Ted Cruz Announces His Candidacy

Today Ted Cruz threw his hat in the ring. 2016 will probably be our last chance to forestall a collapse of the United States federal government, if it is even possible, so this is it. I support Ted for three reasons.

First Ted is the most likely candidate to unite social Conservatives and the Tea Party. From a practical standpoint, he is, for that reason, most likely to create a winning coalition that can win.

Second, Ted is an outsider. In a world where the insiders have shown themselves to care only for themselves, Ted is the most likely to do what is best for that vague ideal we know as America, no matter the costs to the entrenched interests in Washington.

Finally, Ted Cruz plays the social game instinctively, which is why he is flat out the best hope today to save the Republic. From this article:

Meyers welcomed Cruz on to the show on Tuesday night, and the pair had a rather jovial exchange. Things got a little tense, though, when Meyers engaged in a tortured and contrived effort to put Cruz in a corner on the issue of global warming…

At a recent speech, Cruz had warned an audience which included a three-year-old girl that the world was “on fire.”…

“I think he world’s on fire literally,” Meyers said. “Hottest year on record. But, you’re not there, right?”

Up until this point, Liberal amygdalae were getting irritated because Ted was seeming funny and personable, and the liberals wanted blood. Suddenly it looked like Cruz was going to get the hammering he deserved, and they began to experience relief and joy.

To this contention, Meyer’s audience whooped and hollered in a manner that would have made Jon Stewart feel right at home.

Cruz’s response was clever insofar as it undermined the canard to which the left’s climate alarmists cling: That they are wholly rational and data-driven, and their opponents refuse to accept consensus scientific opinion in the parochial service of their political values. Cruz noted that, for 17 years, satellite data has demonstrated that there has been no appreciable warming trend whereas climate models continue to predict catastrophic warming in the near-term. Cruz implied that it was safer to trust empiricism rather than the climate models that have yielded erroneous predictions for decades.

Cruz delivered an answer which was preformed to make anyone who opposed it appear stupid and out of touch, thereby diminishing their status. Once delivered, the rabbits have to choose, oppose Ted’s answer and endure the amygdala pain of knowing they look inferior in the eyes of the crowd, or shut up and not endure the amygdala agony. The crowd chose to pipe down, as did the host, who immediately tried to couch the choice as one not between right and wrong but rather one between two forms of technology.

“So, you trust satellites more than computers?” Meyers asked, pivoting back to a joke. Cruz followed suit, and the conversation veered back toward a humorous direction.

This socially-maneuvering skill is rare among K-strategists, for whom raw quality of effort, and an Asperger’s-like focus on facts and truth is most often the sole focus. Notice, the net effect of Cruz’s response was to demotivate the leftists. Conservatives are driven to action by amygdala irritation. Leftists are driven to depression and inaction. Depression and inaction among the left is exactly what we need.

What Ted needs to do now is focus his target audiences on their enemies (while identifying those enemies as vaguely as possible, to avoid inciting them to action), and in-group himself with his target audience against those enemies. He should do this by riling the votes he wants with anger at the enemy’s transgressions, couching himself as the best suited and most loyal to fight the enemy, and then pledging his loyalty to them and their individual causes, as well as pledging to sacrifice of himself if necessary. Along the way he should seek to keep any votes who are against him from seeing their amygdalae becoming too riled themselves, if he can avoid it. Liberals and the establishment are the enemy – of Blacks, Hispanics, working men, the poor, and the average patriot who hates how the two-party system has sold out America to the rich these last eight years.

If he can in-group himself early on and create a perception that he is “our guy” with each constituency, from the anti-politician constituency, to the pro-freedom constituency, to the anti-tyranny individual, he can instill amygdala pathways in the populace which will shield him from future attack.

If the populace feels he is a stranger and he is attacked by someone else, they will either ignore the attacks, or even join in with them. But if he is seen as a loyal ally by each constituency, attacks upon him will trigger his allies’ amygdalae, infuriate them, and only further entrench their support for him. Like in Judo, he will turn the strength of his enemies’ attacks against them. He needs to link himself with each constituency’s issue, within their amygdalae, so any attack on him is an attack on them and their pet issue, sure to provoke hatred and rage against the attacker.

Given how he has been the only voice in Washington consistently fighting for Conservative principles and against Obama, and how the established political machine, be it left or right hates him, he is already off to a good start. All he needs to do now is go issue-group by issue-group, and point that out, while angering any enemies as little as possible.

Go Ted!

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Marc Bahn
Marc Bahn
9 years ago

I hope you’re not serious. You don’t really believe there is any difference between these bought Republicans and bought Democrats, do you?

These pols are just salesmen. Same policies, different rhetoric.

I’m an avid reader of your blog posts on psychology, especially narcissism (I have one in the family), but I hope you don’t write much more about politics.

Any way, best regards.

M.S. Leavell
M.S. Leavell
9 years ago

AC, I’ve been reading your blog for over a year now, I love most of it. R-K Selection Theory I think is probably the best definition of what “liberal” and “conservative” beliefs really are, the debating tactics you described work really well, I align myself staunchly with the Ks…but…Ted Cruz? His foreign policy is just outrageous. There is no way on earth anyone can claim Iran’s military is a threat to U.S. national security, even if they acquire a nuclear weapon. As for Israel? Let Israel worry about themselves. U.S. foreign policy should not be based on what would benefit Israel most, but rather the United States.

And it’s not just Iran but also Russia. The American Establishment, left and right, needs to stop treating Russia like it’s an “enemy” that needs to be “stopped” and Ted Cruz is squaking loudly on that point. We know Yanukovych was overthrown by the U.S. Department Of State and CIA, among others. We know Crimea wanted to return to Russia. We know that human have a right to self-determination and if Donetsk and Luhansk want to secede and re-emerge as “Novorossiya”, who is the U.S. to stop them? Putin has done a wonderful job of promoting K-selected values in Russia and alot of conservatives in America recognize that instinctively about him.

M.S. Leavell
M.S. Leavell
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

Hi AC. Thanks for the reply. My thoughts on “the field” is: I’m not voting. I supported Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012 but I don’t vote anymore. Reasons being: 1) I no longer believe a democracy/democratic-republic is a legitimate form of government. Leaders should not be chosen by popular citizen decision. If you want specific examples of why, read Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s book “Democracy: The God That Failed”. And 2) I don’t think participation in politics/government/the state is a good way to produce positive change in society. You could do alot more good for poor people by donating your own possessions to them than through any government policy, for example.

That’s not to say I don’t watch politics as a spectator sport though. I was happy when Wisconsin recently became the 25th Right To Work state.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

I don’t think that it is democracy (or more properly, republicanism) that is the problem. It is universal suffrage that has been the failure. I think that universal white male suffrage in the 1830s led directly to the ability of the barons to whip the North into a war fervor and allow the invasion of the South, and women’s suffrage, combined with a great many more men who were no longer taxpayers allowed the virus of progressivism to infect America (rather than being peculiarly European).

Voters need to have skin in the game, either by being taxpayers or through some other mechanism like national service envisioned by Heinlein. We have far too many voters that have the ability to vote themselves largess from the coffers.

Aeoli Pera
Aeoli Pera
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

>There is highly ominous shit afoot in this nation.

Heh :-).

Heywood Jablome
9 years ago

He needs to hire Bill Whittle. Right now.

Reply to  Heywood Jablome
9 years ago

And Sabo. He’s like a walking amygdala destroyer, and he already loves Teh Ted.

9 years ago

Democracy is a fraud today. I find it hilarious in my country if the politicians don’t like the parliament they start campaigning to change the rules on who and how people are elected.

We use to have first across the post wins, then preference voting was bought in to eliminate 3rd parties from emerging. Now that the ‘K’ selected groups have worked out how to vote the long way on preference voting, which means many independents and ‘fringe’ conservative parties emerge. The politicians, academics and journalists, like a well timed orchestra want to change the goal posts on who and how people are elected…

Politics is now reactive to the ‘r’ selected evolutionary vices enacted, and won’t change till the generational wealth of the ‘K’ selected, can no longer willingly be extracted.

Then the day will come when we can eat the rabbits.