Poland Turns On Germany And Demands Reparations

Splintering is starting:

The scene is a German town called Gleiwitz close to the Polish border. Here, on the night of August 31, 1939, a small group of Nazi intelligence agents, dressed in Polish uniforms, burst into a German radio station.

There they broadcast anti-German messages in Polish before dumping the bodies of prisoners they had just hauled out of the Dachau concentration camp, who had been made up to resemble Polish saboteurs then shot and mutilated to make identification impossible.

A few hours later, Adolf Hitler rose in the Reichstag and announced that the Gleiwitz incident — which he, entirely deceitfully, blamed on anti-German saboteurs — was the final straw.

Already, Nazi forces were flooding across the border into Poland. The darkest chapter in human history had begun…

By the summer of 1945, some six million Polish citizens, one in five of the pre-war population, had been killed. The great cities of Warsaw, Krakow and Lublin were in smoking ruins. Millions of books had been burned; hundreds of libraries, schools, museums and laboratories had been destroyed.

In effect, the Germans had done their best to eradicate an entire nation, erasing its culture, murdering its middle-classes and reducing the rest to slavery. And though the Nazis were defeated, the Polish people’s ordeal was far from over, for the end of Hitler’s tyranny saw their country occupied by Stalin’s Red Army, who turned it into a brutalised Soviet satellite.

But if any country deserves restitution after its suffering in the last century, then it is surely Poland. Indeed, few of us in Britain can even begin to imagine the awfulness of the ordeal the Poles endured after the first German tanks crashed across the border.

Hitler’s intentions were chillingly clear from the very beginning. Poland was to be cleansed of its existing population, whom he regarded as sub-human, in order to make room for German colonists.

Ten days before the invasion began, he told his commanders that they should kill ‘without pity or mercy, all men, women and children of Polish descent or language’. And in March 1940, the SS chief, Heinrich Himmler, was even more explicit. Soon, he said, ‘all Poles will disappear from this world. It is imperative that the great German nation considers the elimination of all Polish people as its chief task’…

So it is no wonder that even today, many young Poles still feel bitter about their country’s fate —especially when they see their high streets invaded by German businesses, or when they cross the border to see their German neighbours cruising past in their expensive cars.

In Berlin, the Germans are understandably handling the issue of this demand for reparations with great caution…

What is now very clear, however, is that the nationalist passions of the past have not gone away.

Far from wiping the slate clean, globalisation, austerity and mass immigration have reawakened the old resentments, not just in Poland, but in neighbouring countries such as Slovakia and Hungary, too, where migrants from the Middle East have been treated with open hostility…

The ghosts of history are not easily silenced, and beneath the pieties that so often pass for political discourse in Europe today, the old monsters may well be waking up.

It is interesting to read the accounts at the link in light of amygdala. When resources were flowing freely, and threats were nonexistent, all of those atrocities were not able to reach the Pole’s amygdalae and trigger them. But now, resources are beginning to grow ever so slightly scarcer, and the migrants are beginning to introduce threat stimuli.

As the amygdalae light up in response to that, suddenly all these past amygdala triggers are able to push on the amygdalae and light them up. And this is just the beginning.

Read of how different it was back then. Germany, whose resources were crushed under the post WWI European arrangement, swept through Poland viewing the Poles as inhuman and in need to total elimination. They razed entire villages, executed women and children, and took millions of slaves to power their war machine. Imagine being a Pole back then. Imagine how poorly adapted the amygdalae of those who waited for their fates were.

Then look at the Germans, and what their amygdalae, primed by shortage, had them doing. Not only did they reject foreign immigration – they wanted to kill entire other countries, while they were living over the border in their own homelands.

In the US, things went from the roaring Twenties with all its excess hedonism, to cleaning Japs out of caves with flamethrowers, and nuking civilians in towns – and nobody had better have complained about it at the time. None of the retreat from logic and loyalty we see today is irreversible.

And judging by the scale, the next time it all returns it will be a doozy even by WWII standards – and it is already starting now, before any of us have spent a night hungry out of necessity.

Spread r/K Theory, because the rage we unleash should be focused on the r-strategists

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Economic Collapse, Europe, In-grouping, ITZ, K-stimuli, Morals, Nationalism, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, Splintering, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

[…] Poland Turns On Germany And Demands Reparations […]

6 years ago

Though borders change, the K’s remain. Studying the Sorbs (close cousins of the Poles), who ironically the Reich called “Slavic speaking Germans” they seem to have preserved their culture well, despite Germanic domination. That has to be K. I have a working theory, after the Indo-European (Aryan) dispersion, the Aryan groups that dispersed the furthest were less K, the ones that dispersed the least where most. This is because less dispersing Aryan tribes were winning battles. These winning tribes stayed in the Aryan homeland (Ukraine), which is where Slavs and Scythians come from. Millennia later the only Slavic tribe to not be completely over-run by Mongols were the Poles. This pretty much makes Poles the basest Aryans around. No wonder Hitler and Stalin were so jealous.

Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago

The Poles were defeated by the Mongols. The Mongol army was then recalled to Mongolia because the Kahn had died. In Mongol culture all the leaders had to be present to select the new Kahn. So the Mongol general went home with his army. Otherwise Europe would have been over run.

Reply to  ACThinker
6 years ago

Lucky for Europe, but the Mongols didn’t ravage the western parts of Poland, especially Silesia. The Piast Dynasty originated in the west and periodically reunified the country. Hungary, Russia, the Baltics and Ukraine were practically destroyed or subjugated by the Mongols. The Southern Slavs were almost all under the Ottoman yoke as well, until Vienna of course.

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward
6 years ago

Germany must be destroyed, so the East can thrive. They are just sniping opportunistically. Not to mention it plays to the domestic audience.

Robert What?
6 years ago

Interesting that such death and destruction was rained down on ordinary Poles yet you never hear anything about the Polish holocaust. It is as if only the suffering of (((one specific group))) mattered in WW2.

Robert What?
6 years ago

AC, is this also Poland’s attempt to push back at Germany’s trying to push more migrants on them?