Your DNA May Be In The Database

Bikers of America Links to an interesting story. I’d call it Orwellian, but Orwell never even dreamed of this.

In the story, cops had DNA from a crime. It turns out you can submit your DNA to, and they will run it against their database, and tell you where your relatives came from, and where you have other relatives around. So the cops submitted their sample. It kicked out a guy who had himself submitted his own sample, and indicated he was a close relative of the criminal. They found out he had a son, so the son became their prime suspect.

They hauled the son in, put him in the hot seat, and even seized his DNA, but no match. Now his DNA is in the system, as will be the DNA of any relative of his, or at least parts of it. If any of their relatives commit crimes, they can expect special treatment, and they had better hope the lab techs don’t screw up, or they may end up serving time for some DNA tech’s carelessness. As the FBI lab has shown us, science is only as good, or as honest, as the techs performing it.

One thought about the father – he may have submitted his DNA to because he thought he had impregnated a girl somewhere years back, and he was hoping to find out whatever happened to his long lost son. It would jibe with the studies that single motherhood tends to produce criminality. My guess would be he found out he really doesn’t want to know what happened to that son, and his other son wishes he had never looked. Be careful out there, and know other people may have done stupid things that have created weaknesses you need to adapt to. I’m sure if they could have put Sharyl Atkisson’s DNA at a crime scene, they would have, just as they tried to plant classified documents on her computer. These are strange times.

In some ways it is almost a blessing that we are heading for the collapse. The level of privacy invasion, government overreach, and outright corruption is just ridiculous. To have it all lifted without any effort on anyone’s part would be divine, in every sense of the word.

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