Yin Yang USA: Are We Due For a Flip?

Chinese Philosophy postulates the concepts of Yin into Yang, and Yang into Yin – the idea that anything, carried to a ridiculous extreme, has the potential to rapidly invert the entire system into its polar opposite, all at once.

As one looks at the world today, something feels different — as if we are at a tipping point of some sort. This sensation carries with it the feeling that something or everything is about to burst. Heartiste speaks of how the pretty lies are screamed loudest just as they are about to collapse.

Today, you can feel this everywhere. Feminists seem particularly frantic as word of Game spreads and produces a swollen stream filled with a deluge of men shocked at how women choose mates and disgusted by a culture they feel betrayed them with injurious lies.

Redistributionists increasingly waste dwindling stores of money on frivolities: cell phones for bums, government funded lap dances at strip clubs, and free money withdrawal on foreign vacations. As the ridiculous quality of these expenditures grows, it only hastens the fall which will destroy it entirely.

Likewise, government grows bigger, even as the bigger government exhausts the oxygen of the currency it breathes that much faster.

Gun control approaches while gun sales grow faster every day and gun owners begin to feel they will need that rifle all the more, given what is coming.

Today we see a media which seems bent on telling the biggest lies possible in the hopes of advancing the leftist agenda, even as those lies only further erode the trust of an already untrusting populace.

Could the Chinese have been right? Does Yin grow, until it can no longer sustain itself, and it suddenly transmogrifies into yang in one smooth movement? Does this mean our future will suddenly become one of vastly limited government, no welfare, humiliated feminists, guns everywhere, and highly competitive selection within the populace?

Is dawn nearing in America?

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Dr. Faust
10 years ago

Let’s hope so. I wrote about this idea


But I believe the disaster coming is partly due to overspending and partly due to necessity. It is a psychological and cultural need that we have to destroy the old to make way for the new. The new world won’t officially be here until after the disaster. Just as the American Revolution, Civil War, and WWII all ushered in the start of a new era the coming disaster and (likely) war will bring about the new world. First, the old world must be destroyed.

10 years ago

What does the Chinese character in your website’s logo mean?