Do We Really Elect Our Leaders?


Keane Schwarz is certain he knows the outcome of the vote in his precinct: He was the lone caucusgoer in Woodbury County No. 43.

But the Iowa Democratic Party’s final results state that Hillary Clinton won one county delegate and Bernie Sanders received zero.

“I voted for Bernie,” Schwarz, 36, of Oto, told The Des Moines Register. “It was really suspicious – I’m actually pretty irate about it.”

Some complaints that Iowa Democrats have shared with the Register about discrepancies in caucus results appear to be valid.

There is a lot more of that in the article.

I’ve long wondered if we elect our leaders. Years back, I left the polling place on election day, and forty feet down the street was a phone company service truck parked by the side of the road at the base of a telephone pole. Out of the mostly-closed back doors of the truck some wires weaved their way up to the wires on the pole, where I assume they were spliced in. Back when I was acclimated to normal neighborhood activity, I had never seen a phone company truck stopped and wired into a pole before. I though it looked strange, but just filed it away as the phone company doing some work.

I later learned that all the poll results from the polling place were transferred to a central tabulation center directly over a phone line using a modem, leading me to wonder if that truck could have intercepted one out-going total on the phone line from the polling place and replaced it with another total which was sent along the phone line to the tabulation center. I’ve often wondered since, if I had stopped and popped the back of the truck open and said, “Surprise!,” as the flash on a polaroid camera popped, what the reaction inside would have been. Sadly Democrats weren’t nearly as crushed that day as I had dreamed of in the months running up to it.

After Obama beat Romney in the last election so easily, my suspicions only increased, and now we see this in a primary. If Trump consistently underperforms the polls by large margins, we will know considerably more.

Obviously as we transition fully to touchscreen computer voting all over the country, the risks of fraud will only increase further. If it was happening then, it will definitely be happening in the future, and to a much greater degree.

Don’t assume anything is as it seems. What I see out there is weirder than I would ever have imagined, and as crazy as the rabbits are, I only see things getting weirder.

Where is my Apocalypse?

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