More Q Drops on Drug Prices And Islamization Of America

More Q drops:

Think Sessions.
Public announcement re: Leaks.
Expand your thinking outside of ‘leaks’.
Journalism ethics and standards.

So the issue of leaks appears to really be an issue of a weaponized media (perhaps filled with intel-associated figures, or with domestic-intel-targeted, turned, and controlled figures) being used as a second-degree domestic intelligence operation, to penetrate an administration with assets and then exploit the intelligence gathered to manipulate public reaction and/or use the intelligence to move the machinery of government to exert control, all at the behest of professional intel operators who run it for the Cabal.

This fits like a glove with several strange things I have noticed, and is the only vaguely plausible explanation I could see for them.

Q goes on:


Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest.
CHAI discounted pharmaceuticals to distribute abroad.
Pharma alliance.
Protect domestic high prices.
Domestic = PAYDAY.

So here the news/intel subsidiary of Cabal Inc can run cover for the employees of the political wing of the operation, by covering up their conflicts of interest as the political wings facilitate high drug prices in the US to subsize further sales to overseas locales which otherwise could not afford the drugs. By controlling the narrative, they can turn a looting of the American people through drug companies into a laudable charitable endeavor, and the vast population of lemmings will just lap it up, as they are being defrauded. They probably do this in a million different ways, as we run up a trillion dollars in debt per year, and consume trillions in illegal drugs, spends hundreds of billions to fight the drugs, and have other money-making criminal endeavors, all of which go to fund Cabal coffers.

With respect just to big pharma, ask yourself if, say, Stanford University came up with a simple peptide immunotherapy breakthrough for cancer, which would unleash the immune system to wipe out a cancer, and do it for maybe $10,000 per case, would Cabal Inc want that released, if it would mean each patient would not need $300,000 in chemo, $300,000 in present day T-cell immunotherapy, and several hundred thousand dollars more for a stem cell transplant. Or might Cabal Inc shut down the release of that inexpensive therapy through various means?

Q continues:

Right on Q.

Hello Maggie.
Trust funds (3).
Deposits routed from EU.
Why are deposits ORIG from EU being transferred into [3] TRUST funds [children]?
How do you get your talking points?
Why do many DC journalists (yourself) use & replace ‘burner phones’ every week?
How do you pass the new number out?
Tweets are very important.
Do you feel safe?

So DC reporters are getting cash funneled from Europe into trust funds for their kids, as they play amateur spook using burner phones and twitter (either using codes and/or secret anonymous accounts to dispense their new phone numbers each week) to run the media wing of the massive money-making Cabal Inc intel-op that Western Civilization has become. The money flowing from Europe does point to Cabal Inc possibly having its roots in Europe’s old world elites.

An anon asks a question about what to look at:

Who does Haberman follow?

Think public & private Twitter accounts.
They all have them.
These people are stupid.
We have it all.

Think private email addresses.
They think they are clever.

Q then went on:

Expand further.
Why are we making it public?
Blackwater USA.
Plausible deniability.
The world is connected.
You have more than you know.

What will next week hold?

Fire up those Memes!
Please stand by.
On the clock.
Ready to play?
MOAB incoming.

No telling what that means. The Saudis supposedly hire Blackwater, so maybe Dopey Alwaleed was becoming a problem and Blackwater just dealt with him. The Saudis are saying all it was, was guards firing at a toy drone flying over the Palace, but there were aspects which indicated it was something more, including local news reports of explosions in addition to extended gunfire, and the King being moved to a bunker.

Q then responded to an Anon who said the next six years should be about how to prevent this conspiracy and corruption from returning again:

They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.
Lost now (awakening).
They keep them enslaved.
What did Hussein do for the black community?


Q then turned to looking at the Saudi support for this conspiracy before Trump took over:
Good article.
Don’t forget about Huma.
America for sale.
No name.
Inside out destruction.
HUMA & Hussein.
Who paid?
SA [vital].

Q then reposted an Anon’s research:

OHHHHH!! This is one of the reasons why POTUS keeps bringing up witch hunt!

Link to 16 page letter by Bachman regarding the infiltration of MB in US GOV


Finally, Q quotes a Muslim Brotherhood confidential memo to its members:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan For America – Court Document


So apparently, as far as we can tell thus far, the Cabal is either satanic/pedophilic itself, or the Cabal used blackmailable satanists and pedophiles as emissaries to run their worldwide operation for profit and power, all at the expense of the people, partly by bilking the West through fraud, and partly by generating a world-war/civil-war between a degenerated West and a very well funded radical Islam.

Oddly enough I see stranger, less believable things every day of my life lately.

Still, try feeding that black pill to your average normie today. The Awakening is going to be rich.

Regardless, now we are waiting on the MOAB.

Tell others about r/k Theory, because this thing is bigger than you would believe

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Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

With regard to “…looting of the American people through drug companies…”

was out today to pick up a simple refill prescription for my husband for Pepcid. I couldn’t understand why The pharmacist called twice yesterday. So on my way to the pharmacy, I pulled over and returned the call. He said, “Ma’am are you aware the cost is $739.15?” (3 mo supply)

I didn’t think I heard him right. He repeated the amount. For some reason the doc put on the script “do not substitute”. Long story short, I raised hell and asked them to phone the doc office and see if a generic would do – which 2 hrs later the pharmacy called back to say it was done, for $19!!! I have no doubt this is happening all over the US.

I have seen elderly Americans walk away from the pharmacy counter without their meds, befuddled, discouraged and angry over similar experiences with this price gouging.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Usually they give free meal to doctors in their office, not vacations. Certain states have cracked down on what pharm reps can give doctors. I recalled in Illinois, they stop reps from giving free meal to doctors and their staff. I bet good money the real issue big pharm is exploiting insurance money again and insurances are offloading the cost to patients. Most people use insurance to pay for healthcare in the US, hence different pricing schemes for service in hospitals and clinics. It seem like Pepcid maker upped the price, knowing that patient with no alternatives will pay the price for the drugs.