Transgenders Angry Feminists Support Animal Rights

Finally, the crazy is beginning to boil over on itself, on the hard left:

According to a post in the social-justice blog Everyday Feminism, some aspects of modern veganism are “oppressive” and even “super trans-exclusionary.”

In a piece titled “4 Ways Mainstream Animal Rights Movements Are Oppressive,” Mahealani Joy explains how problematic it is that “when mainstream vegan feminists talk about animal rights,” they are “super trans-exclusionary…”

“I’ve seen a lot of adverts and signs over the years declaring that being vegan is feminist, and that the animal industry is built on the exploitation of the ‘female reproductive system’ — thereby making it an issue that all women should resonate with,” Joy explains. “The problem is that defining what it means to be female as having a uterus, ovaries, vagina, and mammary glands completely erases trans women, trans men, non-binary folks, and anyone whose body doesn’t conform to that super essentialized (and incorrect) definition.”

“By rooting their analysis of animal rights in this archaic definition of gender, mainstream vegan feminists ignore and exclude the lives of trans folks,” she continues.

Again, we see the faint hint of amygdala in what the animal rightists are trying to do. Animal-killing bothers the animal rights people. They want it to bother the feminists, but the feminists are on their own wavelength, focused on their own set of unique triggers and neuroses and as a result, they aren’t concerned with animal rights.

So some animal rights activist looked at their neuroses, and tried to find a way to make animal-harvesting triggering to the feminists. They noted that animals are born through vaginas, and feminists have a social-status-signaling trigger which makes every feminist desperate to demonstrate their in-grouped status by demonstrating extremism. So the animal rights people tried to make it in-grouping to demonstrate extremism by getting upset over the exploitation of animal vaginas in the livestock industry. This is basically trying to link amygdala triggers, so your trigger will set off an established amygdala trigger in the target. When you see it, you increasingly realize almost all argumentative strategy involves trying to do this, by figuring out what is important to your opponent in an argument, and making your issue relevant to your opponent’s concerns.

In truth, feminists who could care less some nice animal was killed, will probably get all worked up over the idea there are vaginas somewhere being controlled by old white men and used to generate profits. I guess when in crazy Rome, do as the crazy Romans.

The problem they ran into is you have the trans-people out there, and they have their own set of amygdala triggers, most of which revolve around being excluded. (Try to imagine how that pathway was created in childhood.)

So now the trans are all worked up because the animal rights people didn’t craft an argument specifically designed to draw their support, and once again they feel the way they did on the playground, when nobody picked them for a team in gym class.

Meanwhile, terrorists are entering our country by the hundreds of thousands, and they are running us down in the streets with trucks, bombing our teenybopper concerts killing our daughters, and slitting our people’s throats in public.

You can see how none of these r-strategist leftists, all obsessed with the social-status-signalling issues that predominate in times of r, are cut out to last ten seconds once the real K-selection hits. They will be robots that are totally without any of the programming necessary to survive the rigors of Apocalypse. The only bright side is their dead bodies will probably keep the savages fed for a while, buying the K’s time to regroup after the collapse, and establish viable plans to survive.

I have to say, once these neuroses are wiped from the face of the earth, can you imagine how peaceful those times will be? It will literally be exactly like those Renaissance paintings, where people are reclining peacefully under trees eating grapes and sipping wine, while the golden glow of God’s love is shining down all over them.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is better at manipulating amygdalae than any rabbit can ever hope to be

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

[…] Transgenders Angry Feminists Support Animal Rights […]

6 years ago

I wonder what Freud would say about these neurotic cases. It would be interesting. Bruce Charlton did a good book, available for free online, that detailed the rise of PC in this country, where it’s worst. He’s a psychologist, same intellectual level as Haidt or another moral writer like Hitchens.
He also has a blog you might wish to add to your list. It’s a unique mass psychosis, this false reality.

6 years ago

Speaking of, Peter Hitchens doesn’t get enough recognition from Americans, he is a walking amygdala trigger, it’s hilarious, I’d love you to break down his technique. 2 minutes, topic: Islamophobia.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
6 years ago

Interestingly, there was never a communist mass murderer that Hitchens didn’t like.
Just to contrast your endorsement of the assclown.

Duke Norfolk
6 years ago

I don’t even know what to say any more. It’s stunning.