Good Article On The Walkie Talkie Bank Robbery

Shades of The League of Red Headed Men and Ezekiah Hopkins:

Covered in rubble, the gang later dubbed the “sewer rats” were about to stage one of the most audacious heists in British criminal history.

But as they tunnelled into the vault of the Baker Street branch of Lloyds Bank, they had no idea they were about to spark a secret service cover-up and claims of a royal sex scandal.

Bank Jobs are not that interesting compared to these little tidbits:

Speculation quickly arose that compromising sexual photographs of the Queen’s sister, the late Princess Margaret, had been uncovered in the bank vault. It was rumoured they had been stashed away by well-known underworld figure Michael X. A drug dealer and Black Power leader, he was convicted of murder and hanged in Trinidad in 1975. A government file on him will remain closed until 2054.

First, you are dealing with the Hall of Mirrors. If something embarrassing gets out, it is probably disinformation to hide something devastating. There was a much bigger scandal here, as we see later in the article.

The Mirror can for the first time reveal that Fleet Street editors of the day were approached directly by senior government officials and told to drop the story.

The four men caught, charged and convicted of the raid went to jail without ever having their names mentioned in the press, and to this day their identities and the circumstances of their capture remain secret. Even the lengths of their sentences are still shrouded in mystery.

There is a scene at the end of the movie, Three Days Of The Condor, where the hero smiles when faced with a CIA agent who plans to kill him to keep a CIA secret, smiles. The hero then says he has already told all. With that, he motions over his shoulder to that bastion of justice, the New York Times, which now has the story, and will reveal it to the world, thus protecting the hero’s life. Defeated, the CIA agent visibly deflates, turns, and walks away defeated.

It doesn’t work like that. The shadowy state security organiztions have had all the positions of influence in the media under control for a long time. These are agencies routinely doing things which would get them sent to prison for decades. They are not about to leave a non-governmental branch of society out there, operating freely, with the power to take them down.

For a long time, they have had every decision maker and power player, from media to Law Enforcement under surveillance. I’ll bet Sheriff David Clarke’s car has been tossed two or three times at least, during covert tech installs, and he would never believe it if you told him. If he is incorruptible, my assumption would be that he is on the list to be set up and dealt with, at some point.

Those who were corrupted at the top were used so that those who were corrupted below rose in the ranks, and helped along everyone else corruptible. Yes, there was an official government notice in this case sealing discussion of it, but have no doubt, the media wanted to talk about it. The police wanted to investigate it. The reason they didn’t was because they were under controls which went far beyond some puny government notice.

I have no doubt every major news anchor is either knowingly owned, or they will find out they are owned if something big comes up.

Now, one of the men, in his 70s, has spoken to the Mirror from his home in Europe. The ex-gang member said he was terrified to discover one box belonged to the-then head of the judiciary.

He said: “It was owned by Quintin Hogg, the Lord Chancellor.

When we opened it we dropped it on the floor like it was a time bomb. We didn’t want to take anything that might give us extra trouble so we left it…

We didn’t want to take anything that might give us extra trouble so we left it. All we wanted was cash and jewels.”

But the gang didn’t have time to go through all of the stash and ended up taking some sensitive material…

And what was most disturbing was the child pornography we found.

We were disgusted and left it in their open boxes so police could trace the owners.”

And there it is. The most interesting thing about this bank job was how many people claimed to not have had anything in their safe deposit boxes. This was taken over and covered up because it was an intel grab. The royal with dirty photos was just the cover.

Rich and powerful people, even up to the Lord Chancellor, with safe deposit boxes filled with child porn and other things they could never admit to, even for insurance purposes, and not a one was charged. Since then, Jimmy Saville’s pedophile network came to light, and even so, most acknowledge that barely a smidgen of the British pedophile crisis has been unearthed. Time goes on and government just waits for the people to forget.

Why? Why would government agents turn a blind eye to such monstrosity? It is simple. There is nobody who is more controllable than a pedophile. A pedophile is the definition of immorality. He hurts children, just for fun. What do you think he will do to avoid being thrown in prison, with the general population, for the rest of his life? A pedophile in a position of power might as well be a robot that only you have the remote control for. They are the single most controllable personality type. Own Jimmy Saville, and you own every media pedophile he has recruited into his pedophile network. The worse you are, the more you will be enabled, because the better the control you will offer – and the higher your star will rise.

Did you think it was just chance that there were so many pedophiles in the uppermost echelons of British society? They just happened to all be there en masse, enabling each other?

Each of those pedophiles with the kiddie-porn in their safe deposit box got a visit from MI5, and they were told how it would be. They were owned, so and so was now their handler, and they would do what they were told. They would always be monitored, never tell anyone, etc, etc, and everything would be alright. They would even see their career paths accelerate, as the other parts of the network moved them into positions of power and influence. Suddenly all the power players were pedophiles, reporting to God only knows who.

Then the story was let out that some royal wench had a nude picture in there, and that was why there was all the interest from intel. I don’t believe it for a minute.

The entire machine today is networks of corrupted people, elevated to positions of power and authority, and protected so they will do what they are told, when the time comes. I have a feeling if we knew the full scope, we would be blown away.

Never think things are as you were taught. They most certainly are not.

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7 years ago

[…] Good Article On The Walkie Talkie Bank Robbery […]

7 years ago

This is why Trump and Palin terrify them.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
7 years ago

And the corollary is that Cruz and Rubio do not terrify them.

7 years ago

This is very interesting, I had never thought of it from this angle before.

Basically you are reversing my assumptions. I had come to believe that pedophilia was linked – in part – to people in great positions of power because they had uncontrollable appetites and were anxious for the next “thrill” in their otherwise meaningless lives that money couldn’t satisfy.

What you are claiming would definitely help explain why so many people in power are so damn mediocre, so inept. The pedophilia came first, and they were moved upward. WOW.

The Catholic church has been battling this for years now, and it looks like a lot of these devils in white collars were protecting a network and creating an almost unbreakable “mesh” in their diocese.

Very thoughtful. If this is true what possible hope is there but to look after your own family and community until some kind of cleansing is forced on us?

Reply to  JimP
7 years ago

“…The pedophilia came first, and they were moved upward. WOW…”

Exactly. I often wonder if this is not the reason for the roughly 250 year life time of Empires. The psychopaths and their controls take a little while to work their way to the top. Once at the top the whole thing unravels quickly.

Reply to  Sam
7 years ago

Europeoid Egypt lasted longer than 250 years. It even had a “No blacks allowed north of this sign” sign in the south.

The “Empires have inevitable cycles” argument is a popular, powerful one in today’s media. It’s meant to lull people into complacently accepting destruction, and ignoring the reasons that empires are destroyed. Whenever you see someone reciting that argument, think of them like a Bond villain telling you not to struggle because you are already too late, because it was “inevitable.”

It’s a lie. The factors that destroy us are easy to chart. Demographics changing over time. The ownership and control of our means of currency; our means of mass communication; our educational curricula and funding; our ability to reach and exercise control over “our” elected leaders. If you apply demographics to these things, you see exactly what causes Euro civilizations to collapse, and exactly where “white liberals” come from.

7 years ago

You’ve just contradicted yourself. You spend so much time claiming that the government is enabling r-type behavior, and yet, you just provided a lot of details of how the people who run the government are extremely K-strategist. In-group loyalty, personal risk, violent behavior, etc.

Real-world observation consistently disproves your overarching theory. “r-type behavior,” as you call it, is being fostered not through a natural evolutionary process, but through the deliberate social meddling of a small subset of people who adopt “K-behavior” for themselves while promoting “r-behavior” for others.

Now, if you just dug into the history of Reuters, the New York Times, the Fed, the Allies, NATO, the U.N., Hollywood, critical theory, Harvard, and the refugee crisis, you’d be forced into some difficult ethnic conclusions about the nature of these processes–particularly their connections to pedophilia.

Are you brave enough to follow the science?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Some side questions before we continue: do you believe in anything which transcends power? For example, imagine that an illiterate Somali thug rapes and murders a British ballet instructor who has not yet had children. The Somali receives 12 months of probation, guidance counseling, and the Soros Foundation assists him in obtaining a job. Two years later, he rapes several teenagers outside a girls’ school. A year later, he dies in a street brawl with another refugee.

That Somali ends up with three descendants from the young women he raped. He is an evolutionary success–more so than the average Briton, and infinitely moreso than the childless ballerina whom he’d murdered years before. His three descendants, who aren’t killed in street brawls until their late thirties, have eight children each.

The food supply is later disrupted, and over half of the original Somali’s grandchildren die during resource fights in the 2060s. Here follows the scorecard for evolutionary success.

Evolutionary Results as of 2068 Peace Accords:

Somali rapist: 11 living descendants (24 less 13 starved/killed during social instability).

British ballet instructor: 0 living descendants (0 less 0 starved/killed during 2060s social instability).

Average non-raping white Briton: 0.8 living descendants (1.3 less 0.5 starved/killed during 2060s social instability).

1) Who is the evolutionary victor?

2) Is the Somali rapist’s victory “wrong”?

3) If you answered “yes” to (2) above, what makes that victory “wrong”?

4) The world’s most inventive, war-competent, “K-selected” race has proven itself an evolutionary failure, dwindling to less than 6% of the world’s population by 2016. Its suicide rates are the highest of all races, and its reproduction rate is one of the lowest. As a believer in evolution, and a supporter of strength and survival, this race should be justly eliminated by the other races. Correct?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

The evolutionary perspective you offer is wholly unscientific; literally, Lysenkoist. You’re advocating for evolution without evolution, e.g., evolution which leaves both the bad and the good traits intact. For example, you believe that in a dry environment, legged beings will thrive, however many of them will unfold their fins and employ their gills as soon as their habitat is submerged.

Not so. To use your preferred terminology, the most r-selected species of humanoid on this planet is one that has never maintained a society of its own–has never grown crops, won wars, or controlled territory in any K-selected way.

Blacks, Mongols, Europeans, Arabs, Japanese, Russians, Navajo–they’ve all, at various points in time, conquered territory, held territory, grown sufficient food to sustain themselves, developed tools with which to kill enemies, et cetera. There is one species/race of humanoid–Jews–which has never done this. Plagiarizing the Epic of Gilgamesh into Noah, copying hundreds of other African & Asian & European myths into the Torah, the Jews have roved the planet without a home from time immemorial until 1948, when they whined to Britain, “Waaah, waaaah, we’re victims, give us our own country, give us billions of dollars of welfare a year, give us guns and bombs and fighter jets and a seat at the U.N., and everybody who disagrees with us is a big meanie because of the diaspora and the Holocaust!”

Where is the “K”? You’re impressed when a Jew takes an American-made rifle, while drawing a salary paid for by yearly American welfare, and guns down a bunch of Palestinian kids from atop a tank (also provided by America)? Even Dukakis and Hillary can ride in a tank.

Evolution provides for the adaptation of the species by mutations removing old traits and replacing them with (in theory) more beneficial ones. Africans can fight and kill and farm and rape. Maybe they can’t do astrophysics, but they damn sure can fight and kill and farm and rape. The most r-selected species on this entire planet, the Jews, have never, never, never been able to survive except by convincing K-strategists that they deserve special neighborhoods, special countries, special financial privileges, special legal status, special welfare, etc., because they are poor downtrodden victims and deserve everything from Europeans who work hard.

It’s possible you’re a Christian Zionist or a friendly intelligence agent working to trick European-derived people into not understanding Jewish influence on our people. If so, hey, nice to see you on the battlefield, good luck, we both know you’re going to win this encounter and that’s that.

But if you’re actually a European who is trying to rationalize the destruction of our societies without taking into account the pedophile enablers, the sodomy-supporters, the family destroyers, the fiat currency establishers, then you are way, way off the mark.

Europe was strong and K-selected for thousands upon thousands of years. All of this behavior that you call “r-type” would never have appeared in our societies, nor been tolerated in them, until Jews had created a Federal Reserve Bank, an income tax, a humanitarian need to police the world, and a humanitarian need to open our boarders and provide free food and pussy to every gobbling rapist out there.

Slaves from Africa, central banks, foreign intervention, feminism, ADL, SPLC, ACLU, critical theory, outgroup-favoring immigration quotas, school busing, forced association, political correctness, welfare, white privilege, gay marriage, safe spaces, tranny bathrooms, rapefugees, gun control, pedophilia acceptance…

I know how hard it is, buddy. I know you’re supposed to walk a fine line between “believing in evolution” and “accepting that some organisms evolved to be parasites.” But science is about evidence, not preference and anecdote. If you’re honest, and if you value your people, you’re going to need to be able to take that next step.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I think it was this r-type behavior that spread us across the globe, long before Judaism existed. Man, seeking free resources and safety by escaping into the untapped land of plenty next door, and mating wildly. Indeed, it was precisely this psychology that took down Rome, from welfare to the welcoming of barbarians.

In fact, this is the quality that Homo sapiens used to “wipe out” the much more K selected Neanderthal. They simply bred us out — partly. All of the societies we see as historically K selected have much more remnant Neanderthal genes.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Don’t have faith in your people–have scientifically assured belief in them. For 99% of our existence, we have survived, built, created, explored, and conquered. All of the world’s great civilizations, from the red-haired ancient Chinese emperors to the Indo-Aryans, to the blonde pharaohs and goddesses of ancient Egypt, bear our touch.

No one else has done this. Those whom we have not visited have not invented the wheel.

The traits that you call “r-selected” which can be seen among us nowadays were exceedingly rare, indeed, practically nonexistent, for we were the only ones who could build, invent, and grow, while living outside of the abundant tropics. The things we see now are so maladaptive they would not have endured then, and could only have begun to endure once our great trading cities had made us vulnerable to infection.

You’ve noticed the “r-type” societies of the tropical peoples, surely. The lack of planning, perhaps characterized by abundant fruit and a lack of necessity for winter shelter and food storage. Or perhaps it is something else, something more primal, for even the Inuit, shaped by winter, were scarcely able to better the Bantu? But no, we were shaped by what you call “K” behaviors: families, honor, decency…we have fallen, now, to the rapespawn of some of our women lost during the invasion of Egypt. When their cursed children came back to us, some of them looked enough like us that we were fooled into trusting them–fooled into believing they were like us. We allowed them into our walls, never realizing that they had artificially separated themselves from their darker cousins only to effect a greater invasion.

Time and again, we expelled the invaders from without; time and again, we purged the invaders from within, recognizing that, wherever they went, our women and children began to be encouraged against family and nation, and instead, toward selfish pleasures. To be sure, we are to blame for not taking harsher steps to correct this problem. Hundreds of times we tried to cleanse our cities, our nations, but each time, others among us, menaced by false threats and lured by gold, did the invaders’ work, and wars set us against each other.

Now it happens again. They have taken our most powerful societies, hiding among us, urging their swarthy cousins to bring rape over the walls, enticing our women and children toward the libertine, while crooning at us that it is our fault, our decay, a natural consequence of the immutable physical laws of the universe. “Blame yourself, and your own brothers, for it is your weakness, not ours,” they say. “Let us join you in wise counsel, and surely, we can fix these problems.”

Vile Wormtongue! As ever before, some of them pretend to be on our side, so that we won’t recognize the group nature of their assault. “Yes, those ones are bringing rape to your families, but I am different. I am on your side. I recognize this insanity, and if you honor and respect me among your people, I will surely assist you this time around. This is only happening because you victimized me in the past, anyway.”

7 years ago

UK Column.

7 years ago

[…] quote: “Did you think it was just chance that there were so many pedophiles in the uppermost […]

7 years ago

So who owned Michael Jackson, or whom did he own?