Gays Are r-strategist Overshoots

Interesting stats:

It makes for an illogical syllogism.

Premise A: Lesbians are sexually attracted to women only.

Premise B: Women cannot impregnate women.

Conclusion: Lesbians have higher pregnancy rates than non-lesbian women.

It’s contrary to all reason, but it’s true. Lesbians have significantly higher pregnancy rates than their heterosexual peers. It’s also true for teen gay males. They are substantially more likely to impregnate their sexual partners than are heterosexual males.


Gays are r-strategists who have just gone a little too r. Male preference for aggressive females with masculine features who could raise offspring alone, overshoots to preference for an actual male. Female preferences for weak, conflict-avoidant, feminine men who other men would feel bad about braining wantonly overshoots into a female preference for actual females.

Regardless, even with that impediment to reproduction, the reduction in sexual discrimination and the drive to promiscuity still produces higher rates of impregnation than in normal K-selected humans. It even explains the gay reproduction conundrum.

I don’t know how much clearer it could be.

Spread r/K Theory, because it explains a hell of a lot about what is going on

This entry was posted in Conservatives, Homosexuality, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Gays Are r-strategist Overshoots […]

Duke Norfolk
7 years ago


I’m in the middle of reading your book and it’s all becoming more and more clear. Obvious even; in “hindsight” of course. It sure does explain a lot about our f’d up world.

7 years ago


7 years ago

Curious, how do you give an explanation to the masculine gay men, because there’s no denying there is some.