Donald is Bringing the GOPocalypse

Frank Luntz realizes that Trump is a force to be reckoned with, and he isn’t going anywhere.

A new focus group commissioned by GOP pollster Frank Luntz shows Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is virtually invulnerable to attack by rival 2016 candidates and the media, leading Luntz to say that it is now “totally conceivable” that Trump will become the Republican Party’s nominee for president.

“The Republican leadership needs to wake up and see that the grass roots has abandoned them,” said Luntz, the head of Luntz Global, a top GOP polling and messaging consultancy.

“This is a different cat,” Luntz added. “It’s not like Ross Perot in 1992, where people were simply unhappy with the two major parties; they’re choosing Trump affirmatively. Honestly, my legs are shaking looking at these numbers. All those people who think he’s going to implode are wrong. He’s not going away…”

Most notably, the intensity of the group’s support for Trump was matched only by their dislike of establishment GOP candidates and politics as usual. At one point, a woman named Rhiannon explained her support of Trump by lamenting that “it appears that there’s only one party.” A whopping 25 of 29 participants in the focus group immediately and heartily agreed with her.

“Nobody is listening to us,” echoed another supporter identified only as ‘Suzanne.’ “(But) he’s listening to us, he knows what we think and he’s successful just like we want to be.”

Anyone who loves America hates the GOPe. It is like being in a marriage that is so bad, Conservatives don’t care if they have to live under a bridge – they are getting a divorce. That Trump is an attractive and very skilled candidate offering to represent the movement successfully is almost an afterthought.

Even better – not only is anger at all time highs, not only is the GOPe heading r when the grassroots is heading even more K, not only could Donald self-finance ten campaigns at once, but Trump is the rhetorical equivalent of an old Grandmaster at the game of persuasion (don’t click the link, it is just a liberal bullshit hit piece – the excerpt is the only interesting part).

Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.

Donald is clearly not into National Socialism, nor would he give a shit about Hitler’s life. The reason he reads that is clear. Donald is a student of persuasion, who approaches his discipline with all the rigor of the most conscientious scientist. He appears to have some knowledge of hypnosis, he appears to know Game, and he even wrote the “Art of the Deal.” This is a guy who would read Hitler’s speeches, to better understand how people process data, and get persuaded. Not only does he have the theoretical concepts down, he has years of practicing them on the stage in popular culture.

For once in history, Conservatives feel that they have a man running for office who doesn’t find them repellent, and who will attack our enemies as viciously as possible. Even if he wasn’t conservative, he is a candidate who the media hates, and who is screwing the GOPe. Given the magical beauty of that, the fact he is pro-American is almost icing on the cake.

Go Donald, bring the GOPocalypse™

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Robert What?
Robert What?
8 years ago

I see such angst at Trump both from both sides. I’ve even had friends who voted for Obama twice complain that Trump is inexperienced and unqualified. Imagine that! No Obama supporter has any business talking about experience and qualifications ever again.

But I ask: no experience at what? No qualifications for what? He’s run major businesses, provided jobs and opportunities for many thousands of people (including immigrants and women), been bankrupt and come back again, and makes most of his money doing and building, not just pushing paper. He has light years more experience and qualifications than Obama, even after six years of being President.