Liberals Love Donald

This article introduces a few hard-core Liberals who love Donald’s focus on corruption in campaign finance:

But there is one contingent of liberals who take a very different view. They believe, cheerfully, that Trump is nothing less than the second coming—of campaign finance reform.

One of them is Harvard Law School professor Lawrence Lessig, arguably the country’s leading proponent of reform, who said the greatest entertainer in politics has done so much to jazz up an otherwise eye-glazing issue that Lessig himself would consider running on the same ticket with Trump as a third-party candidate.

“Donald Trump is the biggest gift to the movement for reform since the Supreme Court gave us Citizens United,” said Lessig in a recent interview, referring to the court decision that riled up liberals by granting essentially unlimited campaign contributions from corporate entities. “What he’s saying is absolutely correct, the absolute truth. He has pulled back the curtain.”

These are hard core liberals, so they won’t vote for him, no matter what they say. But the left has a lot of low-info voters, who are all too eager to try and sound erudite by saying how corrupt both parties are, and how fed up they are with the whole system.

They will be fertile ground for a candidate who can easily make the case that he doesn’t owe anyone anything, and, moreover, he needs to prevent the moneymen from influencing elections in the future to keep them from stopping his re-election to a second term.

If I were Donald, I would begin referring to the Uni-Party, and how it is screwing everyone. This will begin to link the Democratic Party to the well established aversive stimulus pathways linked to the Republican Party in the minds of Democrat voters, and tie it all together with the aversive stimulus elicited at the thought of corruption. If he can produce even mild contempt for their own party in them, and portray himself as an enemy of their party, and portray himself as an enemy of the Republican party they hate as well, he could pull in a substantial crossover vote. Everybody hates politicians.

Truth be told, if I was stuck with a choice between Jeb or a moderate leftist candidate who was honest and promised to destroy the entire political establishment, I would either not vote, or vote for the leftist. At this point no enemy is as dangerous as the uni-party machine.

Apocalypse cometh™, fueled by rage.

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8 years ago

It’s not about crossover voting.

It’s about demoralizing the Left so that they go fishing on election day.