Trump Would Be Honored To Meet Kim Jong-un

I laughed at this:

President Trump said in an interview Monday that he “absolutely” would meet with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un under the right circumstances.

“If it would be appropriate for me to meet with him, I would absolutely, I would be honored to do it,” Trump told Bloomberg News

It is funny to watch these media types who never heard of Sun Tzu run around chattering over everything Trump does that confuses people.

When you have a hostile relationship with someone or something, and you grow accustomed to that hostility, and especially when there is talk they might try to kill you, you will get really paranoid the instant they are unexpectedly nice. On the one hand your logic is expecting it to be a distraction from an imminent attack. On the other hand, because it is a violation of expectation, your amygdala will amplify its relevance, leading the paranoia it triggers to increase. And I’d imagine all of that goes double when you have a history of poisoning your own brother, and know that being nice is exactly what you would do before sneaking in and punching somebody else’s ticket.

Which probably goes triple with Kim when his intelligence suddenly reports this back to him:

A Chinese town near the border with North Korea is “urgently” recruiting Korean-Chinese interpreters, stirring speculation that China is bracing for an emergency situation involving its nuclear-armed neighbor.

The Oriental Daily, a Hong Kong-based news outlet published the story on Apr. 27, including a photo of a Chinese government document ordering the town of Dandong to recruit an unspecified number of Korean-Chinese interpreters to work at 10 departments in the town, including border security, public security, trade, customs and quarantine.

The document did not specify the reason behind the unusual, large-scale recruiting. But experts and local citizens said the move indicated that China was bracing for a possible military clash between the United States and North Korea.

This might trigger a huge exodus of North Koreans to border towns in China.

So Trump has just said he would be honored to meet the “smart cookie” Kim, and at the same time China has just put out an urgent call for interpreters to handle a flood of North Korean refugees from something horrible about to happen.

If Kim wasn’t crazy before, he will be soon – if he doesn’t end up dead.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because it is easier than being nice to liberals

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Anxiety, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

A K-type leader in North Korea would recognize the threat of China and take steps to deescalate hostilities and broker a peace between the three countries while giving up as little as possible. Trump wins in this scenario.

An r-type leader (like Kim is) will go crazy as his amgdala overloads imagining all the ways the US will betray him while not noticing the subtle threat that China is. He will do something stupid that will force China’s hand to take care of him and bring peace to the area with him gone and a puppet in his place. Trump and China both win. Or China fails to act and the US is forced to respond to an attack by itself, eliminating Kim in the process. Trump wins here too, but China loses face.

I love a good Xanatos Gambit.

7 years ago

[…] Trump Would Be Honored To Meet Kim Jong-un […]

7 years ago

The amount of firepower the North has on the DMZ could wipe out huge parts of the South in minutes. 50k artillery pieces that can reach US troops and Seoul. 5,000 tons of VX/Sarin nerve agents. 3 million men. Perhaps 3 dozen nuclear weapons. Navy SEAL teams, tomahawks and US/S.Korean/Japanese airpower just isn’t fast enough. If Kim gave the order within minutes thousands of artillery rounds would be landing in Seoul’s suburbs and on US bases, with just as many following every 20 seconds or so. Nork saboteurs and missiles would be releasing god knows what shortly thereafter. The THAAD missile defense radar would be swamped trying to ID which incoming missiles potentially had nuclear weapons against decoys merely armed with VX. Thankfully the US does have a type of weapon that is fast enough. One that can reach into and destroy the bunkers Kim could hide it, one that can burn the VX and Sarin on the ground, one that can destroy missiles as they are lifting off. The United States hasn’t used these weapons in a quite a while, but never say never. China screwed up for it to get this bad, hopefully they can fix it.

7 years ago

“And I’d imagine all of that goes double when you have a history of poisoning your own brother”

Why do you keep repeating this likely lie with no evidence? Why do you have such a naive and child-like faith in the word of the US government? I swear you are one of the most incongruous writers I have ever read. You have all this insight about how people and power structures work, but then on a dime you revert to standard burger-American who laps up whatever improbable fairy-tale is put in front of you. I know why. It’s about narrative. Anything that you perceive as fitting your religion/ideology/narrative, you embrace uncritically. And anything that doesn’t fit the narrative is either twisted to fit it, or disregarded. Such is the way of ideology. Don’t feel bad though, all humans do it to certain extent.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Why would anyone but Kim Jong-un kill his brother? The entire world dislikes Kim, China and Russia would love to replace him, his brother was on the list of replacements. The only motive here is with Kim, its just basic logic.