What Will Apocalypse Look Like?

Texas is giving us a peek:

With that in mind, here are some of the services that have been cut off. Let this be a reminder to everyone that in a dire emergency, you may not be able to rely on anyone but yourself. You may be cut off from help just like we’re seeing across much of Texas right now:

•Municipal water is being turned OFF due to rising waters and possible contamination from septic systems (cholera, anyone?)
•Electrical services are failing as winds snap off heavy branches that take down power lines. Local power companies then have to fight the wind and rain to repair lines in extremely low-visibility conditions.
•911 services are totally overloaded in some areas. Calls are simply going unanswered.
•Emergency responders such as police and sheriff deputies can’t reach you anyway.
•Many ROADS are completely flooded over, bringing transportation to a standstill and causing massive traffic jams.
•Hospitals and emergency rooms are functioning on emergency power, but that only helps if you can reach them.
•Medical transport helicopters are GROUNDED due to extremely high winds and very low visibility. Only Coast Guard pilots are trained to operate military-class helicopters in such conditions. For anybody else, taking to the skies in a helicopter is “power line suicide.”
•Food deliveries to local grocery stories are disrupted, and many shelves have been emptied out. Food supplies may be disrupted for an entire WEEK.
•The entire city of Houston has declared it will shut down for a full week. No government services. No passport processing. No DMV. If you need something from the city of Houston, you’re out of luck.
•Fuel deliveries are also being disrupted, and some gas stations are near empty. Once the roads are usable again, we will quickly see lack of fuel becoming a serious problem.
•Cell phone services are on and off in some areas, mostly due to the density of the rain. This means if you need to call 911, you really can’t. It’s one more reason to be prepared to solve your own problems.

The problem in the Apocalypse will be the welfare class. They are a hurricane unto themselves, because they have acclimated to free resource availability even as they have cultured an envy of the “haves” who provided it. Once the free resource buffet ends, they will feel justified in taking whatever they can, wherever they can from anyone who has it. To do it they will mass and hit in force, probably using social media to organize. Then watch as Law Enforcement has to take down the cell towers and the mobile broadband. When they move to the internet to organize, that may have to come down too.

It will go one of two ways. Law Enforcement will stop them, at which point I would expect riots that burn large areas to the ground, perhaps just to act out in frustration, perhaps for retaliation, or perhaps to divert emergency responders from other attacks and increase the chances of success elsewhere.

Or Law Enforcement will not be able to stop them, and anywhere that distributes food or other commodities will have to shut down due to the periodic emptying of their stores without recompense. From there they will move to the highways, where the material is transported, making transportation of goods nearly impossible. Then you have Hurricane Trayvon, without the water.

Of course all of that may be nothing compared to the loss of the economy. When people’s bank accounts disappear, and jobs disappear, government won’t have the money to keep it’s people employed. Those layoffs mean vastly less money spent, which means more layoffs in the private sector, and even less money spent. Then will come the inflation which will be needed to pay off the debts, making what little money people have left worthless, and transferring what little value was left in private hands into the hands of the elites who stored their money elsewhere.

Stores, which can’t handle the losses from robbery will have even less legitimate business to keep them afloat and they will slowly disappear, meaning all there will be for the welfare class to steal will be in private hands. That is Hurricane Trayvon, mixed with Lord of the Flies.

Basically I’d assume the Apocalypse, when it hits, will be worse than Texas now, only instead of a week of this, it may be years.

It is really astonishing. It is clearly coming. There is no way to keep it all afloat. And yet all anyone can do is make it worse by trying to buy time at the expense of the future.

The only thing more amazing is, that horror is what will save the K-selected mindset, and return the urges that make humanity great.

This entry was posted in Apocalypse cometh, Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, rabbitry, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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Robert What?
Robert What?
6 years ago

Law enforcement tend to go after the easy targets. So I expect them to crucify the law abiding home owner or store owner who try to protect their property and lives, and let the gangs run amuck.

6 years ago

Sounds like a really, really big IQ test to me.

Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago


Nice comment. I feel the same way.

6 years ago

Actually, I would say that the real lesson is that Katrina and Harvey were both previews of the apocalypse. The difference is, one happened in Louisiana and Mississippi, and the other happened in Texas.

The results are night and day.

6 years ago

God had pity on you Texans. The hurricane will prepare you in case the Norks decide to launch an EMP oriented nuclear strike on the heartland.

Then watch as Law Enforcement has to take down the cell towers and the mobile broadband. When they move to the internet to organize, that may have to come down too.

That would be a terrible move imo. A mob of animals, is a mob of animals. Assuming anything electrical is working, it is the decent people in particular who will need the information channels open so they can coordinate and organize for mutual defense.

LEO does not and should not have to fight the battle for order alone, and they were never really meant to.

6 years ago

As much as I appreciate your writing I have a feeling you go too far on posts like this. Real life is not a zombie movie with criminal minorities roaming the highways at will. Consider for example the fall of the USSR which is both a recent and a seemingly comparable scenario.

Yes, jobs for the educated classes disappeared for a few years at least. Government employees (including doctors and teachers) got to subsistence level but kept their jobs. Electricity and running water experienced temporary outages but mostly on schedule. On the imperial outskirts a small civil war or two broke but nowhere near the hinterland.

For middle age people that was frequently a career-ending catastrophe. Only basic food was available/affordable. Crime went up significantly with a major contribution from ethnic gangs. Things were pretty bad for years but not in a way you describe here. Moreover, the country was already ridiculously poor and produced nothing of value.

So I very much doubt the Apocalypse is coming here. If things get really bad, think more about what happened to the Rust Belt. Most people would survive, they just wouldn’t feel like living.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Also, I doubt that the vast majority of civilian Boris’ and Natashas had access to firearms…

6 years ago

Some people are buying gold and silver thinking it may retain value. It may, or it may not, if things get bad enough, what you want is a self-reliant defensible compound with enough food, ammo, supplies, tools and parts enough to last you 100 years. And in that compound you want to be with a group of at least 15 to 20, better yet, 50 to 100 people who all know how to operate weapons safely and perform first-aid, as well as having at least one more useful skill so they can contribute to the group’s survival. It’s a return to tribalism, as described here: https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/understanding-cycles/the-cycle-of-civilization/

Rural survival is better than urban survival, but when cities dry up of everything, you can expect roaming gangs of thousands to invade the rural country side like a motorized and well armed zombie horde looking for a place to live in where they can grow food, or with plans to just raid everything and move on like a huge mongol nomad 21st century gang. Not all hordes will have vehicles thou.

Take your prepping seriously. Learn home defense, home fortification and have a well thought out plan that allows you to fortify your house as fast as possible ready to implement as soon as SHTF. It would not be paranoia, but common sense, to prepare your house to take down the fist 50 to 100 people who try to break in without you even having to do anything. I’m not being dramatic, if you study civil war, and natural disaster SHTF scenarios where there is massive looting and rioting, you know you’ll be dealing with mobs of savages who’ll take everything from you, even the flesh out of your bones if they’re hungry or angry enough.

Be smart. Be prepared. And be sure to leave the savages a little surprise in case they do take you down and over run your place, you can always leave a special supply of “special” food water and ammo as to say thank you. They won’t know the difference between legit supplies and revenge supplies, but it does feel satisfying to know that if they take you down, they’re not going to live to tell the story for too long.

Reply to  234534647643632
6 years ago

Re: last paragraph.

I like the cut of your jib!