Brits Are Training Semen Sniffing Dogs For Rape Cases

Good Doggo, No Kissies:

Police in Derbyshire have employed the services of new crime fighter with a knack for sniffing out rapists.

While his canine colleagues are off hunting for drugs or explosives, Billie the cocker spaniel’s nose is trained to find DNA evidence used in sex cases.

Billie does it by tracking down traces of human semen.

There is no limit to how weird things get as you go r-selected. A society of pure K-strategists would never have need for this, and even the idea of openly discussing such a thing would trigger aversions to public sexuality and disgust.

But r-strategists are halfway to having sex in public, they have no disgust, and rape is one r-strategy which will be increasingly employed as r-selection takes off.

What is a shame is that in r-selection, everyone ends up so conflict averse that the rapists can be let go, and there will be no uprising, or killing of those who failed to hold the rapist to account:

On November 10 last year the 18-year-old Somali immigrant, Muhamed, lured 12-year-old Ida to his home in the city of Sundsvall, central Sweden… After having lured her to his home, he simply raped her. The ruling from the district court states that he repeatedly punched her in the face and held his hand over her mouth during the rape. According to the court he also kept repeating the words “black d*ck is expensive” over and over while raping the girl.

After the brutal rape, Ida, according to the court’s findings, “bled profusely from her genitalia”. She suffered “both physical and psychological” injuries as a result of the abuse.

When Ida told her parents what had happened they turned to the city’s social services for help, but the city officials did not file a police report…

A police report was not filed until April this year, which substantially delayed the police investigation… According to the court’s ruling, however, it was proved beyond reasonable doubt both that he knew how old Ida was and that there had been no consent whatsoever on her part.

Despite the fact that child rape carries a minimum sentence of two years in prison, the court this Wednesday decided to let Muhamed get away with 180 hours of community service with probation, arguing that he was not yet 18 at the time of the crime and had had “some trouble with anxiety as well as sleeping problems”.

Now notice the narrative in both stories. Subconsciously, that we are training dogs to sniff out semen, makes you think the rape itself is unstoppable and all we can do is try to train dogs to smell semen to try and catch the rapists. And that they will not even be punished if you try to prosecute them, is designed to desensitize you to the horrors of the state. Because if migrants are getting away with this because the state is letting them, think of all the other, more minor oppressions you will view as less than this, and as a result more tolerable. Government telling us what we can and can’t say is minor by comparison. It is moving the Overton Window on what is acceptable state behavior, even as it outrages us.

I do not think even a hardened rabbit would be this desensitized to a female child, bleeding from her vagina and this emotionally scarred. It is my belief if you tracked down that judge, and explored his history and connections, you would find that his sentence was in some fashion influenced by a desire to please the powers that be, whether he knew that was Cabal or just thought it was superiors or his government’s agents, I do not know. But I do not think this arose entirely organically.

It is not time yet, but when it is, everyone involved must burn for what they allowed. Until then, do not let your outrage die, or cease fighting. Give them no control over your mind.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the real struggle is to control the position of that Overton Window

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Europe, Immigration, ITZ, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Pedophilia, Politics, Q, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago


Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

No need. Lamp posts are already in common existence.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

Not just any old gallows. A Turbo-gibbet 2000 ™, to deal with both “judge” and perp. Deals with the decapitation and deportation simultaneously.

6 years ago

The Brits used to just take criminals, chop their heads off and put them on London Bridge. The Norse would perform “blood Eagles” on their condemned. When all is said and done, medieval style punishments will in all likelihood be making a return to Northern Europe.

6 years ago

I have a better idea: Train the dogs to attack and kill Muslims and their wretched White enablers.


6 years ago

Folks should track down that judge and explore how easily his limbs are removed from his body by four vehicles hauling ass toward the cardinal directions. The fact that this hasn’t already happened, proves how sick and depraved we as a species have been manipulated into being.

If there were ever solid proof of Original Sin, it’s the fact that we allow anything like this perversion of justice to happen. Ever.

God help us.

6 years ago

Europe, do you want ethnic cleansing? Because this is how it begins….