88% Of Trump Supporters See Media As The Enemy Of America

That’s a lot of Americans:

Participants were asked, “When you hear the media being critical of Donald Trump, does their criticism make you question your support for him, or does it reinforce that he’s on the right track in terms of shaking things up in Washington, D.C.?”

A whopping 88 percent said that the media’s attacks on Trump actually reinforce their feeling that he is on the right track. In contrast, a mere 12 percent said that the media’s criticism makes them question their support for the president.

One female Trump supporter told the pollsters that the media is not being a “voice of the people,” while a male voter who said he also voted for Obama in the past said that the media spends too much time “blowing things out of proportion.”

Another female Trump voter who also claimed she voted for Obama told the poll takers that she thinks the media is “creating a lot of the racism that’s out there.”

Meanwhile, the poll also found that a huge number of Trump voters either strongly or somewhat agree that the media is the enemy.

When the pollsters asked, “Do you agree or disagree with Donald Trump’s statement that the press ‘is the enemy of the American people,’” another 88 percent said that they agree with Trump.

I agree 100%. I view the press like a hostile force occupying our media, bombarding the nation with enemy propaganda. Don’t ask me what I think about liberals, cuckservatives, or SJWs.

If half of the country supports Trump, that is 44% of the people who view the media the way one nation has historically viewed an enemy nation. It only takes 3% of a population to fight a Civil War.

It is an amazing time. We basically have two tribes of people, who probably view each other with as much hostility as Americans and Nazis viewed each other during WWII, living side by side, spread throughout the nation. I’ll bet American and German soldiers had more respect for each other and their motivations than ideologues have for each other today.

My own opinion is that what is keeping everything copacetic is the ridiculous level of r-selected resource availability. Take that away, and people will go to war the same way hostile nations have throughout history.

In light of that is it any wonder leftists are struggling to import violent foreigners hostile to patriotic America as quickly as they can? Instinctually, they know to mass-import violent migrants because emotionally, deep down, the liberals hate you, and they know the migrants will hate you too.

Those migrants are being imported in the hopes they will kill you, whether the liberals admit it or not.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the country you save may be your own

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Decline, Economic Collapse, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] 88% Of Trump Supporters See Media As The Enemy Of America […]

7 years ago

Trouble is, the more the rabbits import migrants, the more they restrict resources.

America today has the same number of yearly births it had in 1950; Meanwhile, the population has doubled.

And yet some still wonder why 500,000$ buys not more than a two-bedroom shack in the nation’s major cities.

I wonder if that resource pressure is selecting for higher IQs. If it is, that would explain why the share of annual births to non-Hispanic Whites stopped shrinking as a percentage of total births after 2008, despite continued immigration.

7 years ago

I look at it kind of like Red Dawn mixed with the Matrix. The Liberal-Corporate-Media elites are committing seditious treason. After WWII Axis Sally and Tokyo Rose were tried and imprisoned, something similar will likely happen in Europe and the US. If these individuals aren’t brought to justice the West will just keep repeating this cycle until our countries fill up with non-Westerners and Native Europeans are all lead away into slavery or extermination camps. As an example, Pamela Gellar found this freak show, but do MSM, FoxNews even, report on it? Nope- not a peep from them.


7 years ago

Never in history has a populace consisted of immiscible people, shuffled together like a deck of cards, and armed with the small-arms stand-off power of modern sporting weapons.

What happens when the tenuous consent that exists today dissolves? IMO all the insults accumulated these past couple decades, endless viciousness heaped on those who literally make our modern world’s marvels, have filled a reservoir of rage, barely contained.

Phase change is my preferred metaphor for what’s coming.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Of course the media is our enemy. They have been since the beginning. It is only within the last 60 years or so that the citizenry has begun to notice. The media is just part of the dialectic process. They are part of how the thesis and antithesis are framed and which guides the masses to the intended synthesis. The only real questions are:

1. What can we do about it?
2. What will we do about it?
3. Is Trump a willing participant in the process?

The media seemed to oppose Trump in the election. And then they seemed to be surprised by his election. The way they present Trump now is a combination of trying to show how he is what they said he was and a grudging respect when he performs an action they approve of. His policy reversals since the election have been disheartening for his supporters. With his being “happy” with the proposed budget, I think it is getting more and more obvious. How can he be “happy” about a budget which has none of his electioneering promises funded and maintains every status quo policy he opposed?

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

So, you’re a believer in the Hari Seldon version of Trump? He has used the Executive Order effectively so far. Only problem with Executive Orders is that they can be superseded by the next administration. I think we’ll know in a couple of years if he is going to be re-elected.

7 years ago

“I view the press like a hostile force occupying our media”

But at least all your top 7 media companies who control all of the market have an unwavering loyality to ISRAEL…