Typhoid Gains Extensive Drug Resistence

Picked up a plasmid and then spread to humans in a shithole:

The first known epidemic of extensively drug-resistant typhoid is spreading through Pakistan, infecting at least 850 people in 14 districts since 2016, according to the National Institute of Health Islamabad.

The typhoid strain, resistant to five types of antibiotics, is expected to disseminate globally, replacing weaker strains where they are endemic…

Researchers consider the epidemic an international clarion call for comprehensive prevention efforts. If vaccination campaigns and modern sanitation systems don’t outpace the pathogen, they anticipate a return to the pre-antibiotic era when mortality rates soared…

About 21 million people suffer from typhoid each year, and about 161,000 die, according to the World Health Organization…

The outbreak’s origins were clear: Early case mapping revealed large clusters of victims around sewage lines in the city of Hyderabad. Dr. Hasan’s colleagues visited the region and found water sources that could be contaminated by leaking sewage pipes…

At least one travel-related case has been detected in the United Kingdom…

The 1948 discovery of antibiotic treatment for typhoid plunged the infection’s fatality rate from almost one in four to just one in 100… we’re going back to the pre-antibiotic era. That would mean a lot of fatalities in our future,” Dr. Klemm said.

21 million infections, with extensive money spent on expensive public health initiatives to develop advanced western public sanitation in third world shitholes, antibiotics crushing the ability of the bacteria to grow freely and adapt to the human machine, and well fed humans with intact immune systems.

That will explode once every fourth shithole inhabitant will be shedding the microbes into their communal septic systems/wells due to economic constriction, mass malnutrition, and antibiotic resistance. And then, without antibiotics, one in four will succumb to it, assuming it doesn’t adapt to overcome the human immune system even more effectively than it does now.

When the pandemic hits, shitholes, low IQ populations, and those with limited disgust and/or the ability to see consequences coming from actions will all be savaged. Don’t buy into the standard leftist amygdala relaxant claiming that White Western Europe will inevitably become a brown Muslim diaspora. Every so often selection rears its head, and only the smartest and most capable survive.

And more and more, it is looking like we may not need to wait for the Apocalypse to see Darwin raise his scimitar.

Tell others about r/k Theory, because the pandemic is coming, and nothing can stop it

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6 years ago

Not sure if you’ve covered it yet: In other news “Actress Allisson Mack of Smallville fame arrested on sex trafficking charges”

Any mentions from Q? Could be the beginning of something big?