Hunger Strikes In A Time Of r-selection

This is what a rabbit hunger strike looks like:

A group of Yale University graduate students announced Tuesday evening that they would be undertaking a hunger strike to pressure the administration into granting them better union benefits…

Yale doctoral students currently earn a stipend $30,000 a year, receive free health care, and have their $40,000 tuition paid in full, according to Yale News…

According to a pamphlet posted on Twitter by a former Yale student, the hunger strike is “symbolic” and protesters can leave and get food…

Note how innate the programming is. The human r-strategist has no idea that it sounds silly to say they are having a hunger strike by waiting until they are hungry to eat. To them, this just makes sense, because they are so accustomed to complete and total satiation at all times, that waiting until they are hungry to eat seems unusual – and bordering on painful.

Nothing unites all of the traits of leftism like r/K Selection Theory. Not only does it explain the linkage between economics, sexual mores, reproductive and rearing urges, and loyalty – it even explains why the left would have hunger strikes that don’t actually withhold food. To them, waiting until they are hungry to eat is unusual, and uncomfortable enough to qualify as a sacrifice. THat is because they are accustomed to a resource glut.

r/K Theory is real, and the more you see, the more it explains.

Spread r/K Theory, because unless leftists are starving, none of us can be happy

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7 years ago

[…] Hunger Strikes In A Time Of r-selection […]

John Calabro
John Calabro
7 years ago

How much do you think the food itself to blame?
Cheap carbs? The amount and the type of corn, wheat, soy (bad for males), rice and the added sugar (or high fructose corn syrup in usa).

I know the amount of food means more r’s in the population anyway but the type of food I think can be something we can look at in what is happening in todays on top of the r/K since I have never read a caitlyn jenner in history before modern times.

I read in Wheat Belly that in the 60s they change the wheat by cross breeding them to make dwarf wheat. It grow faster and you can get more yield out. This type of wheat makes food cheaper, the type is more addictive, and due to the gluten it hold together better this means you can make all sort of different shapes and different kinds of food that is very hard without gluten (read gluten free cookies to see what I mean). The problem, it comes at the cost of less nutritions, links to worst health problems with it, it also the fat that is produce goes straight to the belly (very worst for women since most men are not attracted belly fat but bad for both since belly fat increase chances to heart attack) and also the addictions that this wheat gives can lead to people eating more than they need.

If these people eat a lot of wheat or even other cheap carbs than I would say that it is a typically harder for them to go on a hunger strike due to the less nutritions in these food (meaning your body will actually make feel like you are starving while it is storing fat) and the addiction in the food makes it even more painful not to eat (in the brain it is almost as bad as giving up added sugar or drugs this is why companies love to put wheat into their food, next time look at the back of a Mars Bar next time to see what is in it).

I will put a link that i read years ago on this

7 years ago

The Yale Republicans had a barbecue fest right nest to the hunger strikers. So Brilliant!

Reply to  ladyvigilant
7 years ago

I had Virginia Ham on the weekend. I hereby declare the American People to be culinary geniusses.