On Gay Pride

Commenter Javier writes:

Not much alternatives for a man who sees another man and can´t help but think that he`s the cutest thing he`s ever seen. Either restrain yourself and be unhappy or act upon it and make some people uncomfortable…with temporary “visceral disgust”.

There is one alternative – don’t rub other people’s noses in it. I could care less about gay-ness. It grosses me out. However then again I’m not the model of decorum eating pizza when I’m alone, either. But when I’m out, I hide that piggish behavior, and try to eat civilly. They key is consideration of others.

Homosexuality stimulates disgust reflexes because it is associated with disease. I assume in history we evolved to feel disgust at it because those who didn’t had a higher level of mortality. Now today, those who are disgusted by homosexuality are just as biologically driven to that disgust as homosexuals are driven to same sex-attraction. Discriminating against the homo-disgusted is no different than discriminating against the homosexuals, and demanding they suppress their disgust is no different than asking the homosexual to not have sex.

Personally, I think we should respect those around us, and at least make some effort to not negatively affect their enjoyment of the world. That means, doing things which bother others in private, where possible. You’ll never see me defecating on the sidewalk next to my dog, in front of other people. I could make the case there is no difference between dog fecal matter and human fecal matter. I could say its just a bodily function, and everyone should loosen up. I could deride detractors as mean spirited and oppressive. I could argue, “but I really gotta to go!” I could couch it as an issue of freedom, and start a #gottagogottago campaign on twitter. I could demand to be allowed to run a big float in the shape of a turd in a St Patrick’s Day Parade.

But it would be wrong, simply because it would stimulate disgust reflexes in a majority of other people, and in a civilized society we should try to avoid that where possible.

I don’t discriminate by the way. I don’t want to hear detailed sexual information about what hetero friends do with their wives. If I meet a guy, and he begins telling me vivid sexual stories, I’m probably not going to be best buds with him either.

What the Gay pride movement is, IMO is a “let’s use social pressure to allow us to gross everyone else out” movement. It is a mark of civilizational decline, and the attitude behind it, (“I’m so important that I should be allowed to foist stuff on others that grosses them out, make them uncomfortable, and they should have to tell me I’m wonderful as I do it!“) is exactly why our nation will collapse into anarchy in the next few decades. That lack of any consideration for others, lack of politeness, lack of respect is what is diminishing national cohesiveness, and our nation’s health and well being.

In short, gays can be gays without queen parades, demanding gays be in every television show, and trying to punish anyone who opposes the mass marketing of gay-dom. They don’t need to rub everyone’s nose in it. They want to, in large part due to a narcissism that permeates their population and seems strangely innate to the condition.

Obviously in this r-selected environment nobody cares enough now to take action. But if history is any guide, a pandemic is coming, probably with the collapse, and I suspect it will disproportionately affect homosexuals and those who associate with them. When it does, the present state of affairs will see to it that most of those with a tolerance for gays will experience increased mortality, and likely be culled from the populace. The population that remains will once again experience such a disgust at the thought of homosexuality that it will inevitably end up taking things back to the fifties, when gays were gay, but they did it in private.

It would be nice if gays would adhere to that out of politeness, but if they will not, it will eventually happen another way.

Gay Apocalypse Cometh.

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8 years ago

If it happens now, sure.

But a few changes and it’ll be back to killings. Consider the protection that we are losing: Protection from retroactive illegality. This is gone from the public sphere. Make a slur decades ago or give money to a political cause that the left doesn’t like? Lose your livelihood. How long until someone is fired because they find a picture of him holding a Confederate flag back in 1995? Not long, I’d wager.

All it needs is a resource shortage, a continued pileup of the left rubbing noses in shit – a couple more families facing ruinous court costs and penalties for not being sufficiently supportive of gay marriage, a couple more examples of the other side having no qualms of ruining livelihoods over actions that are either legal or were legal at the time they were done… and then you are literally a BBC/Parliament/Penn State away from a mob demanding homosexuality be removed from the public scene, but that it will not be tolerated even in private, much in the same way we don’t tolerate keeping women chained in the basement Ariel Castro style on the basis that at least he did it in the privacy of his own home.

They way they are pushing, they’ll be begging for a return to the 1950s.

8 years ago

I wrote that the problem with gays is fundamentally pride, and not sexual sin.

Gays’ pride is offended that anyone should view them with disgust. Thus they feel a need to seek power so they can force others to bow before them. It’s easy for gays to do as they make good servants of the powerful, and thus become powerful themselves. There has probably been a gay mafia as long as there have been gays.

8 years ago

My only quibble is that people with broken amygdalae also have a retarded disgust reaction, so they revel in all things poop and would think that you are part of their fold.


We proposed that conservatives, compared to liberals, have greater negativity bias [13], which includes both disgusting and threatening conditions in our study. Our finding that only disgusting pictures, especially in the animal-reminder category, differentiate conservatives from liberals might be indicative of a primacy for disgust in the pantheon of human aversions, but it is also possible that this result is due to the fact that, compared to threat, disgust is much easier to evoke with visual images on a computer screen.

If the researchers understood a little more about the amygdala, they would realize that conservatives have higher functioning amygdalae and hippocampi, and therefore recognize much more quickly that a picture of a threat is not an actual threat. Other studies in gaze tracking have shown that liberals will literally look away from threatening and disgusting images longer before finally acknowledging them.

8 years ago

It’s inherent in the nature of the sexual act they perform.

When a man takes a woman, his mastery of her is something she herself needs and craves. Without it, she is very vulnerable, and also cannot fulfill her own sexual creativity.

However that is not true for homosexuals. With men, it is domination without creation or benefit. The one who submits is giving up on his pride, his need to master and create in another, the one who dominates is destroying another mans pride. It is an act of destruction and waste. Ironic that they use the word “pride” endlessly.

Men engaged in homosexual sex cannot help but continue their destructive acts on the rest of society. They will want the rest of society to self castrste, and to castrate via force those who resist.