Matt Forney Says Bill Clinton Has Aides

Matt is doing videos of the primary battles in Illinois, and he captures things you won’t get on the Network News Shows:

Clinton himself took the stage at 11am, looking and sounding like he’d contracted a horrible disease. His voice was hoarse and shaky, he was freakishly skinny, and he appeared to have what looked like an AIDS lesion on his forehead. I recorded part of his speech, and you can watch it below:

Click over for the video, and click here to kick in to Matt’s video fund to get more of these.

I actually wonder if Hillary could be poisoning that poor bastard so he’ll keel over at just the right moment to help her get elected with sympathy. It does seem as if he is deteriorating quickly as her big day approaches. If I was Bill, I’d be getting all my own food myself.

Married to that, Bill Clinton has an Apocalypse all his own.

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