News Briefs – 04/29/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Trump says Iran is the source of all the problems in the Mideast. Q said Iran is next.

20 lawyers show up to give free workshops to the migrants of the caravan, on their rights. These things are organized.

CNN makes up a story about Admiral Ronny Jackson harassing a woman and being stopped by Secret Service, and Secret Service says it never happened. The death throes of the media show in how grossly they lie.

Alfie Evans dies. If he was brain dead, why not let the parents do what they wanted if it made them feel better? If he was not brain dead, why not try to save him?

Strzok and Page seemed genuinely surprised and frightened to see Comey fired. They thought Trump would just be impeached and removed, and business would continue as usual. The power Cabal had. None of this was supposed to happen. They must all be in shock.

Kanye West is going to go into Chicago and try to clean it up as part of a philanthropic program? One, he knows how to manipulate the media as well as Trump. And two, he may be positioning himself to run for office. Sadly there will never be another God Emperor.

A Clinton confidant says the Mueller probe is “irretrievably tainted.” Reality is setting in. The God Emperor is not only here to stay, he will be remembered for millennia as among the greats. Now everything about him is just depressing to them. If this keeps up in four years, leftist turnout will be nonexistent.

CNN does a migrant sob story. This is the narrative. It has nothing to do with information. It is about trying to demoralize the opposition. In r it works, in K it just pisses us off.

Alabama Rep Mo Brooks says Republicans are retiring because of fear of assassination. I don’t know what this means. Political partisanization? Cabal? Is Q’s war hotter behind the scenes than we know?

A massive geyser in Yellowstone that blows rarely has begun blowing.

Cities are building highways underground. I thought that would be a good idea if the ice age was coming. Keep the transport underground, beneath the glacier. Good luck, or good planning?

Afghan refugees surge into Turkey. Human rights workers say in the article the more shithole-ish your country, the more right you have to go where you please.

Progun student Kyle Kushuv goes to the range, is told by his principle that his tweets about it traumatized his fellow students, and is interrogated by police.

Connecticut allows college financial aid for dreamers.

Junkies have been filmed openly shooting up in a San Francisco subway station amid piles of vomit and unconscious bodies. Oddly enough we have reached a point where a bunch of third-world Africans with machetes would actually make San Francisco look better.

France boosting border security with Italy. Greece and Turkey, Italy and France, Eastern Europe and the EU – Borders are coming back in style everywhere.

Hillary’s aides called Clinton Foundation Chelsea’s nest egg. The one time they were honest.

Junker celebrates Karl Marx’s 200th birthday in Germany.

Refugees primarily flooding across Turkish border into Greece. That hostility is heating up.

And Turkey is still holding those Greek soldiers, and castigating Junker for criticizing them for not returning them. Turkey is going to push Greece, and eventually there will be conflict again.

Tell a friend about r/K Theory, because events are coming to a head

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Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

What is your opinion of the electrical SmartMeters? They are installing them in my area now. I watched some YouTube videos about how they cause health problems. There were also some inexpensive methods of wrapping them in metal to reduce the radiation. However, 1 video said the radiation comes through all the electric wires in your house and causes illness. There is an opt-out program that has a $150 one-time fee with $11/month extra added to your bill. If you opt out, the analog rotating metal disc is replaced with digital that is not a SmartMeter.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

Low level but constant exposure to microwave radiation….. it ain’t gonna end well!

On YT search “Barrie Trower” he’s got a lot to say on 5G.

6 years ago

“CNN does a migrant sob story. ” We’re not dangerous, we’re just poor hungry locusts following the free stuff trail.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

There’s a book by Eustace Mullins that corespondents with r/K theory but it looks at it from the point of r’s being parasites and is strongly fixed on Jews. The words of it do fairly well leap out at you as corresponding with r/k theory. It’s not short, 18 pages, but it’s not extraordinarily long. Some may see it as interesting to read the take of a very well educated man on parasitism of people on cultures. It could be seen as a subset of r/K theory. A brief excerpt,

“…For twenty-five years, I have studied the problems of human failure, of falling short of the promise, and of the decay and coll
apse of great empires. This phenomenon has existed throughout the five thousand years that man has been recording the history of his efforts. During the first twenty years that I devoted to this study, I amassed huge files of information about the various civilizations. I compared these facts in order to find common denominators which might lead to a solution. I also took into consideration such factors as man’s environment, his nature, and the persistence of certain patterns in his behaviour. This led me to an involved study of the animal kingdom, and a compilation of those factors which it bore in common with the plant kingdom. About five years ago, I discovered the common denominator of man’s civilizations. I had come to it directly through my
studies in biology, for this common denominator is found throughout the plant and the animal kingdoms. Because it was a natural phenomenon, and such a ubiquitous one, an ordinary and accepted part of all levels of plant and animal life, no scholar had previously thought to examine this factor as a prime cause of the degeneration and fall of empires. This factor was parasitism. In the great advances which medicine
had made during the past century, one of its most impressive
achievements had been the rapidly developing field of parasitology. It had been found that many of man’s most serious ailments were caused by parasites. From these studies, it was only a matter of time before scholars would be able to deduce that a similar condition might occur among man’s civilizations, and that it might also cause sickness and death. It was to be expected that in their autopsies of
buried empires, scholars should conclude that this condition, parasitism, was a definitive factor in the fatal diseases which befell human civilizations…”

The Biological Jew by Eustace Mullins

6 years ago

Perhaps this is a confirmation of the Congressional clean-out phase of the Plan, regarding the recent Trump-Tester battle. Read how deep the anons dug into Tester’s unusual background; it’s all collected in one place.

Not all compromised Members of Congress were going to go away easily.