He Feared For His Life…

Even if he didn’t, that little prick had it coming… But he feared for his life.

Donald’s rhetoric infuses into everyone’s psyche, and it will begin popping up elsewhere, as he moves through the culture. When I saw this little fuck bouncing around, warming up and loosening his stabbing arm, and then giving a little pirouette spin move while flicking out the knife, just to give everyone an asshole pucker, I immediately thought of Donald’s line. The shooting was justified. Even if it wasn’t, this little prick had it coming for what he did. But it was justified.

That isn’t just a phrase that pops to mind. It is a way of thinking, and it undoes Alinsky’s rule about holding the opposition to their own rules. We create rules to leverage our strength, and force evil to act good when K-selection is ascendant. Evil then tries to use the rules themselves, to force good to do evil as the society turns r.

Once Donald’s ideas infuse our psyche, we begin to grow comfortable with breaking the rules to do good. At that point, we become more comfortable with leveraging our own force regardless of the rules, and since rabbits lack the will or ability to exert force themselves, it will mark a turning point in the battle for the soul of the nation. When we reach the point that we laugh in rabbit faces as we break the rules they want us to obey, K-selection will be in full swing.

What will be interesting is when the Frailest Generation, prone to a total mental breakdown at the subtlest micro-aggression, begins running into perpetually amused Alphas reiterating Donald’s commonsense triggers, breaking all the little rabbit rules, and just not giving a fuck if anyone whines about it.

Apocalypse – still on schedule.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

so the little s.o.b. is marching down the middle of the street, high, stealing, swinging a knife in the air; and Chicago is afraid it will burn to the ground over this turd?

there’s a part of me that would gladly part with a certain measure of material comfort to, frankly “put blacks in their place” and other assorted aliens of civilization.

they feed off white largesse and still want to kill us…

do you ever consider what America would be like if we were healthy and devoid of these anchors?

8 years ago

That’s what I thought. Cornered and going to take someone with him.

8 years ago

I guess I’ll have to be the contrary opinion. Killing people immediately is not my opinion of K selected behavior. The cops are NOT Judge, jury and Executioner. That guy was no where near the police. Does he need 18 rounds to subdue him? If not then he just murdered him because he felt like it. If that’s not r, I just do what I want no matter what behavior, then I don’t know what is. The guy may be a piece of shit but it’s not the cops place to pass judgement of death upon him. I didn’t see him lunge or even get close to the police. Many of you have over looked the blatant abuse of the law by the police because it happens mostly to Blacks. Now you are probably saying to yourself,”what a liberal whiner you are”. You would be wrong and very far from the truth. Most police don’t care about the color except for they are blue and you therefore are nothing. My position is is I want myself to be protected. The police are not just shooting Blacks. LOTS of Whites and everyone else are being killed for little or no reason by the police. There was a White student not long ago that went to the Auburn University police station naked and knocked on the window. What did the cops do this 5′-7″ naked Man. Why they shot him dead. He did not attack the policeman. Most likely he went there for help. Well never know as the cop just shot him dead. My feeling is if you can’t deal with a small naked guy you shouldn’t be a policeman at all.

Another I saw, there’s many, was a guy was whittling on a stick downtown. The police told him to drop the knife. He didn’t so the cop shot him IN THE BACK and he died. THE GUY WAS DEAF! Does it even matter that he was deaf. You can’t have a pocket knife or the police can execute you on the spot? Absurd and nothing but cold blooded murder.

You all are making a BIG mistake to allow the police to go around killing everyone with no strong reason. The police have been making it impossible to protect yourself from criminals. When citizens use force to protect themselves the police arrest the victims of these attackers. Could be the police shoot you some day for defending yourself.

I’ve been told that most of the police training today is done by Israeli organizations. I posit that they are training the cops to treat us like Palestinians. I’m not a refuge or an occupied territory. I’m a citizen and demand to be treated as such. I pay their bills not the other way around.

A large part of our criminal problem can be dealt with by just allowing citizens the right to defend themselves. The police only seem to be interested in fortifying the power of officials.

Since when did K selected behavior mean that we should give up our Constitutional rights to thugs in uniforms who can just execute people who are yards away from them without guns? The of you can give up your rights because of fear of criminals, I’d rather keep mine.