Vox Day Points To An Amygdala Study That Reinforces What Is Said Here

The study basically linked bilateral amygdala volume with cognitive dispositions linked to conservatism and liberalism. A bigger amygdala was more supportive of hierarchies, tolerant of inequality, and was less likely to protest for change, while a smaller amygdala was more against hierarchies, against inequality, and more likely to protest.

The Dark Lord came to a conclusion:

This is why you simply cannot fix SJWs. It’s no more possible than trying to make them taller, or smarter. Their shrunken, tiny little brains are the problem.

Mostly correct. There is no reasoning with them, because their brain lacks the hardware to process the data you try to input.

The truth is there is a way to fix them, but it is kind of like putting them on the rack, to stretch them taller. It works, but they don’t like it, and it they won’t willingly let it happen.

The problem with SJWs is that the spectrum of amygdala development starts where SJWs are. There any stress is so scary to their totally atrophied amygdala that they will do anything to avoid it. The scale moves up from there to the other side, where a warrior hears gunshots, and runs toward them as the crowd flees past him, because he wants to be where the action is. At its most extreme, it is almost a thrill-seeker psychology which feels dead when things are too slow and predictable.

When President Trump said he would run into the building if he heard shots in a school, I believed him, simply because he is one giant amygdala, so adapted to stress that he only sleeps three hours per night because he can’t wait to get into it again. It is probably one reason he ran for the Presidency. And of course, that amygdala-development is reflected in his conservatism, and how much he scares the leftists.

When you reach a Trumpian level of amygdala development, you are seeking out the stimuli which will make you more K-selected. You want the fight. And when you are at the SJW end of the scale, you are driven to avoid the stimuli which might make you turn K, at all costs. Each side drives behavior which reinforces itself, perhaps an evolved mechanism to create a behavioral knife’s edge that forces quick adoption of one reproductive strategy or the other, depending on conditions.

However when you are in SJW-levels of amygdala atrophy, all is not lost just because your amygdala is atrophied. What you would need is a long, long period of chronic stress that you could learn to cope with, and you need it to be inflicted in a way that cannot be avoided. Obviously, that is coming. It is what we call the Apocalypse, and you will know when it hits because it will lead all news programs, as economies the world over collapse.

Now not all amygdala-atrophied rabbits will survive that. I suspect we may have reached a point where we will lose a lot of people when the Apocalypse hits, simply because they will, as in 1929, see what is coming and just jump out a window to shut their amygdala off and free themselves from the fear. Still others may have crossed the point where all stress is now too much to bear, and they will go legitimately insane, while probably breaking down physically until they either die or are killed. Darwin still has a role to play.

But there will be a lot of leftists who will adapt by going K, and seeking safety in mono-cultural, mono-racial, extremely in-grouped social circles, and as they do their amygdala will grow, as it adopts all the neural structures associated with conservative thought and ideology, to cope with the hardships and threats. On some level they will be saving themselves by adapting their brains to cope with the new world by expressing a K-selected reproductive strategy. But in their minds, they will be as ardent in their beliefs then as we are in our’s now.

It is one of the things which bugs me about the Apocalypse. We want to punish the left now, but a lot of the left now may very well be very different people with very different brain structures then. What do you do if someone legitimately sees the errors of their ways and converts to your belief system, but only after they have, in ignorance bordering on malice, fucked everything up beyond all repair and killed millions?

On an intellectual level I don’t know, but it may not matter. None of this is logic, so in this age of our transient decisions immortalized on the internet, we may just see a bloodbath of rampant score-settling based on old information, and who is to say that will be bad genetically?

The amygdala-based view of politics espoused here was a combination of extensive research into the scientific literature in a myriad of fields, detailed analysis of the cognitive processes of various individuals, common sense observations about the environments animals (and we) encounter, a general understanding of the political philosophies and observations of those who came before, and a healthy extrapolation of how it all could be cleanly explained. It is nice to see it begin to be reinforced by further examination and study, however it is not at all surprising. All of this site’s assertions are almost certainly right.

But what we are really waiting on is the link to r/K Theory as the evolutionary root of the two main ideologies. That is the nuclear bomb of political science, and when it hits, the study of political science will never be the same. You cannot teach college kids in a political science class about the feckless r-selected rabbits and loyal, courageous, K-selected wolf-competitor families, and not push those kids psychologies to adopt a wolf-like personae, and begin approaching every idea they have in the context of their own K-selected wolf-status.

It is coming, and it will be incredible. Once it hits, it will carry itself with its own momentum. Until then, we are the force driving things, and so far, we are not doing bad.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the evidence is piling up

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

>I suspect we may have reached a point where we will lose a lot of people when the Apocalypse hits, simply because they will, as in 1929, see what is coming and just jump out a window to shut their amygdala off and free themselves from the fear.

That reminds me of a bread on cuckchan that was the question “What would you do if you knew that SHTF would unavoidably happen a year from now?” and an answer by an anon that took me by surprise, that being the place it is, was “I would become a alcoholic right now and die quickly when SHTF started”. I was expecting everyone to answer they would furiously start preping and that answer really took me by surprise. Guess that is a good thing.

>What do you do if someone legitimately sees the errors of their ways and converts to your belief system, but only after they have, in ignorance bordering on malice, fucked everything up beyond all repair and killed millions?

Good question. I really like rubbing the truth and reality on leftist shills when I find them on cuckchan, and I like to tell them that they’ll probably get brained by the patriots if they know them to be vocal pro-open borders and pro-other-subversive-shit right now. Maybe it gets some to avoid cuckchan or perhaps stimulates their amygdala just a bit towards the awareness necessary to see the errors of their way and embrace the truth.

6 years ago

I thought it remarkable that the article in Quartz was told from a leftish perspective. It was almost as they were telling us that the amygdala of K-stragetists is too large.

Then again, maybe that is the way to get the message across and only link it to reproductive strategies later.

6 years ago

> Mostly correct. There is no reasoning with them, because their brain lacks the hardware to process the data you try to input.

I plugged Jonathan Haidt the other day, I find his research on morals very interesting. This simple graph says it all: http://www.ethicsdefined.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Lib_VS_Cons.png

He says Lefties lack the hardware for moral dimensions “Ingroup”, “Sanctity”, and “Authority” ; all they have is “Care/Harm” and “Fairness” (or rather equality of outcome).

Personally I think there must be more to it. I feel Leftoids have very strong morals (they’re simply the opposite of what is correct). For example I would argue that they do possess the hardware for Ingroup morals, simply their definition of “Ingroup” is very different from what the questionnaire aimed for.

> The truth is there is a way to fix them, but it is kind of like putting them on the rack, to stretch them taller. It works, but they don’t like it, and it they won’t willingly let it happen.

Here’s a hardcore sample:


Reply to  Bob
6 years ago

Haidt is great. Truly.

6 years ago

I imagine that if your suspicions of prominent Jewish personalities being the ideal legion of a more sinister group of higher IQ individuals is correct, then your theories regarding r/K are probably already known and seen as entertainingly informative to them. If they’re psychopaths as you also suspect, they may find you to be quite stimulating and as such have more to gain to let you pose theories which could take their thinking in directions they may very well have overlooked due to their own psychologies.

As for liberals, I find them and most mentally ill individuals to be useful once you understand what their ends ultimately are. Their designed to self destruct. The more you try to prevent it, the more spectacular the self destruction will ultimately become. So when I encounter them, I tend to steer them to other liberals in the hopes that the destruction is absorbed by them and less so me.

6 years ago

That sounds almost religious to me. Christians (and several churches in particular) do not want people to die in their sins, so they do everything in their power to prevent that. It is often a losing fight though, because people are much too prideful. However when someone makes a legitimate change, and repents, it can be powerful. Still you don’t forget the sins of the sinner, just like you don’t remove punishment from a contrite criminal. There is an earthly price to pay for sin, and mere repentance, if it is sincere, will remove divine punishment, but the earthly price still must be paid- whether big or small. Reformed rabbits will complain about paying that price, just like the Israelites complained in the Old Testament.

Oftentimes sins aren’t a huge deal, the earthly price is low. Taking the lord’s name in vain, little white lies, coveting, have limited impact, but do them too much are your brain wiring will begin to change to accommodate sin. Other sins are a bigger deal. Stealing, assault, pre-marital sex, adultery all have a larger impact, and can permanently change brain structures. Even if you repent, there is a pretty high price to pay- and rabbits don’t want to pay. There are worse sins past that. Murder, devil worship or passing children through fire to moloch, ie. abortion (a combination of the first two) is really, really bad stuff. It’s hard to come back from that because people with brain structures for amygdala growth just don’t do that in the first place.

Remember, somebody atoned for your sins, all of them. Some people just ignore this. Still, everyone gets a chance to repent. Some will, some won’t, but ALL will be judged.

6 years ago

They’re immature for life, and that is how I do splendidly dealing with them. And making bank off them. No regrets.