Kaine Vs Pence Vice Presidential Debate – Deranged Leprechaun Anklebiter Vs US Marine

At the issue level, the debate meant nothing. Everybody already knows roughly where each side stands, and the real choice is between Trump and Clinton anyway. This debate will help Trump slightly however, to the extent that it will reinforce the reality we have seen thus far, where Hillary’s side has a mentally unbalanced, untrustworthy, career politician, while the other side has an all-American, pro-American outsider who is more honest.

Looking at it, I could not help but feel as if Pence was the guy you would want your daughter to bring home and marry. You could sit on the porch with him all night with beers just shooting the breeze. If your daughter brought home Kaine, however, you couldn’t help but hope she would go back out there, and try to hold out for something a little bit better. With his Hollywood good looks, the only thing Pence was missing was a Marine Corp uniform and a chest full of medals – and in reality he has that in the closet.


Before we begin on Kaine, one of the first things I noticed was that Kaine’s face is left handed. His right side is angry, enraged, and at times almost out of control. His left side is where he consciously raises his eyebrow to look harmless, and tries to lift up the outer corner of the lip into a smile.


I thought for a minute my facial handedness theory was going to be violated, until he picked up his glass to drink, and his pen to write. Kaine is left handed, just like his face. So that would seem to begin to answer that question.



The facial circuitry that causes you to more effectively consciously emote, and try to look a certain way with one side of the face is probably same circuitry that leads you to exhibit increased dexterity with one hand over the other. If you are right handed, you will fake smile with the right side of your face, and if you are left handed, vice versa.

I think subconsciously we pick up on facial handedness, and in extreme forms, it makes us uncomfortable. Pence’s face was unusually symetric, and I think our brain interprets that as his underlying emotions being the same as what he is “showing” us purposely, meaning he is being more honest. As a result, he will be judged more trustworthy, and more likeable.

When we look at a guy like Kaine, and half his face says he wants to rip our throat out, and the other half is smiling, we subconsciously feel like something is up. It puts us on edge, and we tend to not like such a character as much.

I also was struck by how folded under his upper lip was. Folding the upper lip under is a subconscious manifestation of rage. It is interesting both candidates picked running mates who have traits they exhibit.


Below are some of the many angry faces Kaine made.










He even let loose with the crazy eyes:



Here he is asking the debate moderator to let him cut in. It comes off not so much as, “May I cut in?,” as “Let me cut in before I disembowel you right here!”


You don’t have to look this angry all the time to have an effect on perceptions. People who make a face that is incongruous with their internal state cannot maintain it constantly. I saw a video a long time ago, before I knew all of this, of a very pretty celebrity girl being interviewed who was trying to look happier than she was. Even then, I was struck by how as she tried to smile and look as if nothing was up, every so often her face reverted to a look of profound sadness and horror, before snapping back to happy and bubbly.

The theory is that trying to alter your expression takes energy in the brain. You are firing off neurons, which need ATP, the energy molecule, to recharge their membrane energy potentials. As you expend the ATP in the cell, and blow energy potentials, every so often the nerves relax for a split second to recharge and refuel, even if you try to not let them. When they do, like a rubber band, the face reverts to the underlying state, before the nerves come back online and pull it back into your preferred expression.

We have evolved to notice those micro-second shifts when they occur, and they mold our feelings about someone. Though you may not have noticed these faces, you saw them, and they infected your perceptions.

Here, with Kaine, I took away that like many Narcissists, he experienced profound jealousy or hatred growing up for some jock or other in his sphere. Perhaps he had a younger brother who got the looks in the family, perhaps he had a crush on the cheerleader the quarterback swept away. I don’t know. But his expressions of rage as he looked at Pence did not arise from nowhere. Pence was tripping very old, very well-worn circuits in his brain.

It is not a coincidence such a character ends up in the party which wants to take the happy and the successful in our nation and reduce their happiness and success through governmental theft. There is a reason we see this psychology so often on the left. Narcissistic jealousy is the left.

Regardless, Pence was amazingly Presidential. He goes to show that whatever you think of Trump, when Trump takes on a job, even picking a Vice Presidential candidate, he does quality work. That, and it shows that Trump is leaving the Republican Party with perhaps the best conservative candidate for President that we could find, to carry the Conservative mantle forward after Trump’s eight years are up. If Trump gives him a crash course in persuasion, the left can kiss the White House goodbye for the next sixteen years.

You don’t do that if you are a New York limousine liberal.

Trump is conservative.

This entry was posted in Conservatives, Faces, GOPocalypse, Liberals, Narcissists, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Kaine Vs Pence Vice Presidential Debate – Deranged Leprechaun Anklebiter Vs US Marine […]

7 years ago

Strong people hire strong people for subordinate roles because strong people do not fear competence among subordinates.

Weak people fear displacement or backstabbing from competent subordinates and thus surround themselves with weakness.

Pence is strong, Kaine is so weak it approaches parody.

7 years ago

Left-handedness has always been seen as a problem. The Latin word for “Left” is “sinister”. A reliable colleague is a “right hand man”. Those found worthy at the final judgment will sit at the right of God’s throne; those on the left will be cast into the fire.

Today, we know even more. Study after study shows left-handedness to correlate strongly with psychosis, criminality, and homosexuality (B. Hussein Davis-Soetero-Obama, whose left paw has signed every last illegal document of his, exhibits all three).

And then we have right-wing vs left: virtually, if not literally, the ‘right’eous party vs the ‘left’ behind.

One could go on, but this comment is already triply redundant. Left chirality is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition to predict one’s mentality, but there’s no way it’s not a contributor.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Note: I may or may not remember that the studies show the correlation only in males…. . I’ve read so many things, and it’s been a while. Your stuff is WAY better than any single source I’ve studied, however, at putting the pieces together in a unified theory, and I can’t get enough.

Before I discovered you, I had my own fairly tight theory that I find complementary to r/K, and it involves pride vs humility. Wounded or inflated pride drive people to do almost all the evil they do. Wounded pride is the twig-snapping, inflated pride engenders presumption (of free resources). Contrarily, humility causes one to realize that one must make sacrifices (scarcity mentality) and take care of others (investing in the ingroup).

The words pride and humility have been stripped of much of their former meaning. Pride used to be seen as bad, now it’s a badge; humility is now seen as weakness, when before the people would praise a humble ruler.

Finally, remember that pride doesn’t mean someone thinks he’s the best. Pride works by taking pleasure in any perceived superiority over another. It’s also what serves up the amygdala relaxation (or even a dopamine hit) that leftists find in manufacturing ridiculous causes to support like global warming, crusades against the nonexistent ‘rape culture’, xenophilia, and so on: their consciences are on fire because they know their licentious or otherwise immoral behavior is bad, but their activism in shitty counter-causes allows them to feel in some way superior, extinguishing the flame.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Note: I may or may not remember that the studies show the correlation only in males…. . I’ve read so many things, and it’s been a while. Your stuff is WAY better than any single source I’ve studied, however, at putting the pieces together in a unified theory, and I can’t get enough.

Before I discovered you, I had my own fairly tight theory that I find complementary to r/K, and it involves pride vs humility. Wounded or inflated pride drive people to do almost all the evil they do. Wounded pride is the twig-snapping, inflated pride engenders presumption (of free resources). Contrarily, humility causes one to realize that one must make sacrifices (scarcity mentality) and take care of others (investing in the ingroup).

The words pride and humility have been stripped of much of their former meaning. Pride used to be seen as bad, now it’s a badge; humility is now seen as weakness, when before the people would praise a humble ruler.

Finally, remember that pride doesn’t mean someone thinks he’s the best. Pride works by taking pleasure in any perceived superiority over another. It’s also what serves up the amygdala relaxation (or even a dopamine hit) that leftists find in manufacturing ridiculous causes to support like global warming, crusades against the nonexistent ‘rape culture’, xenophilia, and so on: their consciences are on fire because they know their licentious or otherwise immoral behavior is bad, but their activism in shitty counter-causes allows them to feel in some way superior, extinguishing the flame.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I tried to reply to your reply, but it didn’t post. Freakin ‘smart’ phone web access…. Please feel free to delete anything redundant, but this is what I tried to say:

Note: I may or may not remember that the studies show the correlation only in males…. . I’ve read so many things, and it’s been a while. Your stuff is WAY better than any single source I’ve studied, however, at putting the pieces together in a unified theory, and I can’t get enough.

Before I discovered you, I had my own fairly tight theory that I find complementary to r/K, and it involves pride vs humility. Wounded or inflated pride drive people to do almost all the evil they do. Wounded pride is the twig-snapping, inflated pride engenders presumption (of free resources). Contrarily, humility causes one to realize that one must make sacrifices (scarcity mentality) and take care of others (investing in the ingroup).

The words pride and humility have been stripped of much of their former meaning. Pride used to be seen as bad, now it’s a badge; humility is now seen as weakness, when before the people would praise a humble ruler.

Finally, remember that pride doesn’t mean someone thinks he’s the best. Pride works by taking pleasure in any perceived superiority over another. It’s also what serves up the amygdala relaxation (or even a dopamine hit) that leftists find in manufacturing ridiculous causes to support like global warming, crusades against the nonexistent ‘rape culture’, xenophilia, and so on: their consciences are on fire because they know their licentious or otherwise immoral behavior is bad, but their activism in shitty counter-causes allows them to feel in some way superior, extinguishing the flame.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Note: I may or may not remember that the studies show the correlation only in males…. . I’ve read so many things, and it’s been a while. Your stuff is WAY better than any single source I’ve studied, however, at putting the pieces together in a unified theory, and I can’t get enough.

Reply to  Jurist
7 years ago

I was thinking something similar to this. AC has the whole face handed thing. And usually the RH person and his RH face (RHF) is what we watch. Thus over time most societies have culled the LH person. After all we see their true thoughts slipping through, and while we may not be as observant of this as AC is in his posts, we all sense it.

In fact with Kaine, I see it more than any other face that AC has put up, and I put that down to that even when I try to look at the LHF of a person, I am predisposed by other factors to focus on the RHF. With Kaine since his RHF is his unmasked side, I see it more.

Now picture the group 2000 years ago. The LH person lets his feelings show and everyone sees them and thus they don’t trust and kill him. To the extent that handedness is genetic, ancient man weeded this out. it has been noticed that animals are much closer to 50/50 RH or LH. Humans I think are 90/10 RH/LH

Now going even further off Jurist’s comments. To the extent that behaviors are genetic, and that handedness is genetic. The only way a Sinistare handed person would survive to have children would be to mask much of his thoughts, and to have dark triad characteristics sufficient to keep those around him if not in love, at least not hating him. And we all know a few people that are like that. Well loved be many while being total .

7 years ago

“, to carry the Conservative mantle forward after Trump’s eight years are up. If Trump gives him a crash course in persuasion, the left can kiss the White House goodbye for the next sixteen years” It is extremely unlikely that after 8 years of one party, it will continue for another 4, let alone another 8.

From article – “The keys are 13 true/false questions, where an answer of “true” always favors the reelection of the party holding the White House, in this case the Democrats. And the keys are phrased to reflect the basic theory that elections are primarily judgments on the performance of the party holding the White House. And if six or more of the 13 keys are false — that is, they go against the party in power — they lose. If fewer than six are false, the party in power gets four more years.”

7 years ago

AnonCon, I guess you are too magnanimous to state the obvious, but let’s just say that everything about “Candy” Kaine’s voice, face, and demeanor indicates that it wasn’t the cheerleader he had a crush on, but the quarterback himself. I had wondered why Cankles picked a totally obscure stale, pale, male for VP when one would have thought she would have been better off solidifying her NAM support by choosing a candidate of color. Now that I’ve seen and heard enough of Kaine to last me a lifetime, I realize that she was consciously courting a very different demographic.

After Race Bannon puts in his 8 more years of making America even greater, it will be time for the election of Ivanka as the first female President. I pray that Cankles lives long enough to see it.

7 years ago

Watching a Presidential debate in 1992 between GHW Bush, Bill Clinton, and Ross Perot standing behind podiums with pens and paper, I marveled that all three were left-handed. The chance that three people chosen at random would be lefties is only 1 in 1000.

7 years ago

PS — Tony Soprano called that type of attempted death stare “The Manson lamps”.