How Does An r-Strategist Attack His Wife?

Does the nature of this attack enrage you as much as the attack itself?

A jealous husband is facing life in prison after chopping off his wife’s fingers because she began studying for a degree without his permission.

Rafiqul Islam, 30, blindfolded his wife Hawa Akhter, 21, and taped her mouth, telling her he was going to give her a surprise present.

Instead he made her hold out her hand and cut off all five fingers. One of his relatives then threw Ms Akhter’s fingers in the dustbin to ensure doctors could not reattach them.

Mr Islam, who is a migrant worker in the United Arab Emirates, had warned his wife there would ‘severe consequences’ if she did not give up her studies.

‘After he came back to Bangladesh, he wanted to have a discussion with me,’ Ms Akhter told The Times.

‘Suddenly, he blindfolded me and tied my hand. He also taped my mouth saying that he would give me some surprise gifts. But, instead he cut off my fingers.’

K-strategists have been in an evolutionary war with r-strategists for a long time, and in that time we have evolved instinctual urges to kill when we see r-strategist behavior.

Obviously wife beating is unacceptable. Yet even a wife beater who openly stands up to his wife, challenges her openly, and fights her face to face is somehow almost respectable compared to this guy. Tricking his wife into being subservient out of loyalty because he can’t tolerate even the slightest risk of a victim who fights back is so pathetic killing him would almost be putting him out of his misery.

Notice the r-strategy, looking to destroy the happiness of others by exploiting the loyalty and trust of the victim to launch their attack without any consequences. Now look at the leftist migration activists, pretending to be patriotic, as they betray all of their own citizens by importing hostile foreign hordes.

It is not even as if they are just importing random foreigners. They are importing the same radical Islamists we have been at war with for the last decade and a half. And that is not chance. The Roman r-strategists imported the same barbarians the Romans had been trying to hold at bay, and then insisted they be allowed to hold high office.

These are programmed behaviors, imbued through eons of natural selection, and every time you see free resource availability, the r-strategist rabbits will rise, and you will see this exact strategy play out.

After the Apocalypse, when the next economic boom comes and everyone is basking in patriotism and success, you will know this is coming, because you understand r/K Selection Theory.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can’t trust a rabbit’s loyalty

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