Pompeo Meets Netanyahu

Interesting video:

The instant I saw this video, I thought Pompeo is not just there for a meet and greet. He is about to have fun – and he look like the kind of fun he enjoys is crushing his enemies before him and hearing their lamentations. When Netanyahu and Pompeo met, and when they spoke, I thought those are two warriors who like each other, and are about to do something fun together that they both are excited to be a part of. There is an energy there that jumps out at you. They are going to wreck something.

Then today, this:

Syrian TV is reporting a “new aggression,” with missiles targeting military outposts in northern Syria.

The state-run television reported early Monday that the missiles targeted military outposts in the Hama and Aleppo countryside. It did not say who fired the missiles or whether there were any casualties or damage.

According to the Orient news outlet, which is affiliated with the Syrian rebels, the blasts occurred in a base belonging to the Syrian army’s 47th Brigade, which is being used by Iran-backed Shiite militias…

Shortly after the explosions, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said the blasts caused a 2.6 magnitude earthquake in the area.

Israeli Deep State was trying to take out Netanyahu with “corruption” investigations, just as US Deep State was with Trump, so I assumed Netanyahu was not on Cabal’s side, and thus a wild card. I began to think he had turned when he accepted the UN deal to send Israel’s African migrants to Europe, but then he relented, and announced the migrants would go back to Africa after all, which I suspect was a pivotal moment. He rejected the Cabal plan, and picked his side. His initial embrace of the deal could even have just been about buying time and misdirection.

My guess is now, everything is in place in the Mideast, and Iran is the issue to be dealt with, and Netanyahu is part of the plan. Iran would make sense, given Reagan tried twice to hit Iran, only to have Cabal actors in the US government countermand his orders and kill the missions. Even back the eighties, Iran had some sort of importance to the Cabal. And it was important enough to expose their control by letting everyone who was anyone know, the President didn’t have the power to control anything if the Cabal opposed it.

Q is saying the same thing, about everything being ready:

Assets in place.

As is Q+:

Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING.
You are all Patriots.
The hard part is coming to an end.
The next phase will bring JUSTICE.

Q has said Israel will come last due to the nature of the circumstances. I see that fitting with this for a couple of reasons. If Cabal set up Iran as a redoubt, they could not be assured of its security without infiltrating their agents into Israel. Without controlling Israel, they would have a nuclear-armed, loose tiger in the region who would not hesitate to wipe their redoubt off the face of the earth – and a loose tiger who enemies might try to compromise to take out their redoubt in circumstances just like this.

If the benefits of Cabal-association to Iran were protection from Israel, then Israel needed to be controlled.

So I am sure Israel has its own Cabal problems, and they will eventually have to be dealt with, but for now, Iran is the bigger issue, and the people who matter in Israel are on the right side.

The only thing which I cannot piece together is why Cabal needed states like Iran and North Korea, which were walled off to the world, and which were the ultimate denied areas, completely immune to all surveillance and intelligence gathering. If they controlled the US security apparatus and law enforcement, why not just set up shop in a controlled area of the US?

EDIT – since I wrote this, but before this post fired off, Q posted this:

Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.
Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?
What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?
What if the program never ceased?
What other bad actors are possibly involved?
Did the U.S. know?
Where did the cash payments go?
How many planes delivered?
Did all planes land in same location?
Where did the U1 material end up?
Is this material traceable?
Define cover.
What if U1 material ended up in Syria?
What would be the primary purpose?
In the movie, where did the material come from?
What country?
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?
What does U1 provide?
Define cover.
Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.
Patriots in control.


WOW. So Cabal was planning the next world war based on loose nukes probably paid for by the Iran agreement. In truth, it does not seem that much different than the way I suspect WWII arose. The only difference was this Cabal Inc. production would have used technology instead of people to fire up the war machines of the world.

And Netanyahu’s enemies in Israel are probably hip deep in arming Iran with Nukes. Likud can mail in their elections from here on out. They won’t even need to show up.

Spread r/K Theory, because I can feel it in the air

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Intel, ITZ, Politics, Q, Treason, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

Iran is a problem for Israel because it doesn’t fall in line with Israel’s plan to acquire Northern Syria…but Israel isn’t ever going to nuke anyone, especially not an ally of Russia’s, because it would be blown off the map before its missiles even reached Iran.

6 years ago

Look at Iran’s history from the Nazis’ rise to power in Germany on. Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was put into power by the CIA twice; then he tried to get his country’s assets out of the Rockefellers’ bank, and he died of a cancer with a suspicious link to HIV (look up “Special Virus Cancer program”). (There’s more to the story; you’ll have to piece together a timeline of Iran’s finance events from Pahlavi’s Infogalactic article and other sources.)

And then the CIA-aligned Bush family took the U.S. presidency, and the U.S. attacked its best remaining ally in the region, Iraq. (See the OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual if you haven’t already; incompetence is a conspiracy, and they knew April Glaspie would be spectacularly incompetent.)

In short, Iran = CIA = Bush = Hitler.

Robert What?
6 years ago

Quick, someone remind me: why are we enemies with Iran? I’m a bit foggy on that.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Robert What?
6 years ago

Because our Jewish overlords demand it.

6 years ago
6 years ago

“They are going to wreck something.” Down right bubbly.

I don’t understand “define cover”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago


6 years ago

FWIW, Bibi’s son posted an anti-Soros meme on Facebook. The divide between the Israeli Jews and diaspora Jews grows wider by the day.

Off-topic, but Anon Conservative, what book(s) do you most recommend to learn more about how to master body language and other K signals?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  frank
6 years ago

Frank re: body language etc. There is a huge amount of material on YouTube. Check out Amy Cuddy on power poses. If you have a torrent downloader you can find good stuff on torrent sites (but you didn’t hear that from me!).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Will check them out. Thanks Anon Conservative and English Tom.

6 years ago

I think you’ve been had by the neocons on this one, they have been beating the drums for war with Iran for decades. They are not our friends and certainly not anti-deepstate.

As for the origins of these documents, you don’t have to look further than Mossad headquarters!

6 years ago

This has far greater ramifications — Bibi’s speech and all — than you’re suggesting, AC. And, frankly, I’m surprised that you haven’t enlightened us with your RK theories as well as your body language expertise.

Re: body language — So, what did you see in Bibi during his speech? Was he an honest man speaking from a position of strength, or someone who revealed from the left side of his face? Have you seen images of the Iranians? Any insights from these images?

Re: geopolitical events — I’m inclined to believe that the Israeli’s snatched a treasure-trove of intelligence from Iran. They’re good at that sort of thing, having Iranian Jews in position within Tehran. Makes sense. But I don’t understand the Europeans. It seems likely that Merkel/Macron had a “heads-up” about something brewing, which may explain their desperate personal pleas to Trump to keep the Iranian deal. As r-selected individuals, what’s their game? How does the Iranian deal appeal to them as r-selected individuals? Are they afraid or repulsed by K-selected Israeli leaders?

6 years ago

No nation can be left alone. It’s basic cabal progressive procedure.
All shall sign up to the new UN terms and the BIS will install it’s Roth CB in every nation.
Nothing good about taking out independent nations, nothing.

Just read some history, the CiA and Brits have been messing with Iran for over 60 years.
There’s oil there, there’s money.
But mostly, not one nation can be left outside of the global plantation NWO that’s coming along post-USD collapse.

Sorry to burst your bubble. Trump is either a dupe, or a mole.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…If Cabal set up Iran as a redoubt…”

This is just F…ing silly. The more Q says stuff like this the more I mistrust him. That he knows things doesn’t mean he’s on our side. The Jews did 9-11, we’re fighting in the middle east for them. Iran is NOT a massive terrorist State excepting that they fight back against Israel, Saudi and the US.

Let’s just use a little common sense logic. So maybe NK could be a cabal hot spot but Iran? These people fought a civil war to get rid of the CIA run and deep State run government they had. They’ve been attacked constantly by the US and others for years and years and all of sudden they would trust the CIA to run their affairs for them? It defies all logic to the extremes. It’s a complete nonstarter. If Q is saying this then what does that say about Q? If Trump attacks Iran when they’ve done nothing at all to attack us what does it say about Trump?

Even NK. Why would they trust the CIA? They can’t be blackmailed because if NK leaders want little girls or whatever they just take them and any info on them is suspect from the West.

I wish it were different but I see this more and more as a delaying tactic to keep people from randomly attacking the pedo, terrorist, Satan worshipers that run things.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

“…The problem is we can’t know anything for sure…”

I know, I know. I do agree but even if Trump or Q or whoever does say a lot of good stuff they also keep doing things that are like a pebble in my shoe. Impossible to ignore.

I said I shut up about it but I find it hard to do when it looks like they’re going to war with Iran. Stupid mistake. As if Iraq and Afghanistan were not enough.

You know there’s a line of thought that the cabal or whatever wishes to bog the US military down so many places and destroy it’s capability by wearing it down and then…squash it with a major power. The end.

America is a force for evil right now but could rapidly turn into a force for good. They know this. If we fall Representative democratic government will take a huge hit. Maybe fatal.