Clinton, Sleazebags, Pervs, and Secrets – Trumpian Subliminal Suggestions

Was this more Trumpian hypnosis?

At a Massachusetts fundraiser Friday night, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump continued his attacks on Democrat Hillary Clinton saying the former Secretary of State has “some very big problems” with her email server.

However, the real estate mogul took things a step further attacking longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband, former Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) calling him a “perv.”

“Who is Huma married to?,” Trump asked. “One of the great sleazebags of our time. Anthony Weiner.”

He went on:

“So Huma is getting classified secrets, she’s married to Anthony Weiner, who’s a perv.”

As a congressman in 2011, Weiner was caught up in an online love affair and sexting scandal that spilled into his mayoral run two years later.

Talking in Norwood, Mass., Trump alleged that Abedin must have been sharing top secret information with her husband of five years.

“If you think that Huma isn’t telling Anthony, who she’s probably desperately in love with, in all fairness to Anthony, ‘cause why else would she marry this guy,” Trump said in yet another of his rambling rants.

Deep in conservative brains are neural pathways associating Hillary with being married to a sleazebag perv, and him giving secrets to foreigners, and being untrustworthy.

How do you subtly trigger those emotions and remind conservatives that Hillary was married to a big time sleazebag who can’t be trusted, and who will have access to everything in the White House, without pissing off Democrats who don’t want to be reminded of the Clinton scandals? With this, Trump subtly exercises those pathways, and associates it all with Hillary subconsciously. Best of all, Neither Hillary nor Huma can say anything in response. These are all free shots.

Whether you like him or not, Trump is the Grandmaster, in a competition filled with complete neophytes. He is showing everyone not just how it is done, but how pathetic everyone who has come before was.

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