Michael Slager Gets A Mistrial

The Pushback Begins.

BREAKING NEWS – Mistrial declared in Michael Slager murder case…

I can’t say I would have voted differently. The perp was not entirely innocent, and it takes a second once you decide on lethal force to react to changing circumstances and de-escalate back to less-than-lethal force. The amygdala is funny that way. Once you go hyper-focused on shot placement in a life or death situation, you will not be as adept at big picture issues for a second or two.

But even beyond that, the left has made everything about brute force. It is a matter of time before we adopt their rules, and fight back by ignoring their sacred ideals purposely.

They insisted on forcing the idea that Michael Brown was an innocent young waif who was walking on the sidewalk when a cop approached him and killed him in cold blood as he held his hands up and tried to surrender. The evidence showed him in the cop car beating the cop, the video showed him manhandling some small shopkeeper, and social media showed a gangbanger, but they shoved that bullshit down our throat, and tried to make us swallow.

Now try to find a jury of twelve people that does not have a pissed off, fuck-you, alt-righter on it, who rejects everything the left alleges, and is willing to burn everything to the ground, to take the burden off the cops and make sure the left has no chance of ever prevailing.

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7 years ago

[…] Michael Slager Gets A Mistrial […]

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
7 years ago

The left’s entire battle plan depends on fighting Bushie type schlubs who wear “kick me” signs.

I imagine there is no possible way they can adapt to the changing landscape quickly enough. Of course under r/K they never had that chance to begin with.

7 years ago

Ehh, I’m an alt-righter and Slager is pretty obviously a murderer. He shot him in the back as he was running away, and then lied about what happened (and in fact got his fellow officers to lie to cover him.)

He’s a rabid dog, so it’s time to put him down. They’ll retry him, do their jobs on jury selection this time (because this sounds like a juror that just won’t convict anyone) and he’ll go under the jail.

Walter Scott isn’t Michael Brown. Scott got shot in the back while running away for not paying pussy taxes.

7 years ago

I’ve got to agree with AC on this. When you train on something mechanical enough it becomes second nature. Changing a tire, shooting a gun, moving out of the way of a car. Doing it FAST you don’t really think you just do. Now training can take you to higher orders of ‘operation’ but really you are using the same part of your brain. Imagine if a Truck swerved towards you in a parking lot- how fast would you move, or try to move? Slager was using amydala. Now I can’t speak for why he lied or if his training could have been better but Scott should have known better, and that he wasn’t going to succeed in evasion. If Scott put his hands up it likely would have immediately stopped Slager from putting even one ounce of pressure on his trigger.

And what I’ve noticed about BLM is that they always pick the worst behaving blacks to support. It’s probably what Soros wants, feels natural to him. Rabbits backing rabbits.

7 years ago

You make good points, especially on the need for time to refocus.
My own points are 1) as a private citizen I can not shoot a man in the back if he has laid hands on me and is running away and not expect to be run through the legal ringer, and it is unlikely I would get the benefit of the doubt from a jury. Why should a policeman be held to a lesser standard then myself? These are supposed to be trained professionals. #2) wasn’t there a video of Slager moving a piece of evidence? I think he moved the taser closer to Scott’s fallen body. Why? Did he realize he screwed the pooch and had to make it look better?
Bottom line is to avoid contact with the machine, be the grey man, and be ready to go hot at a moments notice.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

When the draw began, the perp was right up against him, and just starts running.

Negative. I rewatched it today. Scott already has his back to the Slager and is fleeing before Slager clears leather.

I do not think he would have fired if he was operating clearly, because what cop, knowing about forensics, puts bullets in a perp’s back, and that far away, even if he is a psycho killer?

I remember going through the sequence contemporaneously, and I think it was here. The amygdala that I see is of a marginally competent cop who has lost three times. He lost control of the original stop, he lost control of the chase, and now he’s lost control of the fight at the end of the stop. His amygdala is in the highest gear, replaying all of the mistakes he’s made so far, at the stop, at the time he spent watching football instead of cardio, at the time he hit the bar instead of the dojo, about not calling for backup soon enough, all of it, and most importantly losing the fight to this bozo, and now this bozo is about to get away and there is only one way out of it for his amygdala, only one way to soothe the burn, and that is to kill the guy and make it Slager’s word against a corpse.

What kind of cop does it? A desperate cop who would rather kill someone outside his tribe than live with continued ridicule within it, who knows that if he just says the magic word, his tribe will overlook all but the hardest of evidence against his story, and back him up to the ends of the earth.

And if we hadn’t had the hardest of evidence — video of him shooting a man in the back as the man ran away — we would have gotten away with it already. The gears were already in motion when the video surfaced.

He knew about the forensics. He knew they would be a sham. That’s why he did it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Now as for you shooting a guy in the back, I personally think the Texas model is best, and I support it for everyone. If I was on your jury, and you were attacked and cleaned up the mess for everyone else as he tried to flee, I would have your back too.

For the record, if you shoot a man in the back as he runs away in Texas, your ass is grass. Unless he has felony amounts of your property on his as he’s running and it is at night, you’re going to do the time. Texas juries will reliably convict for that. (On the other hand, if he’s still coming at you in virtually any manner, you can probably win the case. Just shoot him in the face and not the back.)

“He needed killing” is a valid defense in Texas, but unarmed men running away don’t need killing (yet).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago


1) arm full of property
2) at night
3) (what most people don’t know) plain-clothes detective in car as a witness that the guy was coming at the homeowner in his own yard when he shot him

7 years ago

Thank you for your words of understanding regarding the difficulties of police work in America today.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
7 years ago

It’s always rough when you lose your license to kill.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…Walter Scott isn’t Michael Brown…” I agree. I believe he shot him because he was pissed off and didn’t want to run after him any more.

7 years ago

Thanks for the detailed response. My only disagreement with what you said is that I consider cops to be sjw’s. They may not be out and out sjw, however they are the enforcement arm of the biggest one of all, therefore I am inclined to hold them to strict standards. I admit that I am biased as I live in CA and get a front row seat to how big blue government works. My sympathy for gov’t workers is low.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

My experience is the opposite — in the large metro Texas area that I’m in, the cops are rabbits through and through. None of them can keep a stable relationship, none of them are any good with money (they get a decent salary for the area despite the constant crying, and all work lucrative cash moonlighting jobs, and I still haven’t met one that wasn’t in massive debt), and about a third of the ones I’ve known were outright bullies, with the other two thirds covering for the bullies.

I have some kin who are small town cops in the northeast, and they are wolves, but they all married rabbits who have worn down their edges and taught them bad habits. I think that the cops will shift wolf quicker than most populations, but I think that they are rabbit through and through right now. Remember how vicious a literal rabbit is when it is dealing with a smaller rabbit.

7 years ago

That you referred to the left as acting with brute force struck a chord with me. I notice this all the time, the brutality with which people engage with each other. I am not referring to physical violence, or even verbal screaming, but a coarseness, a decided lack of genuine sensitivity. The genuine sensitivity of one human being respecting the emotions of another has been replaced with an overhwlemingly cloying falseness. The smiling vacuous salesperson we see in all the chain stores with a name tag is an example of this.

What goes on in the pubs and clubs, is brutal, coarse. The programs on television, whether right or left wing, show the same coarseness and brutality. The same lack of respect for people as people. In university, when some SJW is not shouting one down, even in a debate, the debate is less about working with another human being to arrive at the truth, but an attempt to dominate using logic and reason.

Perhaps Im wrong, this is just my own observation.