I Can’t Take It Anymore

First the idiot father who told his kids flowers would protect them from the bad men with guns.

Then there is everybody raving about the Barbie commercial featuring a boy playing with the Barbie doll.

Then there is people commending Charlie Sheen for getting AIDS and coming out to talk about it. Ignored is the fact he is accused of not telling many of his sex partners, so he would have knowingly exposed young girls to it. Even better the girls were porn stars and prostitutes – girls who were probably already exposed to child molestation and bad parenting, so they were already getting kicked in the teeth by life when Charlie gave them that little gift.

Then we have liberals in this country complaining that we aren’t importing ISIS terrorists fast enough, and decrying anyone who opposes the importation as shameful.

It is a lesson. I am experiencing a “violation of expectation” amygdala hijack. I have certain expectations. Namely the father should have been decried as a pansy and somebody should have explained to his son that real men were about to hunt the ISIS animals down and kill them – and if he worked real hard one day he could maybe assume that sacred responsibility and been such a hero himself.

The Barbie commercial should have resulted in a news story about the people behind it being arrested and imprisoned for child abuse, based on the fact that any young boy stupid enough to fall for it would end up hung from his underwear in locker rooms for the rest of his life. He would be a geriatric in the physical therapy room of a nursing home, and somebody who recognized him would hang him up from a locker by his underwear.

Charlie Sheen should have been immediately arrested and imprisoned, with all of his wealth taken and given to the girls he infected with AIDS.

Finally anyone who supports importing Muslim refugees should have a crowd of patriotic Americans descend on them and beat the shit out of them brutally for being traitors to their fellow Americans. Then their citizenship should be revoked and they should be deported to Saudi Arabia, so they can enjoy the joys of Sharia.

If all of that happened, I would calmly nod, fully relaxed and certain that all was right in the world. Instead the exact opposite happened, and I was amygdala hijacked. Focus on what that sensation is like. That is amygdala, and it is what drives the forces of history. Understand it in yourself, and you can understand how it molds behavior more widely.

Of course hijacked for me is not lights out, so much as a nagging, but suppressible urge to make beeline to the nearest clock-tower in a liberal bastion.

Bring the apocalypse already. Its time for K-selection.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Would it make you feel better if jihadis attacked a liberal college town and killed a few dozen Obama voters? Because that’s probably going to happen in the next couple of years. (Not that jihadis care who their victims voted for, I just can’t think where they’d find a large crowd of unarmed conservatives).

8 years ago

But this kind of shit is daily, ramping up a bit, but so is the reaction.
Why the sudden stress over it?

8 years ago

I share your pain

8 years ago

LoL, Anonymous Conservative, I’m glad it’s not just me!

8 years ago

Please write about Jared Fogle.