Comey Sought To Head Off FBI Agents Seeking Hillary’s Medical Records

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt:

A few determined agents were frustrated by Clinton’s professed lack of memory during her interview and her oblique reference to a recent head injury she had suffered as the probable cause of that. They sought to obtain her medical records to verify the gravity of her injury and to determine whether she had been truthful with them. They prepared the paperwork to obtain the records, only to have their request denied by Director Comey himself on July 4.

Then some agents did the unthinkable; they reached out to colleagues in the intelligence community and asked them to obtain Clinton’s medical records so they could show them to Comey. We know that the National Security Agency can access anything that is stored digitally, including medical records. These communications took place late on July 4.

When Comey learned of these efforts, he headed them off the next morning with his now infamous news conference, in which he announced that Clinton would not be indicted because the FBI had determined that her behavior, though extremely careless, was not reckless, which is the legal standard in espionage cases. He then proceeded to recount the evidence against her. He did this, no doubt, to head off the agents who had sought the Clinton medical records, whom he suspected would leak evidence against her.

Letting Comey catch wind of their plans was where they fell short. Of course in their defense, being FBI agents it was reasonable to not expect the Director to thwart their efforts. Obviously had they assumed that were the case, we might very well know what is wrong with Hillary.

It just goes to show that today, you cannot be too paranoid when trying to fight the machine.

It also shows that grassroots LE, even of the fedguv sort, appears to be relatively uncorrupted. It is the leadership which is the problem.

Trump will have a lot of purging to do.

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7 years ago

[…] Comey Sought To Head Off FBI Agents Seeking Hillary’s Medical Records […]