Mueller Is Out Of Control

This is a sign of how bad things are in government:

The Mueller investigation is so out of control that the IRS clashed with the Special Counsel’s team all summer over the broad scope and the Manafort raid according to a new report by CNN.

Via CNN:

Part of the concern centered on the far-reaching and broad requests from Mueller’s team. In the case of Manafort, Mueller’s investigators are reaching back 11 years as they investigate possible tax and financial crimes, according to search warrant documents. Mueller is bound by a written order issued by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in May which allows the special counsel to investigate “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”

After several months of being at odds, one source said, the IRS Criminal Investigation division is now sharing information about campaign associates, including Manafort and former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn. The sharing happened after the two camps reached an agreement following consultation with officials at the Treasury Department.

The IRS did not participate in the Manafort raid over the summer; the raid was carried out only by FBI agents. This is highly unusual since this particular probe centers around financial issues.

The Deep State is in high amygdala, and going all in. It is to the point even hardened IRS agents who can destroy lives left and right all day long go wide eye’d and shit their pants when they see what is going on. Think about that.

That tells you something. Mueller is breaking rules in ways that scare IRS agents, and as a result his investigation is vulnerable to blackmail or destruction, if you can uncover those rule breakings.

If I were the Deep State, facing down Mueller, I would have an investigation of all of his previous activities, with an eye to criminal charges, and I would follow his playbook. What exactly did he know when he was a US Attorney in Boston about Whitey Bulger’s activities, and was he involved in protecting Bulger, the brother of the president of the Massachusetts Senate, from prosecution as Bulger launched a wave of murders and extortions targeting innocent citizens? Did he coverup anything about the 9/11 investigations, and the failures of FBI leaders to pursue leads that should have uncovered the hijacker’s activities? As a Deep State intel professional he is surely not lacking skeletons in his closets, waiting to be hauled out and displayed openly.

The primary goal of such an operation would be to amp up his amygdala (all using legal means, of course), and let that increased amygdala drive an overstep in the Trump investigation that could be used to turn the tables on him. Mueller is already operating aggressively – to the point the IRS balked at dealing with him for fear of breaking the law.

What Manafort would need to exploit that would be professional intelligence agents and FBI agents, who would be familiar with every aspect of such an investigation, from the technologies deployed, to the techniques used. Then focus on developing evidence of illegality by Mueller’s investigative team. Don’t stop focusing on your defense, but add an element of offense. You never know what you will find – you could develop blackmailable information that could make Mueller back off his investigation, or you could get enough to shut down the prosecution in court.

This is how Deep State would handle this, and it would probably be highly effective. Obviously Trump and his friends can’t do it, which gives you an idea of how dangerous this investigation is. Mueller is doing whatever he wants, and Trump’s people might as well be hogtied.

Mueller has identified Manafort as a weakness for some reason. Maybe Manafort had surveillance when he was a foreign agent, and they know something they can’t prove yet through parallel construction. Maybe they were listening in his lawyer’s office when he revealed a weakness that worried him to his lawyer, and though they can’t use the admission, they are looking for evidence which they can argue they happened upon accidently to build a case against him off it. Maybe they have an informant they don’t want to burn, maybe even in his lawyer’s office. Or maybe Manafort’s psychological profile says he will eventually break, and all they have to do is keep the pressure on. Regardless, if they manage to back Manafort into enough of a corner, it won’t matter if everybody obeyed the law. They can use the system to make anything happen.

This is the danger of having people like Sessions in positions of power on your side. You cannot try to operate by Marquis of Queensbury rules, and focus on appearing above reproach, when your enemy has no rules, no morals, and is a single minded machine using any manner of methods to try and destroy you, no matter whether it is right or wrong. Sessions needs to grasp that the old school world of the gentlemanly south no longer exists in politics. He now exists in a world of secrets, spies, blackmail, and winning by any means possible – the less reputable the better.

Politics now is Thunderdome, where the only rule is there are no rules. Use your power, right, wrong, upfront, or behind the back, to destroy your enemies and protect your own at all costs. Politics is now war. The only thing which matters is survival.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because survival is all that matters

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6 years ago

The only rules in existence is the laws of cause and effect and the inherent laws of nature. He who is best able to deal with reality wins.

6 years ago

[…] Source link […]

Robert What?
Robert What?
6 years ago

Meanwhile tax payer money get burned by the truckload on an investigation that everyone knows is a farce.