Expert Warns Antidepressants Linked To Violence


In the wake of recent senseless acts of violence, especially in schools, the mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHR) urged state authorities and educators not to adopt “mental health screening” in schools in the false hope that it could prevent the violence… the newer antidepressants “boost serotonin levels in the brain” and “in rare cases, they can contribute to extreme violence, murder and suicide, particularly in the first few weeks they are taken…. Dr. Effrem stated, “There are so many problems with the foundation of these programs, it is difficult to know where to begin. Let’s start with the admitted subjectivity of mental illness diagnostic criteria…

So you could program a killer in a way that would work on its own, and then start them on antidepressants just before you pull their trigger, and it would only help.

Q says Big Pharma is Cabal, Inc, and Cabal Inc makes mass shooters. And Big Pharma produces a drug we have always known is associated with almost every mass shooter.

Q does cause a lot of disparate facts we saw that seemed unrelated within the old paradigm to suddenly gel into a cohesive picture.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because you can’t trust the medical profession as much as you can trust r/K

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Lina Inverse
Lina Inverse
5 years ago

And Big Pharma produces a drug we have always known is associated with almost every mass shooter.

Except they don’t any more, except for the new drugs Viibryd, which is dangerous, and Brintellix, which was renamed to Trintellix. A quick check with Wikipedia confirms all the other specific reuptake or receptor modulator drugs are off patent, most for a long time. Didn’t check the previous generation of tricyclic and tetracyclic anti-depressants, but the bottom line is that doctors aren’t prescribing brand name anti-depressants as first line drugs, they try one or more generics first, and thus Big Pharma isn’t making big bucks on this. (In fact, as it becomes steadily harder to find any new drugs, their current business model is rapidly becoming unprofitable.)

5 years ago

Karl Denninger ( has written about this over and over in recent years. SSRIs and other psychoactive drugs are, and have long been known, to turn sub-25 year olds (esp males) into rage monsters. Non-trivial numbers worth.
He also has done great work on the fat/carbohydrate issues, and how destructive it’s been for our health. Good site on economic news too.