, they will gradually demand the virtual world allow itself to be hacked, so they can feel more respected. They will demand to be placed in leadership roles, be respected as more intelligent than everyone, and eventually, the Virtual Reality will have been transformed into a complete fantasy with the sole purpose of assuaging leftist amygdalae with feelings of complete superiority.

By that point, the leftists will be virtually imprisoned, because once they have acclimated to being perfectly beautiful, totally powerful, completely respected, and never challenged by anyone, they will be unable to exit their virtual reality prison.

In truth, I have to wonder about the cost/benefit ratio of funding an addictive virtual reality fantasy camp for fake Americans, if it would cause them to voluntarily remove themselves from the world, and stop betraying our nations. This could be a benefit.

Spread r/K Theory, because like the thought of Lena Dunham, it is one heavyweight idea

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