News Briefs – 05/23/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

7 weeks ago, Reuters had the generic Congressional poll as 43.9 Democrat to 32.7 Republican. Last week it was 39 Republican to 36.7 Democrat. I think we are beginning to see people who gravitate to strength and decisiveness perceive that the real strength and decisiveness now is in the God Emperor and his party.

Spectator rehashes John Brennan’s Interagency Task Force to take out the Trump Campaign. Cabal was in too deep. Every other option was total destruction of everyone’s lives. And their option failed.

Roger Stone says John Brennan should pop the cyanide capsule now, and be done with it. Brennan was trained CIA, a Muslim, and a communist. If Cabal had a deputy director of their Directorate of Operations in the US, it would be him. Wild to think for how long there were no consequences for anything, and now we go from that to possible life prison terms. Brennan will try to flee – and likely fail.

Gunmen in Marseille Sweep up in cars, and unload with AK’s and 9mms, before speeding off. Nobody caught thus far, but France assures it is only drugs and not migrants. In reality it is probably both. After the Storm, there will be a war to reclaim Europe.

Germany will spend $92 billion on supporting migration over the next four years. If this is Cabal, and it is, that is an investment that it expects to see a return on. Is the money being siphoned off by NGO’s? Are they shorting the Euro? Something else?

Now people are whispering Frexit under their breath. K is building, but everybody just thinks it happens. Flood resources and create a boom, and the rabbitry would continue. But pull the plug on the glut by flooding in hostile migrant rabbits, as resources begin a decline, and it will rapidly become the age of the wolf.

There is a virus in India breaking out called Nipah, which kills 70% of those affected. 11 dead so far, with the latest death a nurse infected despite protection protocols.

Italy’s public debt is blowing past EU limits, but EU is afraid to do anything more than complain for fear Italy might split.

Americans’ finances are improving after one year of Trump. Trumpslide 2020. Maybe 2024 too, if we get a good Congress willing to update the law with a specific exemption for Trump.

Boy Scout Jamboree now must supply condoms to all participants and staff. I suspect this is more for the narrative. Were it not for the narrative to demoralize those who oppose this type of thing, they would prefer the molestations occur privately.

Awan Wiretapped a woman, drained her bank account, and she was too afraid to press charges. This was the problem once Cabal took over the security state. It turns out everyone knew Schneiderman was a sexual sadist beating and raping women. But he was a valued Cabal employee, blocking all prosecutions of Cabal assets from his position. So if you reported that he was illegally deploying the security state to intimidate his rape victims into compliance, Cabal central would deploy the security state on you, and next thing you knew a directed energy weapon would literally be deployed through your walls on you when you tried to sleep each night – and you couldn’t prove a thing and Police could be ordered to stand down. The result was everyone knew what Schneiderman was up to, and everyone was too terrified to do anything. Awan was the same thing. They were all above the law and knew it. Trump is literally rebuilding from scratch the old America we were raised to believe in, which had been completely destroyed. People don’t know how bad it got. Or how much it will take to restore freedom.

12 year old boy with Autism arrested because he held his arms as if he was holding a rifle.

A Turkish economic crash, which could spread globally, has begun. This could also drive war between Greece and Turkey, which could spread too. One problem at a time, I guess.

Leftist Professor found guilty of defacing the family home of NRA’s Chris Cox.

1400 Dutch girls forced into slavery each year by migrants. Import people from shithole countries, expect them to reconstitute a shithole in your country.

Supergirl casting a transgender character for season four. This will pass with Cabal.

Tufts University creates “Queer Space Course” that examines the aesthetics of bathouses and cruising grounds. We need more amygdala.

Germany has a bribe-taking scandal with state employees admitting all sorts of security risk migrants in return for cash, regardless of rules.

Russia’s first floating Nuclear power plant arrives in the arctic.

Transgender “woman” walks into waxing studio and asks for a genital wax. When refused, she says, “Women have penises and women have balls and if your staff is not comfortable then they can look for another job.” Now she has filed a $50,000 human rights complaint, which Canada may very well levy on the studio.

Utah Sen Lee wants to cut back power of BLM. The article is not that big a deal, but it made be think back to the Bundy Saga, and wonder if we will find out that the whole episode was choreographed by Cabal for some money-making purpose.

Tell friends about r/K Theory because Cabal being news is new

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Duke Norfolk
5 years ago

“Trumpslide 2020. Maybe 2024 too, if we get a good Congress willing to update the law with a specific exemption for Trump.”

Hey, I’m all for it, but it’s not a law that’s in the way, it’s the 22d amendment. A bit of a higher hurdle. Unless we move into ignoring the Constitution entirely (instead of doing so piecemeal, de facto, as the Lefties have been doing for decades). Could happen. Interesting times, and all that.

Samuel Nock
Samuel Nock
5 years ago

This VDare article has an extensive discussion of fast and slow Life History Strategy, which is essentially r and K.

5 years ago

Western Europe and its Anglosphere Diaspora is like one large Jim Jones Temple, and everyone has drunk the Kool-Aid.

Your title links are just overwhelmingly disturbing, psychotic. It is like watching the Lemmings storm over the cliff.

I guess we reap what we sow. The Fruit of the Enlightenment—the Death of Europe and Europeans. Has any one called for the renunciation of the Enlightenment and its ideas?

5 years ago

Talking about Schneiderman, his victim Tanya Selvaratnam is actually famous, she wrote a book about the dangers of delaying pregnancy. She’s had a tough life. You’d think she’d have known better than take up with this piece of scum.

5 years ago

AC –

You might find this interesting . . .

5 years ago



Repost of the interview with the Republican Human Rights Activist Patrick Little who is running for Senate in California:

June 5th on California, VOTE LITTLE – WIN BIG!

>Who is Patrick Little?

Patrick is a United States Marine Corps Veteran who served with honor in Afghanistan. Patrick is running as a Republican and is in 2nd place behind Dianne (((Feinstein))) in the California Senate race. 2nd place is a VICTORY in the June 5th California Primary.

>What is Pat’s platform?

-Merit-based employment in all government agencies and ending affirmative action.
-Nationalize Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all other natural monopolies in the IT industry.
-Limit representation of Jews in the government.
-Outlaw lobbying of foreign governments.
-Death penalty for any politician introducing a bill for foreign aid to Israel.
-Reparations to families of the victims of Jewish terrorist attacks on the US.
-Give descendants of slaves a one time payment funded by diverting aid from the original slave traders: Israel.
-Repeal the 1965 Immigration Act and restore the policies of the National Origins Act.


Patrick Little tells you what he thinks about the terrorist state of Israel -> His website. Visit now!

Read his AMA’s here:

ZOG and mossadpedia already trying to unperson Patrick Little.
The deep state fears Patrick Little.

See here:


5 years ago

European citizen armies are coming back. They’ve already been impressive.

5 years ago

You were saying about the UK recently….


Makes me think of that quote by Solzenitsyn

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956

5 years ago

Here’s a story I found interesting. Apparently a variety of middle aged women in Sweden are now buying sex from middle eastern migrants:

“Amin, who turns out to be 17 years old and comes from Morocco, tells the story that he has been living in more than 20 different countries before illegally entering Sweden.

The young man and his comrades live in central Stockholm – among others at Sergel’s square.

Some of them are dedicated to selling sex to older and middle-aged Swedish women, says Amin.

The women demand sex with “refugee children”, according to the Swedish Radio’s documentary.

– I have met more elderly women, mothers, widows, divorced and married women. They offer money, ceilings, showers and food to six. If you want to go along, otherwise you say no, says Amin.

Prostitution is reported to take place when the evening has come and the drug trafficking and other criminal activities have stopped.”

5 years ago

One theory is the BLM was tied up with land for uranium mining as part of U1. Our enemies get U to enrich for false flags and general instability, the Cabal operators get money from the deal, and rural landowners get hosed.

More generally, Federal land management agencies are fronts for cabal ops. The recreation (parks, monuments) plays with clueless urban shitlibs and is a perfect front. Meanwhile, “environmental” decisions handed down from D.C. impoverish adjacent rural communities and make them dependent on tourism and grants instead of maximizing local ag and industry. Federal land is basically a trojan horse the Dems use to attack the host red states.

5 years ago

I was wondering if the Supergirl show would do exactly that with one of its main characters. The Martian Manhunter has shapeshifting in his powers menu, and I guessed that the writers would have all kinds of fun with him “transitioning” back and forth between male and female personas. I’m glad that they decided to forego this “opportunity”, because it would have been just one more nasty way to rub feces on a genre that I loved as a kid and my children loved in turn.