Some Amygdala Focus Is Uncontrollable

An interesting picture:

This is a picture of Marilyn Monroe. Step twenty feet back from your monitor, and you will see it. Up close however, your amygdala reflexively focuses on the finer pixels which offer higher-resolution/greater-detail, and those create a picture of Albert Einstein over the picture of Marilyn Monroe. You cannot stop your amygdala from prioritizing and focusing on the fine high-res pixels, in favor of the low resolution pixels, unless you make the fine pixels unable to be perceived, such as by squinting to blur the image, or moving far away from the screen.

This is kind of how liberals see the world differently, only in their case, the stimuli which absorb them are emotions produced by the amygdala. As the amygdala adapts to stress, and does not produce those sensations of panic and discomfort, you are in essence stepping back from the issue, and that reveals the real picture underneath.

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