Parent OK’s Field Trip, Daughter Implanted With Three Year Birth Control Implant

Surprise Mom! Now I can gangbang the entire football team and not get pregnant:

An Oklahoma mother allowed her daughter to go on an educational field trip only to have her return with a three-year chemical contraceptive implant inside her arm.

Langston Hughes Academy hosts an annual sex-ed class by Youth Services of Tulsa. When Miracle Foster’s daughter wanted to learn more, she allowed her to visit the clinic…

The government agency surgically implanted the dangerous Norplant chemical birth control device inside Foster’s daughter’s arm, according to Foster.

Youth Services of Tulsa argued that they legally do not have to tell a parent when contraceptives are implanted inside schoolchildren. Title X allows for youth as young as age 12 to receive “birth control” — even abortifacient contraceptives — without a parent’s consent.

The Academy principal also defended the action, saying the school merely transported teens to the clinic. Principal Rodney L. Clark released a statement saying “The student was well within her rights of Title X, which is a federal guideline that provides reduced-cost family planning services to persons of all reproductive age.”

“I just feel like my rights as a parent were violated,” a distraught Foster told local Fox station KOKI. “I feel like the school is responsible. I think they should’ve given us more information, because like I said, I thought she was going to get information… So, therefore, she could come back home and we could discuss what was best for my child.”

“I think that is something that a mother and a daughter should discuss,” Foster said, weeping…

The Norplant contraceptive implant has been connected to several health problems. Its chemical, Levonorgestrel, causes severe hormonal changes and cervical cysts. The implants have been known to dislodge and get lost in the woman’s body, and in some cases cause permanent sterility.

Within six years of Norplant’s 1990 FDA approval, more than 6,000 women filed complaints of “adverse medical consequences,” including heavy bleeding and vision impairment. Some overseas women were bedridden for months, some literally went blind, and some died because population control officials refused to remove the implants.

Norplant was taken off the U.S. market in 2002, but manufacturer Wyeth-Ayerst continued to produce it with U.S. tax dollars for vulnerable poor women…

Parent’s rights are not as important to you if you don’t want to parent to begin with. To a rabbit, this parent’s concern is baffling. Why does she care? What is her interest in micromanaging her daughter’s life?

The daughter, getting the implant to minimize rearing investment and maximize mating, makes sense. The daughter is a good rabbit who is logically trying to mate as early as possible and minimize her rearing investments as a consequence of those matings. When she gangbangs the football team, and has no rearing investments to make, the other rabbits would high-five her.

But the mother is just irrationally caring about something which she really shouldn’t give a damn about. To the rabbits, the mother’s concern is viewed as neurotic and illogical, similar to how we would view a homeless person concerned that their collection of pebbles and wood chips wasn’t being protected from the rain well enough. If the daughter gets cancer or goes blind due to the implant, to a rabbit that is just how it went. Because they are designed to have hundreds of kids in nature, the leftist is not designed to care that deeply about an individual child’s path. Just pump them out and let them be.

Even though they use birth control to reduce their numbers of offspring and really diminish rearing investments, they still aren’t designed to care about children that deeply, beyond understanding any child-rabbit’s desire to express their rabbit urges.

Spread r/K Theory, because parents should be allowed to care about their offspring

This entry was posted in Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Parent OK’s Field Trip, Daughter Implanted With Three Year Birth Control Implant […]

7 years ago

HAH! The jokes on everybody here. Implanted abortifacient contraceptives have a notorious history of ineffectiveness in controlling the fertility of African females. So Momma Foster can dry those tears. She still needs to teach her daughter to keep those legs closed.

John Calabro
John Calabro
7 years ago

Hey Anonymous Conservative, I was thinking today on r’s with in species and then after reading your article come up with this formula I think you will like

r’s with prey = stability of numbers. Little change to the species of an r type other maybe evolving to have more r type traits.

r’s without prey = over population leads to food shortage which leads to famine. This continue until wither the r type creature adapting more K like traits or dies out.

r’s without prey + birth control = Low birth rates. r’s producing a few r’s without the need to adapt K like traits. This leads to the r’s species of the next generation wanting less births and while at the same time without prey use more resources than could be possible without birth control. Leading to each generation to change into being more over weight (since lot of resource, few prey and less off springs) , older (less stress, lots of resources) and overly sex up population. This leads to either eventual extinction of that animal, race or species or mass disease outbreak. Unless either the environment changes (ie more prey, less resources no birth control or other things) or the species adapts K like traits (such wanting offspring’s and wanting to look after them, using only what you need and other).

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

“To a rabbit, this parent’s concern is baffling. Why does she care? What is her interest in micromanaging her daughter’s life?”

But, the government needs to have an interest in micromanaging her daughter’s life? And everyone elses children? One living person’s interest in a person they love is irrelevant but some nameless corporate shill or some bureaucrat’ interest is relevant to a rabbit. Yet they see no contradiction.