Does Bill Clinton Have AIDS?

Political Insider has a potentially interesting tidbit:

Authors Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince have released a bombshell report about former President Bill Clinton that could end Hillary’s campaign!

In their new book, Bill & Hillary: So This is That Thing Called Love, the authors interview Clinton insiders who claim that Bill slept with so many women that Hillary Clinton has repeatedly forced him to get an HIV test from the doctor. This is because the former President “favored unprotected sex.”

And while the first tests came back negative, HIV and AIDS might explain an ongoing mystery. Over the years, both Clintons have kept their medical records a secret. Clinton has explained his rapidly changing appearance to his heart surgery and “new diet” but he has looked increasingly thin and weak at Hillary campaign rallies…

“I didn’t recognize the character that was on TV,” Morris said of Bill Clinton’s recent interview with NBC News in a video released Monday. “He was washed-out, he was listless, he was apathetic, he was very slow-talking and even slower thinking!”

The link even has a pic of Clinton with an unexplained lesion on his forehead.

I don’t know if I buy the story though. On the one hand, Bill has that same weight loss thing going on that Charlie Sheen had (and which Al Sharpton appears to have). On the other hand, I find it highly unlikely that he is taking time from all the women he is sleeping with to sleep with Hillary, who is almost certainly a lesbian anyway. So if they aren’t sleeping together, why is Hillary having him get tested?

Either way, the day he dies, a lot of women’s lives are going to get a whole lot less stressful.

One additional thought – hiring high end escorts was all fun and games, until Charlie Sheen began entertaining his pre-op tranny fetish, and got AIDS. Of all the people in the world to get AIDS, Charlie was the one guy who could pass it to the entire population of high-end escorts throughout the entire nation. If he did, this might herald the beginning of a bunch of famous guys who frequent high-end escorts coming down with AIDS. If Clinton and Sharpton did catch it, they would just be the beginning.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

[…] Political Insider alleges that Bill Clinton has AIDS and is hiding it from the public. (HT: Anonymous Conservative.) […]

8 years ago

She’s looking for a pretext to divorce him. She doesn’t want him in the White House with her, and it would let her get her feminist bone fides in to contrast all of her Tammy Wynette years.

Al Goldstein (@rine_attcks)
8 years ago

I tend to think she’ll remain “married” on paper for as long as possible to look normal. She’s a lesbian for sure, and she’ll have her lesbian partner living in the White House if she makes it that far, but Bill will always be dragged out, like the movie Weekend At Bernie’s, for the cameras.

8 years ago

they both arev disgusting people

Patricia A.Mehr
Patricia A.Mehr
8 years ago

Wickedness never is true happiness! Bill and Hillary are not happy.

8 years ago

He has aids

Reply to  Anonymous
7 years ago

He certainly deserves it – along with a special; place in hell – next to Hillary.

Mr Wee Wee
Mr Wee Wee
8 years ago

Mr. Wee Wee sez, “yOu gO girl” and STAND FIRM BEHIND Barack!

8 years ago

Whether you support Hillary Clinton or not, you need to update your knowledge base from the 1980’s and realize that this is 2016. Anyone living with HIV who has access to treatment can expect to have a normal life expectancy. It’s amazing that there are still people among us who are not only profoundly ignorant, but actually proud enough of it to post their ignorance in a public forum. Either you don’t realize that HIV is a completely treatable chronic condition or you’d simply rather allow your political beliefs to cause you to ignore the facts. If you don’t support Hillary Clinton, then argue the merits of your candidate. This ridiculous spin on reality only demonstrates that you have no legitimate arguments, only ignorance, hoping that someone is stupid enough to believe it.

Reply to  David
8 years ago

Tell that to the 25 million Americans who died from AIDS in the 21st century. Or the 1.2 million who died from AIDS in 2014 alone (numbers for 2015 aren’t out yet.)

You can’t tell them that, because they are fucking dead — from “completely treatable” AIDS.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
8 years ago

Bill Clinton certainly has the means to get the best medical care available. He can go anywhere in the world to get treatment. Unfortunately, if he has AIDS most of his victims would not have that advantage.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
8 years ago

What do u mean moderation.

Reply to  David
8 years ago

Wait a minute. I’m aware that AIDS treatment has come a long way. My concern is that some AIDS patients do not inform their sexual partners that they have AIDS. It’s great that major progress has been made for AIDS patients. As far as I know you can still pass the disease to your partner if you have unproved sex.

Reply to  David
7 years ago

If it has progressed from HIV to AIDS, that would explain a lot. Maybe you should educate yourself before you tell others to. HIV can and will continue to progress, and the immune system still is at a much greater risk for opportunistic infections and diseases to come in and cause the infected person’s health to fail. If he “dies of cancer,” it could be very likely that it’s because his system was already immunocompromised and much more susceptible to an illness that an otherwise healthy person would not have been affected by. Just because the individual is treating their disease does not mean they are guaranteed to remain healthy! It only means that aren’t as at risk as they would be if they weren’t taking them!

Reply to  David
7 years ago

Considering your post, makes me wonder why you are on this site reading this article and comments.

Reply to  David
7 years ago

My brother died from AIDS so DO NOT tell it’s treatable!! as long as they stay on their meds it is controlled a bit but not treatable or cured!!

Reply to  David
7 years ago

Living in 2016 with advanced medicine does not gaurantee you anything. Higher probability of living a normal life but nonetheless no gaurantee

mary perez
mary perez
Reply to  David
7 years ago

That has some truth to it,but you are basing it all on a person with the MONEY and insurance who can afford the “normal lifestyle” as you put it. why so angry? It’s a discussion. Ignorant people should not control your emotions so. I have a different chronic disease, auto immune, that is fatal. I will die, as I had to give up my insurance and I do not qualify got medical assistance. You don’t hear that kind of crazy anger from me. I feel Blessed for the time I have. Life is beautiful. T
oo short to let dull mind get to you. Let it go. It’s not worth your energy.

Reply to  David
7 years ago

AIDS kills.

Frank Hut
7 years ago

No matter how much you dislike a person never wish or take joy in sickness striking them down.
Very sad……………. Trump 2016 !!!

Sherry Boynton Contreras
7 years ago

If Bill can afford the best care and still looks to terrible, then he must be really sick.

Peggy Sue Jordan
Peggy Sue Jordan
7 years ago

We all should pray for all of them. I hope if its true, the Lord can heal anything just believe…

7 years ago

[…] Does Bill Clinton Have AIDS? […]

7 years ago

After all the people these two gave had slaughtered on their path to the current hour, the idea really that both of them are afflicted with something like this, a long delis painful death, could hardly be more fitting. I will send them both a pair of my own product, asbestos underpants, for their nice long hot vacation.
Good riddance