Casual Sex Is Bad For Mental Health

I see high long form DRD4 carriage:

A new study suggests that poor mental health and casual sex feed off each other in teens and young adults, with each one contributing to the other over time.

Researchers found that teens who showed depressive symptoms were more likely than others to engage in casual sex as young adults. In addition, those who engaged in casual sex were more likely to later seriously consider suicide…

“There’s always been a question about which one is the cause and which is the effect. This study provides evidence that poor mental health can lead to casual sex, but also that casual sex leads to additional declines in mental health.”

Sex is like a drug. Just as some are prone to addiction and some are not, some can handle a casual fling and not become addicted and break down, and some cannot. However, those prone to flings will tend to have the poorly functioning long form D4 dopamine receptors, and thus be prone to growing addicted to the sex, and feeling extreme dopamine deficiency in its absence. Addiction is associated with the long form DRD4 genes, as is sexual promiscuity, infidelity, and leftist predispositioning. It is all r-selection, facilitated by poor transmembrane dopamine signal transduction.

As with any addict, they eventually come to require their chosen dopamine receptor activity-eliciter all of the time, and in its absence they experience the depression and angst which others do not feel.

Note that viewed in the context of the r/K mechanism, that is a feature and not a bug. As these people come to need the dopamine rush of sex to escape their angst, they will become more likely to seek it out aggressively. Those not so conditioned might be content to enjoy a sunset, or simply relax and smell the fresh spring air in the forest on a hike. This will program the brains of those so afflicted to aggressively pursue the r-selected reproductive strategy. This is how the machine is designed to work.

Only r/K Theory can make it all make sense.

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7 years ago

[…] Casual Sex Is Bad For Mental Health […]

7 years ago

Man! I didn’t know about those Dopamine receptor variants! This explains those polytoxicomanic people!!! I never derived much benefit from drugs while some of my friends pretty much perished while chasing drugs like rats in a cocaine experiment! Couldn’t quite understand their enthusiasm at the time.