Putin Learned How To Lead By Fighting As A Child

Putin on his leadership style:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has provided a rare glimpse into his life as a young man growing up in Soviet Leningrad (now called St. Petersburg), while making it clear that his teenage years prepared him for fighting the Islamic State militant group.

“Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one rule: if a fight is inevitable you have to strike first,” Putin told journalists on Thursday at the annual Valdai summit in Sochi, in answer to a question about Russia’s airstrike campaign in Syria.

Childhood molds who we are. When Obama’s Dreams of my Father told the story of other kids taking his soccer ball, then beating him up when he objected, and him going home to his father beaten, you see the liberal mindset in action. That defined Obama. There is no subsequent story of crossing paths with the bullies, and kicking their asses.

This statement tells you Putin lost a fight here and there, since those are what taught him that lesson, but those weren’t the important fights. Those didn’t define him. The fights which made him who he is today are the ones where he struck first and won, and cemented the formula for success into his mind. That is a key trait of the K-strategist. You believe in yourself – that you are a winner, and on the path to success – even when you lose along the way. The failures are a part of the process, and how you learn. Once the lessons are learned the failure is no longer a part of who you are – it is actually expunged from your being by learning from it.

People make Putin out to be a demon, saying he’s ex-KGB, and therefore evil. But at the link is a pic of him showing a young kid a shoulder-throw linkage. I’m certain it wasn’t staged. If it had been staged, Putin would have thrown on a gi and thrown around large men to impress the media idiots. But Putin is in a sport jacket, and he is showing it to a child.

That was spontaneous. Putin was doing his interview, saw the child doing the technique slightly off, and couldn’t stop himself from holding up the interview, and trying to save the child time on his path to mastery. You have to have that mindset and the club experience to understand that. You need that amygdala-triggering pathway – set off by an undeniable desire to help those following behind you.

He is arguably the most powerful man in the world right now, and he stopped a fucking interview cold and made everyone wait, to show a seven year old a small part of a single marital arts technique, because he didn’t want him learning it wrong. Think about that. He wants others around him, even seven year olds, to succeed that much.

It is so touching, I can’t even put it into words – in large part because I was once that little kid, when the 6′ 4″ 230lb killer from the adult class, who wrecked everyone, showed up early to the adult class, stopped on his way to the locker room, got down on his knees in his street clothes, and did the same thing with me. As a little kid you think that is cool, but when the circle closes and you understand it as an adult, it is just a deep window into a warrior’s soul and the path that produces it. Even Putin’s facial expression is the same that any instructor would use with a child to try to convey the attitude you must put into it. “This is what you should focus on!”

That mindset bleeds over into every other action such a man takes in life. Patriotism, fondness for soldiers, amusement at the antics of the young bucks coming up and taking over, feelings toward fellow men, parenting styles, desire to help others – it is all affected. That one picture tells you who Putin is when the door closes.

One of the hallmarks of personality disorders is an overdeveloped sense of competitiveness. In adults it bleeds over into children. I’ve even seen a grown narcissist jealous of a dog’s surprise present of a stuffed toy, bitter it wasn’t a gift for him. In every narcissist I’ve crossed paths with is not just a desire to make their own lives perfect, but a desire to see those around them all screwed up and miserable. It is most apparent when they are looking at children and young adults, who have whole lives of happiness and opportunity ahead of them. They can’t stand it – they want those opportunities to fail so badly. It is probably the single trait I most despise in them.

Were Putin evil, he would have seen that child doing the throw wrong, and been happy to watch him practice it wrong, knowing he was on the path to failure and each repetition was cementing the fail in place. Putin would have felt great about his own relative mastery as he watched, knowing nobody would ever touch his technique. Instead, he couldn’t stand it. That tells me everything about his psychology.

That is also why he got into Syria. Muslims flooding Europe could one day be bad for Russia, if the Muslims end up directing their attentions to the Caucasus, and Russia proper by extension. By dealing with the Syrian mess decisively now, he shuts off the flow of refugees and diminishes the problems his country will face long after he has left this mortal plane. Even as he leads now, he is loyal to Russians of the future. It speak volumes that ISIS’s response to his entry was to shave off their beards and flee dressed as women. Like a bully given a bloody nose, evil knows when it has met a real warrior and love him or hate him, Putin is the real deal.

Putin right now is the best example of a true K-selected warrior among the leaders of today’s world. I can’t even put into words how envious that picture makes me of the average Russian, or how grateful we should all be that he has done so much to stifle the migrant threat we face as our own rabbit leaders attempt to betray us to the hordes.

I hope either Trump or Cruz win, because I hate seeing our own warrior potential so wasted.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

this is one of your best posts

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

The picture is a worthy part of your post, sir; this post stands alone without it, and is indeed one of your best (beyond your efforts to explain the narcissism in our culture)! Well done, and thanks for bringing the r/K science/ knowledge to light: It is growing rapidly in the alt-right scene and now is being mentioned in some ‘mainstream’ conservative arenas as well. I take pains to use your phraseology and science in all the posts I can, and mention your blog. and again- this post does indeed explain why so many of we lonely K-selected are drawn to Putin- and now Trump.

8 years ago

Agreed best post yet.

Thought I’d throw you a bone of contrast. Our current PM fits the narcissistic Alpha r selected traits. Our previous PM a righteous alpha, was stabbed in the back by Turnbull. Abbott has a strong case of the K.

One has a silver tongue, the other is loyal to a fault. Not hard to place them in r/K? eh.


8 years ago

I still think Putin is evil, but your post is making me think about the nature of the man.

“Hell may have its noble flames”. – R.L. Stevenson

6 years ago

[…] Putin is a high ranking blackbelt in Judo, who grew up fighting in streetfights, with a long history serving in covert intelligence operations, in a nation that has long endured […]