Amsterdam Train Station Car Attack?

Could be, though officials haven’t confirmed yet:

EIGHT people have been injured after a car ploughed into pedestrians in Amsterdam tonight.

The vehicle reportedly drove through crowds before hitting a wall outside Amsterdam’s central train station.

Police have said that the motorist had been parked in a restricted zone when they were approached by authorities, with the driver quickly fleeing…

Police said the motorist had already been arrested and was being questioned by authorities…

One witness said police were immediately at the scene, pulling the man from the car before more people could be hurt.

Some thoughts, based on a knowledge of how things work.

Official version – He parked in a place he wasn’t supposed to near the station, and a cop just happened to be there at that moment to move him along.

Possible alternate version – He was under surveillance, his team saw him park there and set up a static box around him, but then thought he was running a counter-surveillance stop while waiting to ditch them in a crowd and they were afraid if a train arrived they might lose him in the crowd. So they had an officer approach him to move him along at a time of their choosing which was conducive to their follow, and not a time of his choosing that was conducive to his losing them. I’d bet people stop there momentarily all the time to pick up disembarking train passengers, and rarely is there ever even a cop there, let alone one moving them on.

Official version – lots of cops just happened to be there immediately to pull him from the car before he could do more damage.

Possible alternate version – His surveillance thought he might be planning an attack, so they radioed and pulled in local uniformed units close, keeping them just out of sight to take him quickly if he launched an attack.

I think it at least a 60% chance this will turn out to be a Muslim based on those two coincidences and the fact he was immediately arrested, and if it is, there will be a 90% or greater chance he was under surveillance, and I’d bet knew it, when he launched the attack.

No amount of security state can stop an attack in these rabbitized times, because no matter how much someone hates the people of your nation, no matter how much they clearly want to do violence, your security state cannot deal with them until they kill five or ten people with a car.

This will continue until the K-selection begins and the war gets hot enough that amygdalae view deporting them all as a lesser amygdala strain than enduring the massive number of attacks like this which we will see then.

Until then, the idiot hippies and cucks will continue to import these shitbags, and view these attacks as less amygdala-stimulating than the sight of a nation, free, secure, and happy. The rabbits are trying to get you killed, because that unselective, high mortality is how r-selection thrives, and on a deep level they want the misery that accompanies that environment – so long as they can make it affect everyone.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the rabbits are out to get you

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Cuckservatives, Decline, Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Surveillance, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Amsterdam Train Station Car Attack? […]

7 years ago

All this fancy shit. There is alot to be learned from Russians, there are towns in Russia that are ZERO % muslim. Muslims keep trying to move there- the town stays at zero % somehow. Don’t ask me how that sausage is made. Kind of like a sundowner in the American South. Those may just make a comeback, especially in whats left of Europe in a few decades. The mooz best keep movin’, back to where they came.

7 years ago

Red-pilling people is easy when you point out the Left only wanna import the violent murderers and just detest anything white, they’re not pro-anything really, but anti-white to the core.
It’s often been said the Left can’t meme, and this is true, but I’d also posit the Right can’t signal for shit, they keep making basic errors than even a lolbiterian wouldn’t make and lose many moderates in the process. They completely misread the enemy and its position of inherent weakness. You should really pay me at some point because I’ve been dropping mentions of your theories in hundreds of places both online and IRL per month for years and encouraging other to do the same (even lefties), that’s why the neolibs are beginning to wake up to it. Like I say here, we need to call out the r-practices so people can see for themselves. Also, read Harrison Bergeron if you haven’t already. We need to improve our signalling game both for normie optics and the signal boost to draw in thinking moderates.

7 years ago

My version: Ramadan Muslim on his way to paradise. Waited for the right moment until a large crowd comes out of the station so he could kill as many as possible with his car. When police arrived to ticket him, he had to act even though only few people were targets at that moment.