Amygdalae, IQ, Reaction Times, and Ideology

A while back, Michael Woodley did some fascinating research into how different generations compare to each other with respect to IQ. His paper generated quite a stir, because it provided evidence that Victorians may have been smarter on average than people today. A fundamental tenet of rabbits is that everyone is equally smart, all of the time, and we always will be.

To imply otherwise could indicate that rabbit policies of rewarding imbeciles with free welfare might generate a fast reproducing crop of idiots that will eventually drag down the greatness of the entire human race, ala Idiocracy. We all know that the rabbits are too smart to do something so stupid that it might destroy the whole human race, so every generation must be equally smart, genetics has nothing to do with intelligence, and any minor difference in IQ must just be due to a transient environmental effect. Or so the rabbit logic goes.

Victorians never took an IQ test, so Woodley needed some way to measure the average IQ that far back, to compare it to IQs today. His brilliant idea came when he realized that reaction time correlates strongly with general intelligence. Fortunately, back in the Victorian age there was excellent data for average reaction time, allowing Woodley to perform the comparison with people today. Of course his work showed that since mortality was reduced and the stupid stopped being culled, reaction times have gotten slower, indicating IQs may be diminishing with time, probably due to some dysgenic effect.

What I find interesting is this. The amygdala is one of the primary brain structures responsible for speedy reaction time, as well as more complex cognitive activity associated with the allocation of cognitive resources, through its ability to drive motivation and focus. So measuring reaction time may be more a measure of amygdala functionality and activation, than a loose approximation of some sort of neural firing time.

Overall IQ does not correlate with political affiliation according to most studies, however there is a split, with most conservatives having a higher General Intelligence, (think practical intelligence), and liberals tending to be better in Specialist Intelligence (the ability to perform abstract thought in a specialized field).

This would make sense in light of the amygdala model. General Intelligence is about reacting to reality, prioritizing what is important, and allocating your cognitive resources proportionally to that reality in front of you. Yes it would be nice if every poor person were to be given a million dollars. But there is other data that should draw one’s focus more in a smart person, namely that we don’t have a million dollars to give each poor person, and trying to get it could wreck the economy which supports us all. This is the type of intelligence you need, when survival is unsure, and screwing up could get you killed. It is no wonder it was highest back in the Victorian age, or that it is declining now that we are no longer actively selecting for it as rigorously.

By contrast, those who excel at Specialist Intelligence, particularly the creative, generally have a mind that doesn’t discriminate as clearly between the important and the unimportant, nor does Specialist Intelligence require a lot of quick reaction times or data prioritization. It does not even require a firm grasp of reality, and indeed, may benefit from some disconnect with reality. Einstein was a full blown specialist genius, but he attained the title by spending his days daydreaming about all the different ways he would see things while sitting on a light beam as it sped around at a constant velocity relative to everything. Einstein was a man who probably would do poorly in a gunfight. Most people with high g would have told him that he needed to focus his time on something more realistically productive. Most people though, would never have come up with Special Relativity or General Relativity. So although I wouldn’t want Einstein in a foxhole with me, nor do I think he would last long in the real world, Specialist Intelligence is not without its benefits.

Einstein was a sort of hippie-ish leftoid, if a very amiable one. He fled Germany as it grew militaristic, and even spent his days under full FBI surveillance, developing a 1400 page file, supposedly due to suspicion of his leftism. (A true rabbit, he advocated for a world government, knowing full well that it would be tyrannical, but saying he had more fear of another war. Better to live a life in chains, than risk any danger at all – the rabbit motto.) This is the kind of creative Specialist Intelligence which will thrive in an environment where screwing up will never get you killed, but which won’t last ten seconds once competition is necessary and actions can have consequences – like being culled from the gene pool. It is not the kind of psychology you want anywhere near your civilizational structure.

So where does this all leave us? Back where this site started, but with yet another perspective indicating that the ideas presented here regarding the amygdala, evolution, and ideology are actually grounded in scientific reality, and that an understanding of this model can help one to better understand everything we see around us on the human terrain.

This also demonstrates why the amygdala model of politics explored here is so powerful. Yes it is explanatory, yes it is predictive, and yes it is practically useful. It is a great argument against leftism. But more than that, it is denigrating and amygdala stimulating to rabbits, precisely due to how thoroughly it comports with all available research and common sense, at the very same moment it goes about explaining how liberals are unable to cognitively process simple reality.

The amygdala model is the perfect meme to seize the attention of a dreamy, unfocused leftist amygdala with the threat of status diminution, and then hijack it with a simple credentialist argument that also appeals to the common sense of any observers to the debate. It is perfectly designed to out-group, both with the “authority” and the mob. Best of all, once an individual sees it, they will see that amygdala mechanism everywhere – a constant reminder of how leftists are reality-detached tools that wouldn’t last two seconds in a state of nature.

As it spreads it cannot help but do good things in politics.

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9 years ago

[…] Amygdalae, IQ, Reaction Times, and Ideology […]

Ann K
Ann K
9 years ago

How can this be captured in a meme or tagline? We need something that is obvious, cannot be refuted, and will trigger the amygdala of the opponent.

Ann K
Ann K
9 years ago

Something like the “Hill, No!” headline in the April 12 New York Post.

Ann K
Ann K
9 years ago

For the sake of accuracy, the headline is “Oh Hill No!”

9 years ago


I’ve been reading your blog for awhile, and my own experience with leftists and narcissists in general have disturbingly mirrored your content.

Nevertheless, I find myself puzzled by this particular article. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the concept of leftists being soulless narcissistic robots pretending to be human who exist to make everyone miserable and destroy society, but are also day dreamy creative geniuses who can benefit society.

I must confess that I do not like the possibility of having to stomach the thought that the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo are rabbits. Though I can easily see it with modern “artists” like Pollock and Andy Warhol, who were both objectively horrible people in their personal lives, as well as with other old world talented but terrible individuals like Caravaggio and Bernini.

Perhaps there was an older article that explains the spectrum of Leftist types. Could you explain this further?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

Thank you very much for the thorough and informative reply.

Pondering upon your post and looking back upon art history through an r/K lens has made many trends take on a new light.

For example: A popular mythology in the modern art world is that the rise of modern art is the product of a grand and noble rebellion against the tyranny of traditionalism.

However, considering how many hundreds, even thousands, of years that art followed a K oriented philosophy (i.e. created for the purpose of cementing, transmitting and preserving a tribe’s/nation’s cultural identity), for the nature of the art world to have changed so dramatically and so quickly, something unprecedented had to have happened.

Though there were some seeds in the Impressionists break from the established Salons and Academies, modern art as we know it today did not truly emerge until the Dada movement. It was from this movement that such modern art mainstays such as “conceptual art” and “found art” (like Marcel Duchamp’s infamous and execrable “Fountain”) first emerged.

But what was Dada? At it’s core, it was a rebellion, mockery, and attack on traditional culture. Note that it’s genesis was just before, during, and the aftermath of World War 1; a time of K-type conditions of a magnitude and consequence never before experienced in human history.

Thus, it could be argued that the r-type takeover of the art world was the product of r-type rabbits seizing upon a golden opportunity to attack traditional artistic institutions when the general public was experiencing exhaustion and backlash towards peak K conditions that the rabbits could pin on traditional culture. Or perhaps it at least created such conditions within the art community only, considering that 1950’s society was fairly K-type, while the likes of Pollack and the Abstract Expressionists were shaping the art world behind the scenes.

Regardless, one can easily see the r type takeover of art, by the fact that fine art is no longer about the aforementioned cementing, transmission and preservation of a culture’s identity and values. Rather, modern art has become a race to the bottom in the pursuit of narcissistic gratification through novelty and infamy. More specifically, it is the pursuit of status through the least amount of effort possible. Why would a rabbit care about craftsmanship, hard work, and integrity, when they can get status, security and adoration by pissing in a jar and kissing the right asses?

It reminds me of this one episode of “Work of Art: The Next Great Artist” that I watched a while ago. One of the contestants created a work involving a piece of slightly curved plywood with a balled up piece of paper in the center, and claimed it was “an expression of gravity.”

I think of the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians, and how though they are long gone, we know for a fact, by their architecture, sculpture, poetry, hieroglyphics, etc. that they were brilliant people who valued timeless beauty and order.

Then I think upon the West being dead and gone, and future archaeologists rummaging through our ruins. Our culture, our spirit, our worldview…. represented by a curved piece of plywood with a balled up bit of crinkled paper in the center. It’s absolutely sickening.

One can even view the r and K type differences between two closely related but different art movements.

The Cubists: proudly isolationist and anti-war; creating art that functioned as obtuse code that only the elect could understand for the purpose of circle-jerking it off to their exclusive status.

The Futurists: Violent, powerful, kinetic laden visuals for the purpose of shaping society towards a revolutionary form of K values.

My apologies if this was a bit overlong and ranty, but your response really got my gears moving.