Alpha Gays As The Right’s New Heros

An article on the phenomenon here:

A major transformation of Europe is now in motion…

Aside from strong women like Marine Le Pen and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the most oppositional voices have come from Europe’s gay men.

A prime example of this is Breitbart editor and leader of the Twitteratti-glitterati, Milo Yianoppolous, who has been strongly outspoken regarding Europe’s current predicament.

On a recent appearance on the BBC’s Big Questions, he made straight men in the room look like damp rags and rightly deserved the right to tweet, “I am one of the very few alpha homosexuals.”

It’s not just Milo, but other gay men like Douglas Murray and David Starkey, who are increasingly representing the masculine voice on British television.

The rise in gay men who are concerned about Europe’s future is not just limited to charismatic TV personalities. At the grassroots level too, there is a lot of evidence that Europe’s gay men are leading the way in opposition to Islamification.

A survey by the polling firm Ifop showed that in Paris, 26% of homosexual males supported the National Front, compared with just 16% of heterosexual males. Le Pen’s party now has nine gay ministers/advisors.

Gays like Milo are a potent weapon for amygdala hijacking for a very specific reason. A perfect amygdala hijack has several elements. First, you want to trip the amygdala with salience (of which shock is the first part to hit, and personal importance on reflection is the second), which means a stimulus which is important to the target. Implying that a musician knew nothing of virology would not work, for example, unless he had some personal desire to feel an expert on virology. If that musician felt himself an expert musician however, and you brought his expert-ness in music into question, you would have the first step in an amygdala hijack.

You also want the amygdala to trigger the ACC to produce discomfort, so the stimulus has to be negative. That goes without saying. A shocking, personally important, positive stimulus is of no use.

You also want to supercharge the ACC with a facet of the stimulus that is a violation of expectation. So, for example, if someone just assumed they were an expert on an issue to whom everyone would defer and they would always be right, then suddenly pointing out a stupid error they had made followed up by questioning their status, would be an excellent example. This works with feminists especially well, since all feminists have a perception that everyone should defer to them due to their gender/victim status. r-strategists in general also seem afflicted with a perception that everything should just go their way, and any resistance should immediately retreat in their presence. In such cases, merely calmly standing one’s ground as you denigrate their status, reject their ideas, and assume your own dominance can be enough to precipitate violation-of-expectation amygdala meltdowns. Adding in a Milo-esque flourish of bemused Alpha-ness only makes all of it worse, by adding to the violation of expectation. A person saying, “Who does this guy think he is?” is a good example of a mind ruminating on how violating of expectations a presented stimulus is.

At that point the amygdala begins to produce a drive to act out, to relieve the suddenly growing pressure.

To really turn that growing pressure into a meltdown, you need one final component. You have to box the amygdala in, so acting out is seen as impossible in some way. You want to force the target to just strew, without blowing off the steam. Once the liberal is approaching amygdala meltdown, they need to release the steam. The worst thing that could happen is to be forced, by their own brain, to purposely hold all of that emotional trauma in, and not spew it out. Imagine how irritated we get, when some pencil-necked liberal exploits some arcane rule to tell us what to do, and we can’t just push everyone aside and strangle him to relieve the pressure. The irritation produced by that self-limitation we engage in is very similar. Now multiply that by about 2 million, and you see what you can do to a liberal.

If you can craft the hijack so as to box in their amygdala – making their amygdala see acting out as absolutely forbidden, you will see some real fireworks in their brain, as it turns over all the noxious stimuli, adds the frustration of powerlessness and self-limitation, and gradually melts down. Gays have the extreme good fortune of having this ability ingrained, as an innate element of their gay shtick.

Gaijin wrote on Free Republic of Milo excoriating feminists:

He minces and lisps, “Burn feminists at the stake!! BURN THEM ALL..!!”

And they stand there, shell shocked, and have NO IDEA what to do or say.

Its very deep voodoo, and i love it.

Salience to feminist – Check. It is absolutely shocking.

Negative to feminist – Check. They have not one scintilla of power, respect, or authority.

Violation of Expectation to feminist – Check. Nobody is supposed to say that, let alone a gay man, nor should a crowd cheer him.

Amygdala Boxing to feminist – Is a feminist allowed to attack an openly gay man as he waves his wrist, rolls his eyes, and says something shocking to a cheering crowd? That would be discriminatory. Amygdala Boxing – Check.

Add in the fabulous hair and it is a lethal combination. The rabbits are left all pent up with no release, and the result is mass amygdala meltdowns.

There are other ways to box in amygdalae. You can couch the liberal as overly emotional at the start, so they can’t get emotional later, and if they do you can make fun of them for it (which they then must not respond to emotionally, or else they look even more foolish). You can get the crowd laughing at what the liberal said so resistance to your proposition would be futile, as it will only cause more laughing. Or you can stillface them, which makes you look calm and rational, and forces them to feel as if they must do the same. Basically, boxing in amygdalae all comes down to rendering the liberal’s ability to vent the stress an unacceptable course of action, usually because it will make them look foolish in some regard and cost them status.

I don’t emphasize this enough on this site lately, with all the excitement of approaching apocalypse, but liberals are truly mentally damaged, and you can exploit that damage. Moreover, it can be fun. Press a few buttons, block a few avenues of release, press the buttons again, and then give them another push, and watch as the cognitive function declines, the brain overloads, and the liberal brain actually begins to burn out critical structures.

It is a very important concept, because as we cool our heels waiting for the Darwinism to break out, there is no reason only the gay guys can have that kind of fun at the leftist movement’s expense.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Gays are the most free and independent men, the ultimate MGTOW. It is forbidden to attack them and they haven’t the slightest reason to even pretend to care what women think. The only thing more painful for a woman than being a sex object is not being a sex object.

8 years ago

Remember too that liberals tend to have a very superficial, poorly functioning empathy system. Their mirror neurons simply don’t work that well. They are constantly stifling a lot of shame about that, (that’s why they delusionally insist on telling you how empathetic they are.) When they are furious, and you appear (to their incompetent empathy system) to be entirely calm, that fills them with cognitive dissonance, reminds them of their failing, and adds to the hijack.

When you’re angry and everyone else is calm, it makes you feel crazy. Do that to someone who already feels crazy all the time, and it’s multiplied greatly.

Ripple Earthdevil
8 years ago

Sorry to be particular, but it’s The Right’s New Heroes, not Hero’s.

8 years ago

Ol’ Milo sure makes it look easy, doesn’t he.

8 years ago

[…] Interesting article from Anonymous Conservative on how conservatives can use right-wing gays like Milo Yiannopoulos to induce nervous breakdowns in lef…. […]