Why Not Polygyny?

A reader wrote, positing an interesting question. Why not polygyny?

There are two fathers I know that I am acquainted with that come to mind. The first is a guy who is a fairly wealthy self made man. He owns [multiple businesses] and turned $200k in profits last year and doesn’t even run them anymore. I’m not sure how many kids he has, at least 3, and I know his wife doesn’t work.

The second is a guy who is in the barely above minimum wage range and always has to work long hours and works most nights. His daughter is still young, but when she starts school that could be a problem. There are a lot of people in his position right now.

Anyways, I believe that under polygyny if the first guy had three wives and they had children together that he would be able to spend more time with every child individually then the second guy is able to spend with his children from one wife. There are a decent amount of wealthy people out there who make money from their businesses and / or investments who don’t even really have to work. They just look oversee their businesses. If polygyny was normalized, I predict that the overwhelming majority of relationships would end up like that and would be successful.

I have a very strong monogamy instinct, and yet I like to think I am also capable of some level of logical analysis – and I want to defeat r badly and see freedom established permanently.

The case he makes is strong. And yet a fundamental belief I have is that K is innate to the nature of the world. Those instincts are almost spiritual, in such a way that I am certain violating them is, over the long term, a losing proposition, no matter what logic would indicate.

Here, the question is should you, as a devoted K, seeking to advance K’s genetic drive to overcome the r-trait in our species, consider endorsing polygyny by K-strategists who would, as K-strategists, otherwise prefer monogamy. This raises a couple of interesting issues.

First, would polygyny, one man married to several wives, actually work?

I think you are running into the same problem you run into with Libertarianism. Libertarian beliefs are perhaps the most moral and logical. They should be the most easy to implement, because universally implemented, they inflict no pain. Everyone should love them, because of their utility. And yet…

Every time you attempt to advocate for libertarianism it fails in practice, in large part because the reality of people’s programmed, instinctual nature makes implementing it impossible. Hardcore K’s will always try to enforce high rearing and protection of young from sexual stimuli, as well as group-conformity to facilitate strong competitiveness. And r’s will always want those who succeed torn down, as they seek to enforce cultural degradation on the society, to prevent too much greatness from arising anywhere within it. As a result, Libertarianism always fails. It isn’t wrong, but it just can’t work because of who most people are.

In theory, polygyny might allow wealthy successful K-strategists to take mates who would otherwise end up with r-mates, and impregnate them with K-gene-carrying offspring. And they might be able to invest more time with those kids than less well off K-strategists.

But if implemented, I see many K’s unable to overcome their own drive to monogamy. Doing the Charlie Sheen, and deciding which wife you would be with each night, and seeing the jealousies and dispiriting effects on their other mates, and all the associated familial drama would probably end up driving most K’s back to monogamy. Meanwhile, numerous r’s would probably take advantage of the situation while pretending to be K’s, and that would be a net gain for the r’s.

A second issue I see is daughters, raised to expect a man in a family to have multiple partners. They’d be exposed to the kind of drama I would expect in a house with multiple wives, many of whom may often be broken and controlled into suppressing their own instincts to monopolize a male. Between the Dad with multiple mates, and the moms who tolerate something so irritating to them, it would seem a good way to train a daughter to accept suppressing her own instincts to monopolize a mate and thus become more likely to end up bearing the offspring of an r-mate in adulthood, and maybe he would marry her, maybe he wouldn’t.

Finally, there is the issue of daughters not having full access to their fathers due to too numerous offspring inevitably occupying his time. Some researchers believe it is the daughter craving her father’s attention when it is not available that develops that emotion in her brain and leads her to eventually compulsively crave the attentions of men who are distant and not emotionally bound to them. In this theory the periods spent wanting investment are what do the conditioning to desire a distant, uninvested male, while the periods of actual investment have less effect since they have less emotional impact. Thus, total time investment is not as important as small amounts of time investment when the child specifically needs it, to allay any emotional frustration that might end up being conditioned into the personality.

Those perceptions and emotions, adopted and expressed so early in a childhood that the adult never knew a time without them, are what alter who a person is, and guide their emotions and desires through the rest of their lives. If a father has one daughter and limited time, but he makes small amounts of time when she wants it by structuring the rest of his life around her, I think it likely he would have a better outcome than he would have had if he had a slightly greater investment which could not be structured to the child because his time allocation involved trading off numerous sibling interests against sibling interests.

Now as with libertarianism, it is possible you could find selected K-strategist men who would tolerate such a scenario well, and K-women who would bear the emotional toll happily to help K. And logically it makes sense. But again you run up against the reality that most human machines are simply not designed for that, and how even if perfectly explained and advocated for, the vast majority of times it was implemented I believe it would likely fail in its objectives and produce a household of jealousies and drama, and sub optimal offspring who would be outcompeted by the lesser number of true K-strategist offspring raised according to the tenets of K.

In addition, I believe in maintaining the competitiveness of K-strategists for the real K-environment which is coming. I suspect monogamy actually beat out polygamy, in part, because it gave all men in the clan skin in the game when it came time to war. Had clans consisted of one man, monopolizing all the women, and twenty other men left to serve the clan with no chance of having families of their own, or worse yet, forced to marry the grotesque Rosie O’Donnells, or the ballbusters like Megan Kelly, why would any of those men go to war? So the one King can continue to bang his harem of sweet and considerate supermodels on the back of the hard work of all the men who had nothing?

Abandoning that monogamy may make groups less cohesive and less capable as fighting forces, and if the coming collapse is going to take out 90% of the populations, as some models have suggested is possible, it would be wise to keep your group as capable and motivated as possible, and you kids as absolutely optimized as can be.

But it raises another issue too. What are we protecting when we protect K? Is it a genetic structure in the genome that produces a noble trait, or is it the trait itself within our people?

If killing innocent children feels wrong, and you want to increase the percentage of people who have genes that make killing innocent children feel wrong, would finding children without those child-protective genes, and killing them before they can mate be right? What if it produced a society that genetically tested children and killed them, based on the results, and this yielded a society where such killing was accepted? Even worse, what if the genes were only a predispositioning element, and some of those killed children might have grown up to be noble? I suspect from a strictly scientific perspective, you would actually be selecting for a slightly more mercenary genetic variant of the trait, perhaps lacking somewhat in the actual trait of wanting to protect innocent children, and more concerned with fostering its own biological structure over that of others.

Likewise, what if the only way to create freedom was to create an all powerful government that forced people to adopt the ideal of freedom, under threat of imprisonment or execution? Would that be worth creating the genetic underpinning of freedom? Would it be freedom, if you practiced it under the threat of imprisonment or death?

It is possible the struggle, and the force which must be struggled against, are required parts of the world as it was created for us. Without evil, what does good have to test itself against, and what purpose does it really have?

So I too am tempted to look for the killshots, the ultra-extreme moves designed to re-engineer the system in a fundamental way and take out r once and for all. I suppose it is natural to our nature. But I suspect it is likely the only balance of fostering K and maintaining its goodness, may be to simply live your life according to the K-selected virtues as best you can, and strive to help others find their way to them as well. Let everyone compete, and let the K-nature of the world have its effects the way it seems designed to.

It sounds funny given the specificity offered by the pursuit of science, but it may just be that even with a full understanding of r/K and all of its biological and genetic implications, you cannot come up with a better way to live and to foster K than to simply follow the word of the Bible.

It is not impossible that is not a coincidence.

All of that said, I am of the thought that one reader’s idea of banking the sperm of war heroes who eventually die in battle heroically, and somehow encouraging the foster-conception and rearing of their offspring in stable K-families, to perpetuate their genes, might be a very good idea. But again, it is not so much an attempt at control and repression, so much as it is giving yet one more spirit the ability to jump into the world and get into the game.

There is something about that embrace of the struggle by everyone, free and unencumbered, with all it’s imperfection and risk, all while trusting in the ultimate outcome, which seems more K than anything.

Spread r/K Theory, because K is more than the genes

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6 years ago

Polygyny relaxes sexual selection of women while increasing sexual selection of men leading to the African situation. Whilst monogamy balances that. I think the greater proportion of pretty women and unique features like gold hair and greater femininity of european women physically speaking is the result of monogamy forced by environment:


6 years ago

We must also remember that too much K-selection may lead to extinction and too much r leads to sub-optimal offspring. Perhaps the equation in place is what’s best.

6 years ago

[…] Why Not Polygyny? […]

Man in the Middel
Man in the Middel
6 years ago

Glad you mentioned the Bible regarding this issue, because as I read your post I kept thinking that this experiment has already been tried many times in the Bible, and the resulting family relationships are among the worst ones written about in its pages. No need to repeat already-failed experiments, even if we are free to do so.

6 years ago

Of course, throughout much of the Bible, polygyny was the norm. It’s also believed to be the norm during one of the most K-selected environments known to us; Ice Age europe, where sexual selection features like light eyes, hair and skin developed so that women would be more attractive to successful hunters—and the more successful of them were capable of supporting multiple wives.

I suspect that K-selection can withstand more variations than sometimes we imagine, and yet still be K-selection.

Reply to  Gaiseric
6 years ago

If multiple women were capable of being supported than the sexual selection of the women would not have been intensified and you would not have seen the emergence of new hair and eye colours.

The ice age is argued to have increased sexual selection among women because few women could find a mate who could support them.

6 years ago

Hey Anonymous. This is one of the best articles you have ever written. I completely agree that polygyny would (and does) destroy a groups will to fight or work together. This is one of thenreasons the Middle East is full of men trying to over throw their governments and/or marrying their cousin. In the world wars you have western soliders willing to charged barbed wire and machine gun nest is in part because they had something to fight for. You take the option from men to find a good wife due to something like this and don’t be surprised if your society starts to look like the Middle East, I give it about three generations. I bet the iq in the Middle East was once much higher before Islam since it was the place that civilisation started and not Europe (or even Asia). Cousin marriages lowers the iq of the next generation and often men in these societies who do not have many choices of mates will choose to do (very common in the Middle East). Before you say we can put rules to stop this (which often don’t work in these society) just know you forcing a men to give up passing on his genes in most cases. What kind of loyal can you get out of these men? and more importantly will they respect the laws in this society when they can’t get a woman to have their child (without rape)? You will also need to use a lot of violences to keep the society together and keep other men trying to sleep with your many wives.

Samuel Skinner
Samuel Skinner
6 years ago

Probably a bad idea. Polygamy on a large scale decreases the pool of available women and causes what we see in the Arab world- large scale cousin marriage. The high rates of inbreeding increase the rate of genetic defects as well as reduce IQ levels.

6 years ago

Monogamy is an r-selected strategy to reduce mating competition and only indirectly deals with the quality of children raised. Think of it as a socially constructed “mating” tool designed to provide for every reasonably normal person and it works great in that regard.

6 years ago

The hypothetical that the writer described is traditional Islam/the Arab world?

An extremely resource-constrained environment leads to a winner-take-all equilibrium among all resources. But also leads to incessant infighting among one’s offspring?

6 years ago

I would think that polygyny would encourage r-selection in the majority of the male population since they wouldn’t marry (isn’t that kind of the problem we’re having now?).

The other problem with polygyny (and the reason why monogamy tends to win out in the end in highly successful and organized societies) is that when you concentrate all the available high value women with only a few men its not just that the left over men don’t have as much skin in the game and won’t fight for the society, its that they’re more likely to become brigands that will actively fight to tear down the society (with plenty of raping and murder along the way).

6 years ago

It’s an even simpler answer. Polygamy places the individual over the tribe, while monogamy places the tribe over the individual.

Women are a limited resource. There are only so many, and usually about one for every man. If the alphas are allowed to collect up multiple women, then this means that there are multiple men for whom there are no women available. Since striving to provide for a family is the primary motivation for men to better themselves (assuming a K society where women demand that men provide) if you remove that motivation, you get MGTOW. Video games and grifting replaces productive work and family.

If you want men to willingly become productive members of society, you have to motivate them with female companionship. Every time an already productive member of society takes an additional wife, he removes a (admittedly less) productive member of society from the mix.

That is why every polygamous society ends up like Arabia. Had the Mormons in America become the majority, you would have seen the same thing here. Monogamy is one of the foundational pillars of the West, because it made virtually every male a productive striver.

August Hurtel
6 years ago

Post war Britain: the women far outnumbered the remaining men. Unfortunately, they ended up doing approximately the same things as what happens in a heavily female college- hook-ups, cheap sex, and the occasional marriage.
From a societal perspective, it would have made more sense and probably have been more ‘moral’ to have multiple wives for each man. If you kept the I.Q. level up, you could return to a more normal K type behavior after the generational crisis was over.

But if it allowed when there is no crisis, it appears to promote low IQ. Look at populations where it currently exists- of course, there are other factors, like cousin marriage, but it seems to me it would contribute.

6 years ago

So much to work with here.

1. It has been suggested that humanity is decendant of 80% of the women who ever lived, but only 40% of the men. This is defacto polygymy. It could be parallel, with one man and many wives, or serial, remarriage after the death of the first wife. So a certian amount of polygyny seems baked in Presumably the excess men died in battle or other causes, given that 1 in 6 men of a sub sahara group were found to be victems of violent death would seem to support that. {foot note this 40/80 was from a 2005 paper, and they admitted and more fossil DNA work was done, this ratio of about 10K ybp might change}

2. is the r/K ness of a group enviromentally driven or genetically driven. While I can see some genetic potential, most of the r/K driving factors seem to show that it is enviromantally activated by resource gluts or shortages. So breeding K selective men with K selected women in a polygyny fashion probably won’t work.

3. If the last 50 years are any indication, we are effectivly in the polygamy state. Sure we don’t recognize it with marriage contracts, but it is the defacto standard when men and women have multiple children through multiple partners.

4. Western Europe by effectivly ending polygyny did given all men a better chance at one of the limited resources – chances for children. This was done under the authority of the Christian Church through the Bishops. Polygyny being a state in almost every other culture at the time {Foot note – cultures where a man coudl support multiple wives. Subsistance living cultures are pretty much monogamous, as families are expensive to upkeep}

5. At the battle of Thermopylea, the Spartans who fought (and presumably the other Greeks who stood with them and accounted for like 80% of the forces) were men who’d had children. It was a requirement that those Spartians without children went back to Sparta and not fight in the hopeless holding of “Hell’s Gate”. Sort of the reverse of the sperm donation AC mentions. Given that Spartain boys were raised in a group setting, the loss of a father would be less then the nuclear families of today.}

6 years ago

The problem with polygyny in a society is what do the males without wives do? They won’t work, no wife or children to work for. They won’t aspire to achieve within the system because the price of a wife has so increased that they will never obtain it (due to lack of supply of wives.) In societies like this, the leftover men often become rogues and bandits and make the society unstable. Just look at recent/modern polygynous communities in the US. (I think a lot of them were Mormon.) What eventually happens in those communities is the young teenage boys are run out of town so the older men can take more wives by marrying the teenage girls in the town. What happens when all of the society is polygynous and there is nowhere to run those teenage boys off to?

Reply to  chris
6 years ago

You hand them a rifle, point them at the overseas enemy du jour, and say: “Your future mate is over there. All you have to do is go get her.”

Which is what I fear will be the future result of the current young male/female disparity in China.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
6 years ago

Why would they fight an outsider for the sake of a country that is sexually disenfranchising them (the foreigner did nothing to them but the man handing the rifle over hoarded all the women, likely women he had crushes on)? I think the more likely scenario is they take that rifle and shoot the man with 3 wives so they can take 1.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
6 years ago

Until they turn the rifle around on you and say, “give me a wife instead.”

6 years ago

Wouldn’t it be easier to jail Wall Street than to reconstruct society in order to accommodate the consequences of their economic choices?

6 years ago

There is no “magic” solution to make K. Urban and suburban areas, since industrialization, are to various degrees rabbit warrens, filled with food, money and mates. Just going to the grocery store or getting a new monogamous mate is r, maybe not super r like a liberal but it’s still rabbitry. The Amish stand out as living a K lifestyle, with one monogamous mate each, for life- as well as production of all of their own food. Funny isn’t it that of all European groups the world over, the Amish are the only ones averaging 7 births per woman. That’s because the women aren’t taught to be selfish and delay becoming mothers. The men work. The men and the women know what is expected of them at an early age, and the most fertile women select the hardest working men. The “gammas” of the group likely leave. Narcissism does not do well in Amish type communities. Even a heavily armed group can’t compete, post collapse, with an Amish type group, mainly due to low food production and less child-rearing. Its true they could kill the Amish, South African style, but would then likely starve, unless they copied their farming techniques and got to work.

6 years ago

Seriously, though — is there any married guy anywhere who wants another wife in his life?