Merkel Won’t Limit Refugees At All

Hard to believe:

It seems you can’t talk about Germany these days without dragging Turkey into the conversation and that’s particularly true of the ongoing refugee crisis. Chancellor Angela Merkel sat down for an interview this week and was asked about the refugee situation and whether or not she might consider a cap on incoming immigrants in light of all the problems they’ve been experiencing. Despite some of her previous statements during the current election campaign, Merkel flatly rejected the idea of limiting the number they would accept.

I’ve noticed two broad classes of people as I go through life. They are r and K, but they are even more than that. One type wants those around them to be happy. They help where they can, they lift up their friends, and they are constantly looking for ways to increase the overall happiness. And more often than not, they don’t actively solicit help from others, preferring to solve problems themselves.

The other kind of person solicits help wherever they can. They never offer to help others unless there is an angle for them, and they seem to view happiness not as a state of being, but as a relative measure. To that end, they will act to reduce the happiness of others wherever they can, but they will always try to do it in such a way as to maintain plausible deniability about their motives. Ironically, I suspect that because they feel good soliciting help from others and taking time from their lives, they often end up in leadership roles, whereas the first type tends to not become leaders.

One of the most extreme models of this second type, in my view, was William F Buckley, who actually would go so far as to piss out the open door of a car going full speed on the highway, so the cars behind him would be sprayed with his urine. That is how desperately he needed to feel that others were less happy than him. He would do something so stupid and pointless, that benefitted him in no way, just so he could feel that others were less well off than he was.

And despite that mental damage, look at how he was able to amass followers who would do his bidding and sing his praises. Acquire that psychology, and ruthlessly only seek to do favors for those who can help you in strict quid-pro-quos that benefit you, to distill your efforts into their most potent form, and you will rise high in a rabbity world.

As I look out on these migration-obsessed assholes, more and more I see that psychology, changing the world so nobody else can enjoy true happiness, while maintaining their plausible deniability as empaths who simply care too much for their fellow man.

Bring the Apocalypse and lets start sorting this Darwinian trash.

Spread r/K Theory, because we need Darwin’s return, and r/K could help it come back

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7 years ago

[…] Merkel Won’t Limit Refugees At All […]

7 years ago

The Bible says “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. If someone imports this psychopathic garbage, then they are not loving thy neighbor. They are destroying their neighbors.