Nazis Were Promiscuous Fascists

Dinesh sets the record straight:

For a generation, progressives have portrayed fascism and Nazism as exemplified by sexual repression and moral conservatism. In this view, the left has an anti-Nazi sensibility because the left is into bohemianism and sexual expression. In my new book, “The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of American Left,” I show that the fascists and Nazis, far from being repressed moral conservatives, were themselves sexually and stylistically bohemian. In style as well as in ideology, fascism and Nazism are phenomena of the political left.

The whole notion that fascism and Nazism are forms of sexual repression is the invention of one man, Herbert Marcuse of the so-called Frankfurt School. Himself a refugee from Nazi Germany, Marcuse was a Marxist who detested Christianity and capitalism with the same passion that he hated Hitler. In the period after World War II, Marcuse set about to mobilize the hatred Americans felt for Nazism against America’s own capitalist and Christian social and sexual mores.

According to Marcuse, America had its own form of fascism, and that was modern, technological, capitalist society. In his book “Eros and Civilization,” Marcuse insisted that America had established elaborate systems for controlling our sex organs, what Marcuse terms the “sacrifice of libido.” Marcuse blamed not merely the free market system for supposedly codifying and merchandizing sex – turning it into a commodity – but he also blamed religious and social mores for repressing and enslaving the sex instincts. Unfortunately, Marcuse noted, there is currently in America a “channeling of sexuality into monogamous reproduction” and a “taboo on perversions.”

Marcuse proclaimed that this “suppressed sexuality” was indicative of an emerging American fascism. Without being released, he wrote, it “manifests itself in the hideous forms so well known” including the “sadistic and masochistic orgies” of prison inmates and “concentration camp guards.” Marcuse’s mantra was: Away with all this. Liberate the libido. Let it all hang out. Marcuse termed what he was promoting as “polymorphous sexuality…”

In reality, Marcuse was pulling off a major scam. While the rutting bohemians of the 1960s had no idea, Marcuse surely knew that the Nazis and the Italian fascists were themselves – almost to a man – bohemians…

Heinrich Himmler, Hitler’s No. 2 man and head of the SS, was an atheist who took his secretary, Hedwig Potthast, as his mistress. Although he is sometimes portrayed as an uptight moral traditionalist, nothing could be further from the truth: Himmler envisioned human breeding farms in which selected Aryan types would promiscuously breed with selected Aryan women to produce, in the words of historian Sarah Helm, “a constant supply of perfect Aryan children…”

Himmler and Goebbels, fearful that a gay reputation would hurt the political prospects of the Nazi Party, urged Hitler to reduce the homosexual presence among the Brownshirts. But Hitler refused, saying that these things were “purely in the private sphere…”

When Hitler showed up to arrest Rohm and his top lieutenants at the Hanselbauer Hotel, he found himself in the middle of a gay orgy. The first door Hitler kicked open revealed Heines naked in bed with an 18-year-old Brownshirt troop leader. Hitler told him, “If you are not dressed in five minutes, I’ll have you shot on the spot.” Heines jumped from under the sheets and did the Heil Hitler salute…

This history is relevant to refute Marcuse’s contention – which has now virtually become conventional wisdom – that fascism and Nazism were straight-laced and socially conservative. That is part of the larger myth that fascism and Nazism are right-wing phenomena. In reality, as the cultural and sexual bohemianism of the fascists and Nazis confirms, the fascists then, like the fascists now, are firmly anchored on the political left.

I love the factory idea, with clearly superior Aryans who never have to compete for mates, just banging the hottest women all day long as a conveyor belt turns out perfect little children without any parenting at all. I’ll bet Antifa would see the same thing, only with perfect leftist Antifae replacing the Aryans.

Anytime you have someone trying to control the populace, you have a weak amygdala seeking relief through government controlling everyone, so they won’t have to compete openly against them all by themselves. That is why fascists are always going to have r-strategist tendencies. K-strategists want everyone free, so they can bang heads and compete freely.

When Hitler started out in politics, he was a hardcore leftist, hence the socialist in National Socialist. His problem was he was a minor player who was shut out of power by the leftist elites running Germany. Adapting to the political battlefield, he began espousing nationalism as a way to amass support from disaffected German K’s, themselves angry with the leftist elites for selling post-WWI Germany out to the European powers.

That mix of disaffected K’s, supporting a leftist leader willing to destroy the powers that be, was the quirk of history that gave us the Nazis. Wolves led by a rabbit, and willing to carry out the rabbit’s orders to destroy a greater enemy.

We were very close to that, with our feckless Left-lite Cuckservative establishment. Had Donald Trump not emerged, had Hillary been about to win over Jeb (as she would have) and had a rabbit-leader come out on our side, promising to tear it all down and destroy the cucks and leftists, I am not sure those of us on the real right would not have been willing to give it to the rabbit to set a match to it all.

The danger is, rabbits are mentally unbalanced. So even if they do what they promise and take out the cucks and the leftists in a violent purge, they can easily go completely off the rails down the line. The next thing you know you are at war with almost all of Europe, the United States, and the Soviet Union, all at the same time, as the ovens can’t burn up the murdered bodies you create fast enough.

Ironically, I am not sure the economic collapse the cucks would have given us would have proven any better than that, if the 90% collapse-mortality prediction is correct.

Thank God for Donald Trump.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because leftist lies can’t stand up to truth

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, DRD4, Europe, Homosexuality, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

The Nazis were big on promoting fertility and had topless rallies of chicks in paris that should show that the german chicks had better titties then the french chicks. And that was very humiliating for the french because they were a very prude nation and there was this one historian Patrick Buisson who made the point that german occupation was france sexual revolution. And there is also the book “what soldiers do” about american GI fucking and raping french chicks so that they wish they had the germans back.

Robert What?
Robert What?
6 years ago

I don’t think most people who have Nazi sympathies have given much (any?) thought to the political and social intricacies of National Socialism. They just want the elite to leave them alone to live their lives, and to stop denigrating and vilifying them. Currently any one to the right of Pol Pot is branded a Nazi.

6 years ago

So.. hold off on Aryan Skynet until everyone is putting in their own hard work? Makes sense to me. I also suspect that r-selection in humans isn’t related to number of children per se, but number of lifetime sexual partners. You have very K, traditionalists, like the Amish for example, who average around 1 maybe 2 with clear gender boundaries. Then you’ve got “Bohemians” at the other end trending towards infinity, and with loose gender boundaries. Anything over 3 or 4 indicates increasing rabbitry. And r-selected women/men “settle down” when they’ve been burned enough- K-selected women/men were already settled. Guess who has more babies in the end? The always settled people, like the Amish, who average 7 children per family. Those kids are raised well too, unlike their lonely-child cousins in the US/Germany, many of whom are Antifa degenerates.

6 years ago

Hitler was just another BETA male: read Heartiste please:

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
6 years ago

Dinesh Dsousza has to go back.

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
6 years ago

By this logic, the Spartans were rabbits that feared conflict and had underdeveloped amygdalas that couldn’t handle stress.

Lulz, this blog gets more ridiculous every day.

Reply to  Mr. Frosty
6 years ago

AC is referring to the leadership, not the rank and file. Positions of power often attract very flawed people.

6 years ago

The sodomite and promiscuous presence in the Nazi’s confirms our suspicion that National Socialists despite their declarations that they are right-wing doesn’t make them so.

Criticizing Nazi ideology isn’t punching right therefore.

6 years ago

In addition Hitler kept sabotaging the efforts of his talented generals and screwed up the command structure hence ensuing Nazi’s will ultimately lose the war.

6 years ago

I once read years ago that the time leading up to the rise of Hitler was very similar in nature to the beat era in the latter 50’s and early 60’s. Lots of easy sex, homosexuality, “artistic” expression and yes even vegetarianism and environmentalism.

Reply to  bear
6 years ago

Hitler was a hippie.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

Want to know what a Nazi economy would look like? Look at Japan. They are almost complete Nazi. They, to their credit, changed things around a slight amount but the general idea is there.

We get all bad news about the Japanese economy but it’s not really true. They have a PLUMMETING population and yet they still have a little growth so the actual growth per working population is quite good. They own their own banks so if they owe a lot of money, so what, it’s their banks. They could always just lop a few zeros off the debt. I posted this before but it’s well worth reading. Economically they are at the top of the food chain with manufacturing while we are going down and if we keep it up will be nothing but a nation of wood cutters.

Japan, Refutation of Neoliberalism

Mountain Farmer
Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

Where in history have the K-strategists been in power? Any country like that now?